

It's so cold. Why? Why is my life like this? Homeless at the age of 8, dying at 9. Why is the world so cruel? Why do adults get happy from hurting me? Why don't heroes exist? Why didn't anyone stop that man from beating me? All I did was ask for food…


Ah, an ambulance. Funny how they don't care about you until you're bleeding on the sidewalk. I don't care anymore. I just want my mom. Why did she leave me and dad? What did I do wrong? The ambulance drivers start putting some white sticky cloth on my head. It's not gonna help. I'm pretty much dead now.




"GAH! Why daddy? What did I do?"




Ahh. I guess it's true. When you die your life flashes before your eyes… This is the day I ran away…





The day mommy left. I missed her…



"The court gives full custody to the father as the mother has been deemed mentally unfit to care for her."


The woman collapses on her knees after the judgement is made.


The day my dad started his downward spiral. He was always drunk after that day. I wonder if he's still alive? Probably not. I remember that one homeless man who drank everyday got sick and died. He couldn't live much longer.


"I put a surprise in your lunchbox today. You can't open it until lunch though, okay?"


When my mom wrote me a letter for lunch saying she loves me. She used to do that all the time till she found daddy wrestling another lady. I don't know why she hated that lady, she always gave me snacks. What's a homewrecker anyways?


"Hush little baby, don't say a word. Momma's gonna buy you a- oh you're already asleep, huh?"

The woman gets up from the chair with a three year old girl in her arms and lays her down on the bed.


I loved when she sang to me. She always made me so happy. I wish I could hear her sing one last time.

By now we've gotten to the hospital. How I'm still alive is a mystery in itself. I feel light suddenly, like my head is floating. As I blink I find myself in a hospital room now. Beside me I see a man with his hands in a praying position.

"Please, whoever is listening, don't let her die. I'm sorry for being a terrible father, please give me one last chance. I'll never pick up a bottle again. I'll stop sleeping around. Hell, I'll sell my soul to you. Please don't let her die."

Hmm. I guess that's my dad. It's weird, his hair is clean and he's shaven. I guess that's why I didn't recognize him.

I look to the other side of the bed. I see a woman.


The woman's eyes shoot up and look at me. I see her mascara running down her face painting a distressing image. My mom never wore makeup when she was with my dad. She gives me a pained smile and says,

"Yes, sweetie?"

I struggle for a few seconds because of how dry my throat is.


I want to hear it one last time. More than anything I want to hear her sing to me.

I see more tears come from her eyes as she nods. She puts her hand on my cheek and kisses me on the forehead.

"Hush little baby, don't say a word. Mommas gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mock-ing bird don't sing, mommas gonna buy you a diamond ring-."

Ah. I missed her so much. As she sings to me, the memories flash through my mind again as I just continue looking forward to the ceiling. Slowly, the song gets quieter and quieter, until I hear no words at all. Even the beeping of the hospital equipment stopped. I can't see anymore either. Everything is… dark… but comfortable at the same time. I feel like I'm wrapped in a warm blanket. Then I feel something behind me.

"A tragic story. A young girl who grew up knowing nothing but love, until one fateful day where her father decided to love another for a night. Her mother losing custody because her father bribed a psychiatrist to declare her mother mentally ill. Then her father grew alcoholic and beat her constantly. Not an original story, but tragic nonetheless."

I turn around and see my mom… But made out of light?

"I'm afraid I'm not your mother, little one. But you may refer to me as such if you so desire. The prayers of a parent, desperate to have their daughter find happiness is a powerful thing. Such desperate prayers travel eons faster through time and space, searching for a god to answer them. Such a prayer found me, a god that reincarnates people into places better suited for them."

God? Does that mean I'm going to hell? Is that what reincarnate is?

"No, little one. You will be sent to another world to live out a new life, seperate from this one. Looking through your soul's memories, I see you like superheroes?"

Yeah! Kind people who risk themselves to save others! Who stop at nothing to protect the lives of others weaker than them!

"Indeed, heroes are a good thing for people to have. Firefighters are a good example from your world."

Yeah! The firefighters always gave me candy on their breaks! Sometimes the candy was too sour, but I never told them!

"Would you like to be a hero little girl?"

Yes! I wanna grow up and beat up the bad guys! But not too close up, I don't wanna get hurt. And my hands are too weak.

"Hmm… Doesn't want to get close… Nor hurt… And she feels like her hands are weak… Ah! That's a good one!"

Mommy, are you okay?

"Indeed I am, little one, I think I have a good world and power for you. Are you prepared to be a good hero?"


"Alright then, little one. The world you're going to is full of heroes and villains. It's a bit more dangerous than your previous world, but it'll have what you wish for. The quirk I've given you is known as the mystic hands. I will make sure your quirk is among the strongest. You will also be born into a happy family, with friends all around you, in accordance with your parents wishes."

I run up and hug mommy.

"I love you, mommy."

The light wraps it's arms around me,

"I love you too, sweetie."

In a flash, the little girl is gone from the void she once inhabited. In another flash, the souls of a man and a woman appear in front of the god.

"Wh-where am I?"

The man speaks up.

The god steps forward.

"In accordance with your wishes, your daughter shall live a happy life. While I cannot permit her to stay in her previous world after death, I have allowed her to enter another."

The man and woman both fall to their knees,

"Why do you have to take her from us?"

The god looks down at the two and says,

"I am afraid even I cannot stave off death. Her fate was sealed the moment you bed with another besides your wife. While polygamy may not be a sin, adultery is. Therefore, as of this moment, Arthur Miller, your soul shall be forfeit the moment you die. Jasmine Steele, while you did not offer your soul, you still need to pay a price for the hell your daughter went through. As such, you shall stay here and watch her grow up without you as punishment. You shall watch every moment from her birth to her death. And then you shall wake up beside her bed the moment after she dies in your world."

With a flash, Arthur disappears along with the god. In front of Jasmine is the scene of a baby being given birth in a hospital. The doctor uses tools coming out of his fingers to perform a c-section on the pregnant woman.

A second doctor pulls several organs out of the way during the surgery. And out comes a crying little girl, covered in various disgusting juices and looking like a mangled potato.

Tears fall from Jasmines eyes as her daughter kept her blonde hair despite her seemingly being born in an Asian country.

A few hours later a doctor asks the couple their new daughters name;


The doctor nods his head,

"Well, Kaneda-san, it seems you've given birth to a healthy young girl. There were no complications during the surgery, and she has no genetic illnesses from the tests we've run. You've given birth to a perfectly healthy little girl. Congratulations!"

After a few years, it becomes clear that Kasumi has no recollection of her past. She's currently five years old and is completely obsessed with heroes, her favorites being the hero couple Water Hose and of course, All Might. She has figures of the couple and All might posed on her desk as she watches through compilations on her computer.

Jasmine watches her daughters life and sees the big goofy smile she has on her face while watching this scene of her hilariously rocking back and forth in her chair while watching a video of All Might. A smile creeps on her face as a tear falls from her eye,

"I'm glad you're happy, sweetie. Even if I can't be there."

The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

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