
Chapter 9 - Training my brother, Kenichi

"Gladly." I said rushing towards him using my [ Heat Mode ] to at least catch up to his strength and saw his movement that was bearable enough as I evaded his sword taking my time to analyze his sword technique. It's kind of rough and he's called the strongest swordsman? Yeah right. How many battles had this guy been in? Oh well, this makes things easier. My [ Spiral Powers ] churned as it empowered me to overcome my opponent.

"Let me tell you something, Zastin. I really admire your loyalty to the king of Deviluke, but what I hate the most is forcing someone to do things they don't want to. That's why I'm planning to win." My tone was wild and a bit rough since I'm in my [ Heat Mode ]

"Haruto..." I could hear Lala affected by my words and I was simply being honest. A freedom, something I didn't have until I met my family.

"Then let me tell you something as well. In our short exchange, I concluded that while you are a powerful warrior, you are still inexperienced. You move mostly on instinctively, but it looks like you didn't use your full capabilities. I still can't approve of your marriage to Lala-sama. A husband to Lala-sama can't be a spineless man. He will be the ruler of countless planets that are right now under king Deviluke's care, but if you manage to defeat me..." He was confident and crazy strong but It was still possible to take advantage of his mishap base from my [ Foresight ]

"Hahahaha say no more…"

We waited patiently for the leaf to land. With every sway, the tension rose, but both of us were oblivious to what Lala was doing. I'm still a human, and I was focused on both the leaf and Zastin. The leaf finally reached the ground, and at that moment, we dashed at each other and clashed as I predicted his movement as he swing to a horizontal left slash that I ducked and before he could get another change grabbed a hold of his wrist and used my knee to break his arms force him to let go of the sword that stopped working as it fell.

"Now, it's an even playing field. I wonder how far you'll go without it." I said as I still held his arms and snapped my leg and hit his face directly hitting his chin then afterwards l placed my leg at the back of his head as I Let go of his hand and slammed my feet into the pavement as I managed to disarm and overwhelm him by exploiting his weakness.

I wasn't done yet and held out my hand then threw a powerful fist strike into the ground pushing Zastin farther into the floor. He won't die from my attacks anyway but at least enough to stun him as I stepped back to analyze my next move. Zastin stood back and was ready to fight again but a voice came in.

"Stop fighting!" Lala shouted as my [ Hear Mode ] vanished and my strength returned to normal. I could hear them argue like in the story where Zastin gave his point about the next ruler.

"I used the marriage as an excuse so I wouldn't have to go back, at first that is but after hearing what Haruto was saying and how hard he was fighting just for my freedom..." Lala turned to me.

"I think I really can... marry you, Haruto. I mean, I want to marry you!!!" Her sincere tone reminded me of how easy I am to straightforward and honest people. Should I accept? Rejecting a cute girl like lala would make me look like a loser. But Fuck it I won't lose anything anyway.

"*Sigh* I don't know what to say…I certainly don't know how to feel but a cute girl asking me this honestly then I don't mind seeing where it leads. Not to mention, my consciousness wouldn't allow me to give you away to some alien that only wants your family's throne." I can't say I love Lala nor like her but I can at least say I'm attracted to her honesty because I dislike those who scheme. My words made Lala smile and happy.

"I'm glad that you are feeling the same way. It's decided then." Lala is too precious! Alright, I won't hand her over to anyone. She's like Miu. Maybe I should let the two meet as soon as possible.

"I lost Earthling. It is my duty to follow king Deviluke's orders... Thus I was oblivious as to how Lala-sama felt, or rather, I knew but tried not to think about it, but you would risk fighting me for her freedom. I admit my loss. I don't know if the countless husband candidates from places all over the universe all agree with it, but I will report to king Deviluke myself... that we can entrust Lala-sama to you! You who not only truly understand Lala-sama's feelings but also feel the same way as her. Your words truly moved my heart...!"

And so he left, leaving Lala still hugging my arm between her bust, by the way. I could easily see her three sizes with my eyes. I then received a kiss on the cheek and saw her beautiful smile. This is how my life is, huh?


It was the next day and I woke up rather early, still a bit tired with the event yesterday. Wish I had those game recovery where you simply need to sleep and you're held back to full. I sat up and stretched my body as I noticed someone beside me and saw Lala naked. She's quite the exhibition huh? I gotta buy her clothes since Peke won't last long.

Well that's too much stimulus. I grabbed the sheets and covered her body whileI tried to sneak trying not to wake her up and stood up stretching my body looking to the side, noticing my body had grown more lean with noticeable muscle definition. I warm up my body to remove my arousal using it to increase my testosterone. I've been told that this is one way to control one's lust.

I glance back at Lala who was sleeping where she looked really vulnerable and I'm tempted to kiss her but I don't know her even though I know the story because of the memory doesn't mean I have the right to take advantage of her. It's like reading an article about an artist and knowing them through it doesn't give you the right to act like you know each other.

She's technically my fiancee now but I won't act until we feel more comfortable with each other. I turned my attention at the door before leaving the house and doing a light jog until I met with Kenichi once again doing the same routine as before.

