
Chapter 12

The taller, adult one is the one who answers, "I'm sorry to interrupt your training, but we were hoping to talk with you."

"… Okay? And you are?"

The small with childlike height speaks, "I'm Kakashi and this is my dad, don't you remember us?"

He tries to give his best deadpan he can in his direction, he then moves his hand in front of his face and waves. "I'm sorry if I can't see you, I'm blind after all. And I don't remember very well the voice of someone I just heard once."


"Kakashi," Sakumo says, his hand on top of his son's shoulder. "My apologies for the misunderstanding, can we talk?"

He shrugs, wondering what there's to talk about. He's mostly worried at the show of annoyance he's heard in Kakashi's voice, he's seemed a pretty chill guy, though it doesn't surprise him going on by the rumors running around. Sakumo's voice sounded pretty tired, too.

When they're near, Sakumo sits down with enviable grace while Kakashi practically slumps down, which increases her worry. Kakashi seems to have no more fucks to give.

"So…" he starts, trying to look at both of their faces. Even if he can't see expressions, he can still 'see' the slump on Sakumo's shoulders and the tightness of Kakashi's. He's defensive and ready to lash out. "What's going on?"

"Again, I'm sorry to interrupt your training, I mostly wanted to thank you." He tilts his head and nods at him to proceed. "I'm sure you have heard… the rumors."

"Hard not to," Yuki says not unkindly.

"Yes, well, I was in a bad place after that. Still am, actually. A couple of days ago I—I tried to kill myself," he stops here to stroke Kakashi's back who just let out a whine. "I kept thinking Kakashi would do better without me. However, I remembered your words and I hesitated. Kakashi found me in our house with my blade in my hands, still hesitating. He stopped me."


He changed something. He was able to do a change. It may sound like a small change, but its consequences are big. He can't help but warmly smile at them. "I'm so, so happy you're still with us, Hatake-san."

"Please, call me Sakumo. Though from your tone of voice I conclude you're not surprised." Yuki stiffens slightly at his words. "Though I know I shouldn't ask as you can be considered my savior. However, I can't deny being curious. After all, you did warn me so long before it happened."

Should he tell him? He can't make any changes because of being a kid, but Sakumo's different. He's an adult and someone with the strength of a Kage from what he's heard. And although there is not much he remembers from this time, he mostly knows about the canon timeline.

He glances at Kakashi, who he can practically hear bristle at the silent demand to go away. "I'm sorry about Kakashi, he hasn't let me out of his sight since it happened."

Oh, what the hell.

"Well, I can tell you about it. But you must promise me not to let anyone else know. Not even the Hokage. I'm your savior, as you said. I think you would owe me nothing if you promise to just keep the information between us."

He can feel him hesitate. "If it's something that can damage Konoha…"

"Is just information, Hatake-san, I'm not telling you to do anything."

Though information can do damage a well, case in point: The rumors.

After a couple of seconds, he nods his head. When he remembers he's blind, he says instead, "Okay, I promise."

"Great," Souma says with a smile. "Now, I'm probably sure you've already read all reports done about me."

He nods once again, this time thoughtfully. "Yes, I read your medical file. It says you lost your sight the same day you gained amazing powers over water. Do you mean to tell me, something else happened?"

"Well, it did happen how it says in my file. I woke up in a dark space, I was given the time to choose if I wanted a random flaw for the chance at gaining a random power. I was mostly curious and accepted. I mean, which kid doesn't like to have powers, right?"

Not to mention how she had a countdown that made her anxious enough to not think.

"I saw a lot of things like someone was recounting a story, and one of those things was Kakashi finding your dead body." Kakashi takes an intake of breath, but Souma still continues. Sakumo needs to hear it. "It would have destroyed him, molding him into someone who only respects and follows the rules. He wouldn't be able to emote well until he realized too late that there was more to it. Failing into depression and while he did not kill himself, he did a lot of suicide-like missions."

He hears Sakumo gulping as he grabs Kakashi's hand, his head slightly bowed.

"Why did you care?" Kakashi asks, voice rough with the tears he's restraining. "We weren't friends or anything. Why did you tell him then. It's not that I'm not grateful, but still… why?"

He looks in his direction, lips pressed tightly. "Although I admired your perseverance in school, it was mostly because you are a kid. You didn't deserve to lose your father just because I wanted to hide this information. No one deserves that."

Sakumo vows his head until it touches the ground and says 'Thank you' once, but with feeling. Yuki quickly moves to help him sit right once again.

"Don't worry. Besides, it wasn't your fault, the war was already brewing for some time. If it wasn't for someone spreading the rumors, it wouldn't have gotten as harsh as it is."

That straightens them up.

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