
Ch.2 The new guy

As I was sleeping I was taken into the lands of dreams. But it wasn't such a normal dream if I am honest. I didn't feel like myself. I felt like I was in a different body but I didn't feel uncomfortable or strange in it. It oddly felt right.

I saw myself in the woods, it seemed as if it was night but it wasn't the case. I looked up and I found that the sky that is usually black is someone colourful, there are so many colours that filled the sky and that wasn't all there were millions of tiny little stars shimmering in the sky but all of it looked minuscule in front of that gigantic moon. It was ten times larger than usual. But it still had that serene grace.

I saw myself and was naked, but I didn't really feel ashamed. I felt natural like this is how I am supposed to be. That was weird for me and suddenly I had this urge to run like I was meant to be somewhere like I was needed or asked for so I started running but where was it that I was running towards. After running for a while I came across a pack of wolves and they weren't normal wolves. They were gigantic compared to the ones I have seen. They were all sitting atop a small hill gazing at the moon.

They looked at me and I didn't feel scared, it was like I had known them forever, they stopped looking at me and continued to see the moon. I walked towards them and they made a place for me. I sat next to a giant brown wolf with yellow eyes. And the one next to me was a little bigger and was silver and had brown tints on its fur, it had blue eyes. I looked at them and I felt pretty dwarf compared to them.

I saw ahead and I saw a large lake in front of me but it was covered with fog and I could barely see anything but I saw something move in that lake, it had scarlet red eyes and it looked at me and paced around.

Suddenly the silver wolf looked at me and said, "Wake up!!!"

I was confused but then I fell and I opened my eyes and I saw that I was in my room and lying on the floor with my face. I heard my mom "Get up Lucius! You are late!"

I got up and rubbed my eyes and I yawned and my mother said "Get ready we are late!"

I nodded and my mom threw my clothes and went downstairs., I wore a grey t-shirt, jeans and a jacket. I had already got my bag packed last night. I got the mint out of my bag and ate it.

I went downstairs and my mom was already in the car. I got in and she handed me toast and I was eating and she looked a little worried and she was driving like we were in mad max. I said, "Calm down, I can be late on the first day."

She looked at me and I said, "Look, straight mom!"

She looked ahead and said, "You told me you would wake me up!"

I was eating toast and I said: "I usually do but last night I slept a little late and my bed was weird."

She grunted and she drove faster, we reached school and she looked at me and said "I will not be able to come and pick you up today." She then reached for her purse and she grabbed a piece of paper and said, "And take this map, just in case."

I nodded and she kissed me on my cheeks and said "Love you now get out."

I chuckled and said, "Love you too mom." I got out of the car and she drove off like she was in a race but with a minivan. I turned around and I saw the girl from yesterday sitting. She saw me and waved, I waved back and she got up and walked towards me.

She smiled and said "Hi, I am Allison, your neighbour. We met last night."

I nodded and said, "I am Finn Belmont and I do remember meeting you and your family from the roof… last night."

She looked at me and said, "What were you doing on the roof?"

I took a deep breath and said "For fresh air… mostly."

She looked confused and she asked, "Couldn't you have just walked in the backyard or something?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "But then I wouldn't have gotten that stunning view now would I?"

She looked at me and smiled and I was a little confused then a guy in a suit walked up and he said "You guys the new transfers?"

We both said "Yeah."

He smiled and said "Excellent." We were walking inside and he said "Looks like you two were getting to know each other?"

I nodded and said, "We are neighbours."

He smiled and said "That is nice… I do hope that you two get along."

We reached our class and we entered and the principal said to the class, "Class, these are our new students, Allison Argent and Finn Belmont." I looked and there was this one guy who had this particular look on his face and he smelled.

The principal said, "Please do your best to make them feel welcome." He looked at us and nodded and we both took seats. There was a seat behind the weird-smelling guy and the one next to the empty one.

She took the seat first and I was made to sit behind the smelly dude, this is off to a fantastic start. She tapped on my desk and asked "You have a pen?"

I nodded and took a pen out of the bag and was going to give her but the smelly guy gave the pen to her. She accepted it and he looked at her and gave a goofy smile. Allison smiled and continued her work. I shrugged my shoulders and thought I saved my pen on the first day.

Some classes ended and it was lunchtime, we were sitting together and Allison asked: "So where are you from?"

I took a bite of the sandwich. It was mediocre and I said, "I am from Kansas. What about you? You seem fancy?"

She looked at me and said, "Says the guy wearing a thousand dollar jacket."

I looked at her and said, "This is a thousand dollars?"

