

It's been a couple of days since I escaped Azkaban and moved into Potter manor, I have been training almost everyday for twenty four hours. My apparition has gotten better and so has my charms and transfiguration.

Currently, I'm planning out how to get to France, I basically have to take a portkey but I'm not sure where to procure one. It's not like a memorized every shop in wizarding Britain, although thinking of memorization I should learn Occlumency, it would be rather useful to understand.

"Dobby," I called

"Sir great potter sit dobby be here!" Dobby exclaimed honestly this little guy confuses me sometimes his grammar and English are good but other times he talks like any other house elf.

"Did you ever need to buy any portkeys for the Malfoys?" I asked

"No sir dobby was a bad house elf and not trusted," Dobby said his ears slightly drooping at the thought

"Oh well, I need to get a portkey for France, specifically to Place Cachée," I said

Place Cachée is the French version of Diagon Alley I am excited to visit especially because I have never been to any magical area except Diagon Alley and that was just through Harry's memories.

"Dobby can get one for you sir wanted potter," Dobby replied

Sir wanted potter? That's new well Dobby is known for his funny nicknames.

*pop* and he's gone

The painting I want to steal is called planète des amoureux, in English, the words roughly translate to the planet of lovers, it's a beautiful piece of art depicting two lovers holding hands looking at a bright planet, it's said the planet was a Lumos charm leading the lovers to paradise. A famous French wizard painter by the name of Milo Suchet painted it, he was rumored to be in a close relationship with a veela which lead him to paint planète des amoureux for her. Truly a beautiful piece of art it will do well in my house.

The painting is being held in the Museum of French art. This means I'm going to need to stake out the place and create a unique plan.


"Dobby has returned!" Dobby my amazing house-elf exclaimed

"Haha yes yes you did. Did you manage to get a portkey to Place Cachée?" I asked

"Yea sir harry criminal mastermind!" Dobby said handing me a fancy-looking stick, it had silver engravings forming the words Place Cachée.

"Just break it in twos master sir," Dobby said


[next day]

I spent the rest of yesterday packing and making sure I wasn't forgetting anything important.

The outfit I bought from the shop has built-in translation runes so I don't need to learn French although it would be cool. It also has some runes that connect to my fake Ids making me look like the person in the photos which I think is one of the best features.

Okay, I can do this, be calm don't be overly excited, I repeated over and over again in my head like a mantra.

Slowly I took out the portkey and snapped it.


I appeared in what appeared to be a customs center.

"Hello, sir please hand over your ID," The worker asked

"Yes of course," I replied handing over my fake

"So Mr.Vinsmoke? What brings you to France?" he asked

"Sightseeing mostly, I plan to take a look at some new cauldrons and some famous areas then move onward to America or maybe an Asian country," I responded calmly

"I see, well everything checks out hope your stay in France is pleasant." the man said before signaling the next person inline

I stepped out of the building, what greeted me was a beautiful stone street with many magical shops nearby, I started to walk I didn't have any specific destination in mind slowly I made it to what could only be a cafe. It was called Café Abringer which was a dead giveaway if I'm being honest.


The bell atop the door gave a slight ring to my presence.

"Hello sit please sit wherever you want." a young lady said to me

"Perfect thank you," I replied

I picked a spot in the corner by the window, there was a multitude of reasons for this, one just in case of an attack my back won't be vulnerable, two I can watch the people in the cafe better, and three the most important reason is simply because right across the street stood in all of its glory the French museum of art.

"Sir what would you like to order?" the waitress asked me

"May I have the signature coffee of this fine establishment?" I asked softly

"Of course sir," she replied before walking away

While waiting I happened to hear pieces of what the other customers were saying.

"Did you guys see the news Harry Potter escaped Azkaban." one guy said

"Yeah I saw it I wonder how a kid his age could pull that off." Another replied

"I know right?" the third friend added

I had to hold in my laughter, soon the waitress came back with my coffee. I spent hours in the cafe slowly taking in the ambiance and watching the guards shift.

As I left I accidentally bumped Into some rich looking fellow,

"Sorry," I said

"Haha it's fine." the man replied walking into the cafe

Yeah, I'm sure it won't be in a bit.

