
Chapter 93: A few days...

My relationship with Pansy went uphill from that moment, which left all the girls very shocked. They all noted that although she insulted me regularly, they were all joking insults and even affectionate at times. The Slytherin girls thought I gave her another potion, and they asked me for some, half in jest and half in truth.

They were in a certain sense happy, now Pansy integrated better with the group, in her own way, and her improved attitude allowed them to have one more friend. I was a bit questioned about such a change, but I said that we solved most of our problems and don't worry, I didn't do anything illegal...


Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match, was not as interesting as I'd like, but a good time to spend time with the girls. I had a Red in each of the stands in each house, allowing me to have a totally different experience of the opinions of the match. As well as having the support and protection of all the Quidditch girls in the Nest against those who didn't like me.

In the Gryffindor stands, I was next to Hermione, who was dying of concern for Harry, which made me feel a little jealous. She didn't believe me when I told her that Snape wasn't the one to be afraid of, so I let her freak out quietly.

Draco came looking for trouble, mainly with Ron, Neville, and me, but I completely ignored him, although some of his insults did amuse me a bit. I concentrated on enjoying myself, being able to squeeze Hermione's hand because of her nervousness, which she complained about, but she didn't resist much.

There was a fight between Malfoy and his entourage against Neville and my brother, in which I did not interfere, and the lions won. While the fight was going on, Harry also won the match by catching the Snitch, it was a very short match, but for me, it was better.

The lions went to celebrate, but Harry was not there, it seems that at some point he went the other way. I stayed with Hermione watching her celebrate, even though she's not a Quidditch fan like my family, she still has the pride of her house.

Hermione and my brother met Harry, who seemed somewhat anxious. They wanted to congratulate him and my Brother wanted to tell him about how he 'destroyed' Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, but Harry had more important things to tell them. I told them to talk to each other calmly, and that I would go and see them later, giving them their space.


Hermione has spent more time with the lions since that day and from what I saw, I came to assume that it was something related to the philosopher's stone. She mentioned a few things to the group of friends, which was very close, but I think because it was a secret between those three, she didn't explain things in great detail.

She also started studying like crazy, but I think it was very nice for her that the other girls, at my insistence, joined a study group. It was a bit chaotic at first, but it leveled off. I must point out that Hermione split her time, as she too made an effort to study with Harry and Ron, knowing they wouldn't do it on her own.

This put some stress on her, and she asked me to let them in, but I refused. I wasn't going to let them in, but I also didn't want her to stop studying with the girl group, since she was a good help to everyone, so I helped her differently. I would also help her study with a clone when she goes with Harry and Ron.

This is how time passed, with the Easter holidays, where we were filled with homework by each teacher, but having my clones and our large study group full of capable people in different subjects made it less of a problem.

With Pansy, I had some secret interactions, we kissed like before, but now we were both in agreement. She enjoyed what she always wanted, but never received, though she didn't show it.

I also took advantage of some moments where I leaned against her and hugged her on my bed, which made her very, very tense and embarrassed, mainly because it felt a lump was pressed against her butt. It didn't get any further, but making her uncomfortable like this was a gratifying thing to do.

I had some other fights with her regarding these issues. It seems that after stabilizing her emotional state, she questioned herself about what she was doing and me with it. It's not like we grew apart again, but she did get a little more rebellious and less cooperative in close contact.

Another thing I made sure to check was my skills, one in particular that I wanted to be able to crack. I found [Essence of wrath] to be a very useful skill, capable of enhancing my physical combat power to impressive levels.

I wanted to turn it back on, but I couldn't generate that anger on my own. Every time it seemed close, it faded, I couldn't get it with unreal emotions, it had to be real anger. I couldn't wait for my power to act as a super sayayin, so I looked for other methods.

I tried something that I haven't done since obtaining such a skill, using my own [Blood control] on myself. I tried to use [Blood control(Rage)], which I hadn't tried before, I had only used [Calm] for a few moments.

It was very strange, I could feel myself starting to get irritable, but at the same time, I also felt the [Essence of wrath] starting to work. I could see how my muscles grew and little by little thin lines of red smoke came out of my body.

It was working, but it also had some flaws that I discovered. First, besides getting enraged by my ability, depending on whether I used it on my clone or my real body, the effect would have different consequences.

If I used it on a clone, just like last time, all my clones and my real body would go numb, but since I didn't reach the same level as that time, they didn't fall unconscious. Although in the real body, the numbness was slightly less than in the clone.

If I used it on my real body, none of the clones fell asleep, but they were all affected by the same rage, which I had to take into account. It was rare to have several angry selves, I could feel how easy it was for me to lose control in all my divided consciences.

Even with that great flaw, my power grew, not as much as at that time, but very noticeable. I tested the limits of how much [Fury] I could induce before I lost control, and came to look like a total stocky, but I still had enough sanity to have a specific goal.