She looked surprised and said, "You didn't see the price tag before buying it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "No, my mom does my shopping."

She laughed and I asked her "What?"

She smiled and said, "It's kinda hard to wrap your head around when a guy your age and size goes shopping with his mom."

I smiled and said, "That's because you haven't met my mom, she is quite fun to hang around with."

She smiled and said, "Well, we are neighbours so it is bound to happen sooner or later."

I pushed the tray aside and I said "So tell me where you are from?"

She nodded and said "San Francisco."

I smiled and said, "That's a big city. Why did you guys move here?"

She said, "My dad got a contract here to sell firearms to law enforcement and private security companies."

I looked at her and said, "That's cool…"

She ate a slice of orange and asked, "Why did you move here from Kansas?"

I smacked my lips and said, "We both needed a change and this place has a branch of my mom's bank so she took a transfer here."

She nodded and asked, "I couldn't help but notice you didn't mention your dad." She looked at me and she said "And now I feel I shouldn't have asked."

I shook my head and said, "He is no longer with us."

She looked at me and said, "I am sorry."

I nodded and said, "It's okay." I looked at her and said, "I hope you don't take this as a response to the question you asked, but I need to leave. I remember that I need to get my schedule."

She nodded and smiled and I got up and I smiled and said "I'll see you in class, Allison."

I put my tray in the trash and I walked outside and I found a spot in the back of the school where buses were parked and I got a cigarette from my pocket and I lit it and I was smoking it. I took a deep drag and I said "It looks like you still bother me."

I heard footsteps coming from the back and I threw my cigarette and looked around and there was no one. I sighed and lit another one and went back to smoking. After a while someone came out of the door and I snuffed it out but it was too late he saw me, he had spiky black hair.

He looked at me and I tried to go in but he stopped me and said, "Not too fast Hulk."

I stopped and he picked up the cigarette from the ground and he asked me "What's this?" My heart started to beat a little faster and it was weird that I could hear it.

I looked at him and said "I am sorry… It won't happen again."

He walked toward me and he said "We both know that's a lie." He looked at me and said, "You know you can get in a lot of trouble for this with your parents."

I exhaled sharply and said "Please don't."

He nodded and said "Alright, let me tell you something… I can look over this. Have you played anything before?"

I knew where this was going and I said "You want me to play on your team?"

He smiled and said "Looks like you do have a head on your shoulder. Come to practice today and play and I will stay quiet about this."

I sighed and asked "Time?" and he smiled and said "After school ends… Now get out of here."

I walked into the building but then I heard a click of a lighter. I shook my head and said, "What the fuck is going on."


When the classes ended Allison and I were walking out together and she asked "So you are going to the practice today?"

I sighed and said "Yeah, the coach asked me to come."

We reached our lockers and She looked at me and said, "You don't look all too happy about it."

I looked at her and said, "No, no I am… I am just nervous that I will make an ass of myself."

Then a girl walked up to us. She had red hair and a small build. She said to Allison "That jacket is absolutely killer. Where did you get it?" Even though she was talking to her she kept looking at me for some reason.

Then a guy walked up to her and kissed her on her cheeks and he looked at me and Lydia said: "Jackson this is Allison and this is Finn." I was a little surprised to know she knows my name, but it's not that surprising.

He offered his hand. I shook it and smiled and then they started to talk but I heard "Can anyone tell me how the new guys have been here all of 5 minutes and they are already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" I followed the direction where it was coming from and it was coming from across the hall from a girl.

I saw that the smelly guy was looking here but quickly looked at his locker and the girl said "Hey is it I or that guy is looking here?"

The guy with a buzz cut said "Yeah he is but why?"

The girl looked at the buzz cut guy and said "Do I look okay?"

The buzz cut guy said, "How do you know he is not looking at me?"

The girl placed her hands on her hips and said "Really Stiles, even Danny won't be upon you. Have you looked at yourself?"

Stiles said, "Have you looked at yourself." They were fighting. I then felt a nudge on my elbow and I saw it was Allison and she looked at Jackson and I looked at her and he said: "I asked if you are trying out for the team?"

I nodded and said "Yeah."

He looked away and muttered "Bonehead."

I looked at him and I took a step forward and asked "What did you say?" He looked at me and backed off a little and said, "I didn't say anything." My heart started to beat faster and I could hear it loud and clear.

Allison tapped my elbow and looked at me and said, "Let's go to practice now?"

Lydia smiled and nodded and said "Yeah."

I took a deep breath and I nodded. We were walking towards the locker room.


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter please leave comments or any other suggestions you might have.

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