---Pov random man ---

Ah, such a blissful day today, today I will propose to my lovely angelic girlfriend, I just bought a nice ring to propose to her with, it cost a lot of Bezant but, it was worth every single coin.

I greeted the waitress as I waited for my wife.

"Hello, miss I would like two of the house specials." I politely ordered

"Yes sir." the waitress said before walking off

*ring* the usually annoying bell noise sounded, as my mesmerizing fiance stepped through. The bell sounded like a heavenly symphony guiding her, my angle into this lowly cafe where we first met.

"Jeanne Toussaint, from the very second I laid my eyes on you I knew you were the one. You have always stayed by my side in sickness and in health. You make me the happiest man in the world, Jeanne you complete me." I said with a bright smile

I reached into my pocket to grab the ring but, I couldn't, the ring was gone.

How?! I started to go through everything I did today after getting the ring and realized. It WAS THE GUY WHO BUMPED INTO ME!

He ruined my proposal and we don't even know each other.

---pov Harry ---

I've spent the last couple of days routinely checking on the outside guards and the inside ones. They asked me once why I kept coming here and I simply said it was because one painting reminded me of my family.

Everything was going perfect until I realized every painting has wards covered all around them. They are going to be a pain to break, not to mention that because of this there are almost zero chances of not alarming the wizarding forces of my theft.

Sigh there is a way I could learn ward breaking, and excel at it but those greedy creatures always want every penny you have before striking the deal.

Goblins I need Goblins.

I grabbed another portkey out of my pocket and returned to potter manor. I then mare my way to Gringotts,

"Hello, Krugnar I need something from the Goblins," I said

"What do you want brat." He snarled back

"Well, I want you to grab the head Goblin here trust me you will make a good amount of money," I replied

Soon another goblin came into the room.

"I'm head Goblin Agrod. What business do you have here wizard," he said

" I want you to teach me about wards and how to break them," I replied

"Harharhar what a foolish wizard leave now," Argod said barking in laughter

"The potter family vault has some Goblin weapons I'm willing to depart with some," I said seriously

"Hmm still the answer is no leave now wizard," Argod said

"Okay first let me take a trip to my vault," I said With a harmless smile

"Acceptable," Argod said

I made a trip to my vault the second I was in I quickly stuffed everything into my inventory, I already moved the portraits so what was left was the money and artifacts along with some papers.

Right after I exited My vault I made my way upstairs with Krugnar behind me, right as I was about to leave through the door I turned to Krugnar and said, "I have just emptied the Potter vault, if Argod doesn't meet my request he makes nothing."

Krugnars eyes bulged for a second, but before he could react I was gone. Like I predicted in thirty short minutes a letter was delivered to me, saying Argod would like to set a meeting.

I replied,

Yes, I would love to have a sit down meeting with Argod, but I don't feel safe at Gringotts how about a neutral meeting grounds. I would like for you to come to potter manor.

May your blade feast on the blood of your foes,

Lord Harry James Potter

While I waited I practiced my charm and transfiguration magic. Soon I felt a slight tug at the ward line. Opening the door I saw Head Goblin Argod.

"Please come in," I said amicably

"Your wards are horrible, potter," Argod said stepping in

"Aha yes compared to goblin wards they are," I replied

"So what is your decision Argod?" I asked

"Why should I not kill you for what you have done? You are my foe at the moment!" Argod said

"Well because I simply just took back my money nothing more nothing less that's hardly illegal," I replied calmly

"Tch," Argod sneered under his breath

"So will you teach me all about wards?" I asked

"Yes now return the money into Gringotts." the goblin said fiercely

"Now now that's hardly a way to make deals how am I supposed to trust you?" I responded slyly

"I will keep my word." he snarled

"I am afraid I can't trust that, one fourth will be put back into the vaults now another fourth later, and another when we are done I will be keeping the last fourth," I said

He seemed to think about it for a bit and then said, "fine, I like you human."

"You aren't too bad yourself," I replied with a smile

Before he left I said one last thing, "Argod may your blade spill the blood of many and your pockets grow bigger."

"Harhar I like you!"


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