
Ch.8 Wolf puberty.

The match had gone splendidly. I was in the gym showering today. I had worked up some sweat. As I was showering Scott came in and took up the spot next to me and he smiled and I awkwardly nodded and tried to hurry. He said, "So you'll be at Lydia's party today?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah and you?"

He smiled and said, "Yeah, I have asked someone out as well."

I raised my eyebrows and nodded and said, "Nice man, who?"

He said, "Allison."

As I heard that I looked at him and he was confused and I asked him "And she agreed?"

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head from side to side and said, "Maybe?"

I shook my head and turned towards him and said, "It's either a yes or a no. There is no, maybe dude." I asked him, "What did she exactly say?"

He was confused and he asked, "Why are you being like this?"

I sighed and said, "Cause the matters related to hearts are complicated and you seem… naive."

"Oh yeah he is definitely an idiot when it comes to stuff like that." Stiles took the booth one next to him and Scoot raised his arms and shook his head.

Scott said, "I asked her if she would like to go with me and she said I'll be there." He looked at both of us and I nodded and said, "There is like a 70-80% chance it's a yes I will go with you as a date and the other 30-20% being I'll be there and we'll see how it goes."

He sighed and I patted his back and said, "You still got the better deal bro." I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around and stepped out of the booth and he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

I changed my clothes and went to my car and Allison was sitting on the bonnet with Lydia and I exhaled and I put on a smile and walked up to them and Lydia smiled and said, "You were amazing out there today."

I nodded a little and said, "Thank you, the cheering did help." She smiled and walked towards me and put her finger on my chest and said, "Anything for the team~"

Allison raised her eyebrows and said, "We should get going."

Lydia turned around and looked at her and then looked at me and said, "Where do you have to be in such a hurry?"

I smiled and said, "In case you don't remember you are throwing a party today? And I would very much like to attend it."

She exhaled and stomped her feet which resulted in a jiggle and said, "Then I suppose I'll see you later today…" I tiled my head and did a little bob and she smiled and tiptoed and kissed me on the cheeks and said, "Don't be late i'll be waiting." She walked away and I was in awe of how much forward and relentless she can be.

And I wasn't the only one who was shocked. Allison was shocked as well. We both got in the car and she said, "Wow."

I chuckled and said, "Yeah."

She folded her arms and said, "You sure did enjoy yourself back there."

I looked at her and squinted and I said, "Yeah, one of the school beauties kissed me on the cheeks. Any guy would be happy."

I started the car and we got out of the school. We didn't talk much during the whole ride and as we reached home she huffed and got out of the car and I asked her, "Is Scott coming to pick you up? Or you are hitching a ride?"

She stopped and turned around and she closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "Is this why you acted like that back there?" I just looked at her and she said, "I just told him that I'd be there. That didn't mean that I was going out with him… but now I think I should."

And before I could say anything else she walked away. And I sighed and said, "I'm an idiot."


I was in my room and it was time for the party and I heard a car pull up and I heard a door open and I wanted to look at her but I was not going to. It would just be… pointless. I heard, "Allison?"

She said meekly, "Coming." She got in the car and they drove away and I exhaled and turned over in my bed. After a few minutes my mom came barging in my room. I got up from bed and she walked up to my closet and was browsing through the wardrobe and I asked, "Ah, what are you doing mom?"

She uncaringly said, "You are not going to mope around in your room, you will go to the party and will have a great time…" She turned around with a shirt in her hand and said, "And possibly be a little tipsy like a normal teenager."

I sighed and said, "I don't want to go, it'll just be awkward…"

She scoffed and said, "She is just one girl Lucius, there will be others and to be honest she is the one who will be missing out on you."

She cam and sat next to me and said, "Yes you did an idiotic mistake but these are the times where you can afford to make mistakes."

I sighed and nodded and said, "Fine, but I am not wearing that shirt."

She looked at me and said, "Awe, but you looked so good in this on your birthday."


I reached the party at Lydia's house. I parked my car and got out of it. I was wearing a brown bomber jacket underneath was a black roundneck t-shirt and a pair of denims. I walked inside and it was an all too familiar sight to see. Everyone dancing, drinking, stoners in their corner chilling.

As I walked inside I was ambushed by Lydia, she slid into my Pov. She was wearing a small all in one dress which was light pink colour and she smiled and said, "Oh hey Finn." She then tried to hug me, I had to bend a little and she smiled and said, "I thought you and Allison would come together." She turned around and pointed at her and Scott.

I saw them dancing well. It was more like grinding and she said, "I guess noT~" She then turned towards me and she said, "How about we get something to drink?~" I was about to answer her but I got another scent similar to Scott. I mean it was entirely different but it was still similar. Lydia nudged me and raised her eyebrows.

