

Fein had to take matters into his own hands. He could not let his shadow soldiers suffer any more losses. He decided to use his perception ability to locate the members of the evil sect himself. He spread his consciousness throughout the entire South, searching for any sign of their presence.

It was a difficult task, but after hours of searching, Fein was able to locate the remaining members of the evil sect.

Fein appeared like a dark storm, swift and deadly. The members of the evil sect stood no chance against him. They tried to use their powers against him, but Fein was too quick and too powerful. He killed them one by one, with precise strikes that left no room for survival.

Fein approached the last member of the sect, a tall man with a grim expression. The man tried to beg for his life, but Fein was in no mood for mercy. He grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him up, his eyes glowing brighter than ever.

"Please, have mercy!" the man cried.

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