
Chapter Eight

Closing the door behind him, Ethan turned his gaze to Tala. "Is Tony still outside, Alpha Female?" He uttered in a low voice.

"No, he is in his office," Tala reported giving him a sly look. "I'm sure if you hurry you can finish up talking with him before Ember finishes the assignment."

Ethan gave her a quick nod of his head and a slight bow before he headed for the front office hoping that his Alpha didn't need him for long. He had a feeling that Ember wouldn't wait once she was done if he wasn't back by then.

Knocking on his Alpha's door, he waited for the summons to enter opening the door when it came.

"Alpha, you requested my presence," Ethan stated walking into the room and closing the door behind him. "It must be important, if you left the party."

"Not really, but I wanted to give you heads up since I just got the news," Tony told him standing up from his desk. "Alex called to inform me that Alpha Leo may be asking for protection within the next few weeks. He wasn't sure of all the details only that it would be protecting an Alpha Female who is being stalked by an unknown individual group."

"No information on why," Ethan asked a frown on his face.

"Not at the moment," Tony explained leaning a hip against the edge of the desk. "I've already informed Seb and I want you to start training, so you will be prepared when the call comes."

"Alpha Leo," Ethan muttered giving Tony a swift look.

"Yes, although why he is asking us when he is one of the strongest packs right alongside the sliver moon pack," Tony remarked running a hand through his hair. "Leo's fighter wolves are some of the best although I would put my fighter wolves up against them any day of the week."

Ethan gave a wolfish smile at the confidence his Alpha had in him and the other fighter wolves in his pack.

"Alex will keep me informed when he gets more information," Tony continued straightening and heading for the door.

Ethan followed him a thoughtful look on his face. "Lacy should be coming back soon, right," he asked meeting his Alpha's eyes. Lacy was their pack doctor, but she was currently visiting her parents who had come to see her when they sensed she was upset.

"Yes," Tony answered. "I received a message from her the other day about her parents' well-being although she admitted it took her some time to convince them that she will be fine."

"She decided to stay," Ethan surmised.

"She did, and I'm hoping that Alex will come to his senses sooner or later," Tony admitted sharing a look with Ethan who nodded his head in agreement. "Now, I'm to understand that there is a young woman who could be waiting for you."

"Hopefully, sir," Ethan replied giving his Alpha a small bow before he broke off heading back down the small side hallway to Tala's office.

Knocking on the door, Ethan pushed it open just as Ember stood up pushing the chair in.

"I made it back just in time," Ethan remarked stepping into the room seeing Ember jerk at his voice. "You were thinking of getting It done and slipping away, huh?"

"Well, yes," Ember admitted walking over to the door. "Ethan, I think…"

Ethan put a hand over her lips feeling their softness against his palm. "Why don't you just enjoy the party? I'll be your partner for the evening."

"But, what about Danna?" Ember asked glancing down when Ethan removed his hand from her mouth to take her hand interlocking their fingers. "She is waiting for you."

"Ethan has probably found another to keep her company for the evening," Ethan stated sounding so sure that Ember gave him a look.

"I thought you two were dating," she voiced in a soft voice.

Ethan didn't reply, but his hand squeezed hers in a light grip leading her back through the house to the party.

"What is this party for anyway?" Ember asked when they stepped outside just as music floated through the air.

Ethan diverted her attention by swinging her into his arms and dancing her onto the lawn unaware of the shock expressions that filtered through the crowd.

Ember laughed her eyes searching the crowd a frown flicking across her face when she didn't see Danna.

"Like I said, she found another to keep her company," Ethan whispered in her ear making her shiver slightly.

Ember turned a scowl to him. "But…"

"Shh," Ethan whispered leaning back to stare at her while he twirled her around on the grass. "Just enjoy the dance and me."

Ember found her mouth dropping open at the arrogance in his voice, but the look on his face was at odds with the confidence in his tone.

"That's not too hard to do," Ember teased letting her body relax in his arms, and Ethan winked at her twirling her around again until Emby realized he was ushering her to the makeshift dance floor that Tala had erected.