I looked at her and said, "Yeah why not." She asked for my hand and I reached out to her and she took it and led me to the bar. She got two red cups and she gave one to me and said, "Cheers~"

I took it and raised the glass. I took a sip and I remembered the taste of the little burning tingle down my throat. She looked at me and tilted her head and asked, "You don't seem too bothered by her being here with someone else?"

I took another sip and said, "Ah, it does bother me a little bit but we aren't anything… We just met like 2 days ago and I don't know but being jealous over something like this doesn't really sit well with me." She then asked "But what if she was your girlfriend?" She raised her eyebrows.

I chuckled and said, "Then the story might be a little different now… I would be the one dancing cause I wouldn't ignore my girl." She looked at me and she chuckled and she took my hand and she took me to the dance floor. She started to move with the music and I was following her movements.

Both of us were close too close to each other and I could feel the warmth of her body and her sweet scent she smelled like jasmine and citrus, her eyes were the same green as mine as we got closer, my heart started to beat faster, my breath got heavy and I could feel something from the inside was running looking for an out, she looked in my eyes and she kissed me.

As our lips touched I felt an incredible amount of heat in my chest. It was as if I was burning from the inside. I pulled back and when she realized what we were doing she said, "I am sorry." And she walked away but the pain and the heat wasn't going away. I needed to get out of here.

As I got to my car I saw Scott driving his car away. I saw Allison out as well but she hadn't seen me yet. I turned my car around and got out of there. It was hard to drive while feeling like you had a heart burn but I managed to make it home. But I couldn't enter through the front gate. Mom would freak out.

I walked around the back and was about to jump the fence. I felt like something was piercing out of my hands and my gums. I saw my hands and the nails grew and they looked more like animal's claws and I touched my teethes and my teethes, more like my canines grew like fangs.

I felt an incredible strength surging like before and could feel every part of my body beaming with power and I was scared shitless. I started to run into the forest. I can't let anyone see this. I ran as fast I could into the forest and soon enough the suburbs disappeared from the horizon and I stopped.

The heat in my chest doubled making me drop to my knees and I saw that hair was growing from every part of my body, it was golden brown with a mix of grey and black.

A crunching noise was heard, it was the noise of my bones breaking one by one. I wanted to cry but no sound would come out of my mouth.The pain was enough to make anyone unconscious.

Under the pale moonlight I was kneeling and hoping for it all to stop but it didn't and after a few minutes when all of my bones were broken I fell on the cold ground and closed my eyes but I was still conscious. I waited cause I knew that it wasn't over and I was right the bones that were broken started to join and rearrange themselves.

I felt like my muscles were being added and a strange strength was being added into my body which I had never felt before. I cried into the world letting it know my pain but what I heard was a loud howl. I opened my eyes and I saw myself standing but not on two but I was standing on four feet. I was able to see a snout in front of my eyes and all the pain that I had felt before had vanished.

I looked around and I saw that I now had a different body. I had the same body as those wolves in my dream but I saw that I was a little taller than them, I was closer to 6' in height and felt a lot stronger but faster at the same time. I looked around where I was and I saw my clothes had been shredded. The only thing that survived was my shirt and a bit of my pants.

I could see everything in the forest, I could hear every critter and animal roaming out and about and I was hearing someone talking far away. It was difficult to listen to but I heard, "Was that the Alpha?"

I heard a familiar voice, "I don't care about this nonsense. And who the hell were those people? And what's with this Alpha nonsense?" It was Scott, it looked like he was in pain.

The guy said, "Those were hunters, the kind that have been hunting us for centuries."

He grunted and said, "Us! You mean you! You did this to me!"

The guy said, "Is it really so bad Scott? That you can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope for? You have been given something that most people would kill for. The bite is a gift."

He grunted and said, "I don't want it."

The guy walked towards him and said, "You will and you are gonna need me if you wanna learn how to control it. So you and me Scott, we are brothers now."

The guy walked away and he said, "I'll be in touch." He then ran away and Scott just sat on the ground and breathed heavily.

So Scott has some similar problem as me, I sighed but then I heard something. I heard a snarl and I turned my head and I saw a pair of red eyes in the woods and then those eyes walked forward leaving the woods and I saw a huge hairy wolf like monster and it looked at me and it growled and ran towards me.


Hey guys I hope you guys liked the chapter, I have two little things I need to talk about. First is for one guy who asked why am I writing this if I haven't seen like 3-4 seasons? Answers is I don't need to I haven't seen some Twilight movies, I haven't completed Hp, I haven't seen legacies season 3. despite I have written them and many have enjoyed it. The review you have written goes on about how I am suggestible and all that yes I am and I have given my reason why and just because I have said nice idea that doesn't mean I am definitely doing it. I am sorry if it feels like an attack but I am just trying to understand what you are upset with.

Secondly I have read some comments about I don't get the Mc's behavior and such I assume that you haven't see teen wolf. Worry not there will be a chapter explaining the weird and agitated behavior of Mc and why he has a short fuse.

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