

Vain peeked the corner only to see a gloopy blob coming in his direction. The blob looked to be made of black tar. There appeared to be veins pulsating in random spots on the blob.

Vain took one look and decided to avoid such a strange entity entirely. Moving through the halls, Vain nearly ran in the opposite direction to the entity. After fifteen minutes, Vain saw the hall changed into an open room with a small desk and lots of chairs around.

Taking a good look around, Vain could not see any entities or even anything suspicious. The only thing that could be seen as there were three long hallways connecting to the room in the corners. With the hall he had just come from that would make four halls. After looking around the square room for a while, Vain noticed there was not even the sound of clicking like before. Waiting for a while there was nothing to hear except the sound of his own breathing.

Thinking about it for a while Vain took a good look at each of the halls, but then he finally noticed the strangeness of the room. Looking from one hall to another would change what the hall before would look like.

One hall looked like a cement hall with the same doors with random numbers on them. The next hall was a completely red hall, but still the same doors with random numbers on them. Looking back at the cement hall it had changed into a green hall within that time. Looking at the red room after that you would be able to see the long hall suddenly gained a corner and changed into a black color.

Checking the changes for a while, Vain was only able to tell that the doors never moved within the halls themselves. Looking back at the yellow hall he had just come from, Vain saw that it had changed into a dilapidated ruin with the doors fitting the aesthetic, but still in the same place he had seen them before.

After a good half an hour Vain decided to explore another hall to see what is so special about this place. So after a good while, Vain chose a hall that had walls that had plant-like patterns and leaf-themed doors.

First starting by checking the first door which had the number 437, Vain opened it leading to a hall that had walls that looked like blood. Closing that door cause who wants to be stuck in such a creepy hall, Vain moved on to the next door. The number was 172 on the door. Inside led to a hall with blue walls and almost like a regular hotel look.

Taking a deep breath Vain walked inside the door.

The first thing seen inside the hall was a Clicker moving around away from where Vain entered. After a few careful steps the door that Vain had just walked out of closed behind him. The door number he had walked out of had the number 76. Thinking about it Vain tried to open up the door to see if anything on the other side had just randomly changed.

Opening the door again Vain saw another entity already standing right in front of the door. A humanoid entity with pitch-black skin and the skin appeared to be cracked revealing the red under the skin. Looking similar to some type of bloody charcoal, the entity appeared hideous.

Behind the entity revealed a hall with purple walls, but before the entity could do anything Vain simply closed the door immediately. Waiting for a bit to see if the entity could open the door, Vain decided that he would focus more on the halls instead of the doors that are everywhere.

Taking a good look around where he was, Vain saw a shelf with a key on it. Besides this one shelf with only a key on it, there was nothing else around. Vain thought about it for a moment and decided to pocket the key first and later he would see the usefulness of the item. picking up the key, Vain suddenly felt the entire world shift.

"F*** ... "

Vain tried to drop the key, but by then it was already too late. While the key fell on the floor the surroundings changed into a bloody hall and different entities suddenly surrounded Vain from all sides.

Eight entities standing around himself, Vain saw they howled before he could even orient himself correctly. Feeling the looming danger of death, Vain pulled out his beaten-up sword and got ready for a fight to the death.

The first entity to attack was a strange humanoid with plant-like skin that was green. Its' arms looked to be made of vines, and after a closer inspection, the entity appeared to be mostly made of vines all around.

The Vine entity attacked first with its' longer reach than the other two entities. Somehow Vain's sword was still sharp, allowing him to still fight and chop off whatever vines came his way since the combat was like a combination of both fighting something like the Tentacles entity and the Clump entity.

After chopping off the first attack, Vain remembered he had a gun for situations like these. So when the next entity was already too close, Vain pulled out his gun from its' holster and shot at it without any hesitation. The entity was a Tentacles entity that was already moving a bit faster than its other entities surrounding it.

Shooting twice, the Tentacle squealed and became crazy and attacked everything around without caring what was around. The random attacking meant the Tentacle knocked a Bleeding Coal entity away along with an entity that looked like a humanoid fish.

Getting the smallest of leeway, Vain turned to the entities behind himself only to see a slow-moving pulsating Blob of black tar again. Cutting a few more attacks from the Vine, Vain saw the entirety of the entities surrounding him were 3 Blobs, 1 Vine, 1 Tentacle, 2 Bleeding Coals, and 1 Mermaid.

The Mermaid was the closest while the Vine kept attacking from afar. The Mermaid escaped the random attacks of the Tentacle, but both Bleeding Coals were stuck being attacked and started to focus on using their black claws to defend themselves. It was at this point Vain also realized how creepy the blood looked all around their bodies.

Unfortunately Vain had no time to focus on how strange and creepy some entities were and instead focused on killing the Mermaid that had gotten too close for comfort.

Attacking the vines that came his way one more time, Vain focused on the Mermaid and attack at the neck first to see how it reacts, but surprisingly the entity just let out a strange gargle and died without much problem. Although surprised, Vain had no time to truly think about how easy such an entity was to beat, but instead focused on the next immediate threat.

Focusing on the Vine, Vain could now tell the difficulty of this entity. As he got closer, Vain kept having to cut through more vines more often. A few feet away from the Vine, Vain was stuck in place cutting everything that came his way. Vain also realized that if he had not waited so long to attack, he would not be in the same position. The Vine had planted itself on different spots into the wall that allowed itself to make a great defense to have more and more attacks against the enemy.

After being able to move a single step every ten seconds, Vain slowly moved to the Vine until he attacked the main body. Unfortunately, not everything could be as easy as the Mermaid. The Vine split and Vain was forced to move away farther to get a plan started to fight against the Vine without having his bones broken by the attacks coming his way.

Doing a quick check of the other entities revealed the Blobs had gotten way too close, but the good news was they appeared to be focusing on the nearer entities that had suddenly gotten a blood feud between each other. The fighting entities were now seriously injured with several tentacles on the floor and so much blue and red blood to accompany it. The Bleeding Coals weren't in a great shape either having lost one arm each cutting back greatly on their attack methods.

Now focusing more on the entities in front of himself, Vain tried to find the way to kill the Vine.

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