"She thinks of everything," Ember murmured giving her head a brief shake.

"She has to," Ethan replied not going into detail since he couldn't explain fully without telling her the truth about them.

"Why does she…?" Ember asked tilting her head to the side looking up at him although she already knew the answer, and Ethan chuckled leaning down to put his forehead against hers.

"You are nosy," he chided staring down into her eyes.

"Not really, but I'm nervous and to keep from thinking about it, I take my mind off it by thinking of other things," Emby admitted her eyes going wide a second later which elicited a gruff laugh from Ethan.

"Let me see what I can do to take your mind off it completely," Ethan. whispered wickedly before he lowered his head and caught her lips in a tantalizing kiss.

"Wow, look at Ethan," James muttered from where he stood with Tasha, Joyce and Soke, and they all turned to see what he meant.

"Isn't that…" Tasha began her eyes widening slightly. "That's Ember. I've seen her at school, but she is always rushing around."

"She's been working," Tala informed her taking a sip of the drink she held while her gaze narrowed on Ethan and Ember who were now laughing although there was a blush on Ember's cheeks.

"I thought Ethan was hooking up with Danna," Kelsey asked her eyes searching the area and a frown settled on her face.

"She got a phone call and disappeared about half an hour ago," Soke remarked a smile coming to his face. "Personally, I don't see what Ethan likes about her and she is also…"

"He knows," James interjected. "So, I was surprised when I saw he invited her here today."

Tala turned a frown to James who shared a look with Soke. "He knows what?" Her tone was sharp when she asked this question, and it was Tasha who replied her tone low.

"Danna has other lovers, or hookups, then Ethan."

Tala's mouth thinned at the information while her eyes narrowed even more on Ethan with Ember. "It was a bad idea after all."

"Alpha Female," James and Soke asked seeing the look on her face watching Ethan.

"It's nothing," Tala shook her head turning away from them just as Tony stepped out of the house, and her face softened staring at him.

"Why do you look so shocked, honey?" Jaime asked Tasha, sliding an arm around her waist.

"Because this is all so new to me," she admitted her eyes shadowed slightly. "I've never been around an Alpha and Alpha Female who lit up at the sight of each other."

Tala turned to her with a smile. "You've lived without a pack for a while, haven't you, Tasy?"

Kelsey nodded her head. "But even if so, I don't remember them acting like you two."

James chuckled while Soke shook his head walking away, and Tala patted Tasha on the shoulder before going to join Tony who was talking to some of the pack members.

"Hey, honey," he greeted when she walked over to them putting an arm around her shoulders.

He continued talking with his guests before they made their excuses to go hit the buffet table, and after they left, Tony kissed Tala on the side of the temple.

"It wasn't a bad idea," he commented getting a surprised look from her, and he nodded his head to the makeshift dance floor. "When was the last time we saw Ethy having a good time and not immediately heading for the bedroom?"

"They were alone in my office," Tala reminded him with a frown.

Tony chuckled leaning down to nuzzle her neck. "Ethan has never used the office as you know, so if something did happen then it may mean…"

"He couldn't control himself," Tala uttered her voice filled with shock shifting her gaze back to the dance floor and the man they were talking about. "That has never happened to him before."

"Which means your student has an effect on him, one he never suspected." There was a thoughtful note in Tony's voice, but Tala started to frown.

"Ethan has never been faithful to any women, neither has he ever stayed with them long," Tala remarked heavy sigh. "I don't want Ember to get hurt especially…"

"Ember may surprise you," Tony intervened with a smile leading her away. "She probably will surprise Ethan even more."

"What do you mean?" Tala asked only to get a wink from Tony before turning to greet a new wave of guests.

Tala eyed her mate suspiciously, but she couldn't detect anything in his expression and sighing, she focused on the conversation deciding to push it from her mind. Sooner or later, he will tell her what he meant and afterwards, well, she would see what happens depending on what it is he is keeping to himself.

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