I looked pretty good, taller and more muscular. If it wasn't for the loss of control, I'd probably stay like this longer.

'Super saiyan mode acquired' though it would be more of a Kaio-ken. If the essence of wrath exists, will the other deadly sins also exist? I could try it with some other statuses caused by my ability, but considering what happened with [wrath] I think it's better to be more cautious.


After a few days of locking up Tenebrius, Amelia came back to see if my punishment had worked, but she hadn't changed her mind. The result of that visit was that I was moved to a higher level cell, not much, but it felt colder.

Today she came again, hoping that a few days being closer to the dementors would finally make me see reason. Her face didn't get any better when she came to see me and found me sitting cross-legged in the cell, not looking the least bit changed.

She didn't want to go any further, this was too much for her, not that she really wanted to, it would just be a lesson that, she believed, I needed.

"Have you changed your mind?" She said, already feeling bad about doing it and hoping I'd give up.

"Amelia, I don't know why you expect me to change my mind"

"It seems that you are too stubborn" she denied annoyed "Come on, let's get out of here" she desisted.

"Why? Do you accept me?"

"No... just go out, they must miss you at home" she said, a little tired.

"Amelia, you said you wouldn't get me out of here until I gave up on you, and it hasn't been like that"

"Well it doesn't seem like you're sane enough to do it, there's no point in going on" she said as opened the cell door.

"Well I don't think so" I said holding the door and closing it again "You weren't going to let me out until I gave up...well I have something to say too. I don't plan to leave here until I heard you say that you will not deny my courtship. You don't have to accept it, I don't have the power to force you to do that, I only ask that you accept my gifts, that you eat the food that I prepare for you, and that you don't take me away from you because of it..."

"Why...? Why so much effort?" She couldn't understand, she didn't think I was a complete unhinged, but at the same time not like it was a joke.

"Because I admire you so much, can't I wish you for that? Even if I don't have a chance for us to be something the way I want... at least let me feel that we're closer... even though I know what I'm doing is very inappropriate."

"And I can't promise you anything you ask for, you're young and those feelings will go away. You'll find someone you'll really fall in love with..." she had used that wise mother tone again "Come out..."

"Amelia, you said you would put me in a worse cell if I didn't give up, do it…" I told her.

Where I am, I can't access the dementors without drawing attention. I hadn't been able to get it yet, and I didn't want to miss this opportunity, plus I wanted to see if I could soften Amelia's heart.

"What are you thinking?" Now she felt that I was out of my mind.

"I'll show you how much I can fight for you... lock me up in the worst cell you have, I don't want to leave if you're not going to take me seriously"

"Did you go crazy? I think being here with the dementors was too much for you…"

"Amelia..." I leaned closer to her ear "Put me in a deeper cell where I'll show you how much I care about you... and where you can satisfy those in the ministry who hate me, I'm sure they'd love the idea of I'm spending some time in the worst place..."

"Everything you do is for that?!" She said surprised, she didn't think it was necessary to go that far.

"No, I'm doing it mainly for you, as I mentioned before, but if I can also help you take the pressure of the elders off you... all the better."

"I'm not going to do that, stop acting like an idiot" She didn't agree, she didn't think this was a way to solve some problems, although she did accept that things got difficult for her after the trial.

"Amelia, don't make me do something to lock me up" I threatened her, but in a way that was more mischievous than intimidating.

"Stop acting so stupid, we're just going to..." She wanted to scold me again, but was stopped by me.

She, who had approached the bars of my cell, was held by my hands and my lips were stamped against hers. It was something sudden and that she did not expect, she was paralyzed for a few seconds before freeing herself, with sensations running through her body that she did not expect to feel, again that pleasure and shame, a lot of shame...

"What the hell did you do?!" She yelled at me.

"I think... I deserve a more crude and horrible cell, but I think that now my entire stay here is worth it..." I said with a silly smile on my face.

"..." Amelia didn't even reply after that, she was completely furious. She didn't expect this and anger was her way of hiding those feelings that arose "Well, if you want to rot here so badly, then do it!"

Amelia left the place and shortly after some wizards on duty took me to another prison, much deeper. This wouldn't be something she would normally do, but now she had emotions she wasn't prepared for. She could handle many things, being such a strong woman, but she was never prepared for feelings like these that she had forgotten.


Lying on my bed at Hogwarts in my real body, I smiled, caressing my lips. Although it was fleeting, I am somewhat proud that I can feel Amelia's lips.

I hope that what I want works, in the deeper levels there are fewer guards and more dementors. I'll have a chance there, I also hope that in the future that kiss can include tongue... I don't know why I find it so exciting.

I think it's been a good day, but it's time to sleep, I'll wake up early tomorrow...

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