"Haaaa….you …sure I can….stronger by…doing this?" Kenichi was tired once again and I was doing my own exercise on a handstand sweating bullets.

"Stop thinking about the result and focus on the progress! Remember I said! If you don't believe in yourself then believe in me that has believes in you! Keep strife to move forward each passing moment as you grow closer to your goal." I said while Kenichi still had some doubts but still remained and put a lot of effort into it. Once we're done doing the morning workout I started to give some pointers to Kenichi.

"Listen up, Kenichi-chan. When you're going to fights, it's best to not hesitate and have faith in yourself. Win or lose, fight." I said as he listened to me teach him what I know.

"Most basic thing to remember when attacking is to let your opponent take the first shot and use the opportunity to intercept it. When you attack first it is a lot easier to counter unless you know the fundamentals of feints." Martial arts and their basic knowledge are essential in a fight. Naturally humans would react in certain movements with only extremely skilled fighters able to discern them.

"If you're physically weak then it's best to aim in the vulnerable part of the body. In addition, don't simply punch, our hands are extremely vulnerable because it has a lot of movement, this is the reason why fighters wear gloves." Kenichi was listening intently since he mostly read martial art techniques in a book. To be fair, my knowledge is through the martial arts I gain.

"Though, Boxers and other fighters condition themselves to it but even they are at risk of breaking their hands. Anyway, as I was saying you have to always wait for the opportunity to attack that gives you the best advantage. Remember, unless you're in a sport then use anything you can." I said showing an example where I imagined someone in front of me, I was simply showboxing. Let me imagine someone fast….

"Look, imagine I'm fighting someone. Don't think about attacking, wait for the right moment and strike. Of course there are many ways to take down someone but if you want it to be safe then do this." I stepped forward and tripped my opponent as Kenichi watched as if seeing my opponent.

"Take note, Martial arts is well an art, it is akin to dancing, therefore you have to also keep in mind your footwork and stands." Finishing the lesson Kenichi nodded and thought about my words.

"There are more lessons but we will be here for hours to no end that's why let's end here." I said as we finished training for that day Kenichi was complaining about his aching body.

"Kenichi-chan remember, pain is weakness leaving the body. This is going to be a long path filled with blood, sweat and tears but are you willing to go back being weak or are you going to keep moving forward?" When the Hell did I become this wise? Probably because of my brotherly instinct to motivate my brothers. People often say I'm kind but no push over.

"...You always know what to motivate me, brother." He said while I smiled and patted his back as we finally parted ways and I arrived back to take a cold bath. Oh why haven't I tried this before! Warm water is nice but this is better. I could feel my blood circulating and healing my body.

Few minutes later I finished up and went to my room where I found Mikan at the door of my room. Based on her reaction I have to explain a few things about my current situation. She spotted me showing a huge frown. That's cute. But are you really 11 years old? Jeez, can you stop looking at me like that?

"Haruto-Nii….why is there a naked girl in your room?"

"Well, the other night she appeared in my bathroom and apparently she's from another planet having left her home after her parents wanted her to marry some aliens. Being gentlemen, I saved her and ended up being engaged." I bluntly said I was wiping my hair and getting inside my room. I could see Mikan trying to say something but couldn't. Hey, I don't like lying. I like to be honest when I can.

"....is there anything else you need, Mikan-chan?" I asked while she decided to give up since she knows I rarely lie and will be blunt as possible.

"Well, if you need any help I'll be downstairs." Mikan simply left and headed to the kitchen to think about what I just said. I soon got dressed as Lala began to wake up.

"Mmmm…Haruto, Good morning."

"Morning to you too, Lala-chan. Did you sleep well?"


She still looked sleepy and rather cute that I wanted to head pat her but her body was rather distracting.

"Why are you naked? Last I remember you were wearing a Peke last night."

"It's hard for me to stay in Lala-sama's outfit all the time. That's why she's naked." I obviously know but wouldn't hurt to ask and I nodded in response.

"Oh yeah! I have to go out today! Peke!" Lala said as Peke began to transform and became an outfit.

"Okay, Haruto! I'll be going out today." She went to the window and flew away while I knew what she was planning on doing. I doubt anyone could hurt her.

'I need to head to school.'

[ Quest Created! ]

[ Task: Head to school! ]

[ Reward: 100 Yen ]

I did my usual routine and had breakfast with everyone before heading to school. We met up with Kenichi who looked sluggish from the constant strain of his body but my guy is tanky and tough.

"What happened to you?" Rito asked him, noticing how he was moving.

"I've been joining Haruto-Nii's exercises." Kenichi answered, which surprised Rito.

"When did you start exercising, Nii-san?" Rito asked, looking at me.

"Won't tell you. I don't like lying doesn't mean I like telling secrets. It's more fun that way hehehe." I chuckled seeing his reaction and soon enough arrived at school. Everything went as usual where Miu often ate with us and frankly it was a dull day. Damn being battle junkie makes me itch for more battles. I wonder if there's any underground fights for me to improve my skills.

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