
Chapter 204 Xu Jun State's Chance for Revenge

"Forget about that for a moment. I want to ask, why do you call Tai Chan the people's second strongest participant?" Shan Buhan asked Ju Gan.

"Is that really a question? He hasn't even fought to the last round and they're already putting him after that Prince Fai ..., I can't remember his name. That's silly as hell," Ju Gan said agitatedly.

"He's placed second because he has shown his strength before, same as Prince Fai Nie. And you know something, they're way ahead of you in the formation of their battle form," Shan Buhan said as he advised Ju Gan, "prove your strength in the tournament, and you will be the people's choice."

"You're right. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to beat the hell out of Tai Chan and Prince Fai Nie and then become the strongest Prince level existence in all of the lower world of Gu Gongy," Ju Gan said as he glanced at the two[2] possible strongest Prince level existences.

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