
The Beginning of Chaos IV

The closer Victor got to the area with people fighting, the more the familiar scent of vampires came to his senses. By the time he got close enough, he could make out figures of vampires fighting against what was most likely the human side that had come to check out what was happening around the gate. Though, it seemed like they had been carried away by all the fighting that they did not noticed the vampires that slipped away and were murdering the humans in the city everywhere. Victor didn't know how to describe it, it was almost as though they were in a crazed state.

'It has to be them then.' Victor said in his mind as his eyes gave a light glow, and through the chaos around a vampire seemed to have caught sight of them.

Shining red eyes weren't something exclusive to vampires, but it was something very telling, and for vampires that very possibly may have come from a different world, it couldn't be said what was the norm.

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