

The bane of the gods. A legendary item that everyone thought was nothing but a myth. It was rumored to be the only known weapon that can kill a god completely. According to these rumors,the weapon had a special crystal that trapped and imprisoned the soul of the gods completely,thus preventing them from reincarnating for all eternity. Whoever started this rumor never mentioned the finer details of the weapon such as the shape or form or even the color which everyone could now see was black.

"Shocked much?, Don't be. I have always been smarter than you all. Earlier,I realized that you were only beating my forces because of your experience in battle. So I have decided to even the playing field. We will make this a battle of experience. All of you against my trusty generals here.", Hades pointed to his associates behind him. "Don't worry,you the twelve main protectors will get special treatment from me and this sword. You will only be incapacitated to make things easier for me. The rest of you mini protectors, you are all going to die immediately.", Hades said coldly. Immediately, a flash of black went past Hades straight towards the protectors. It was so fast that all everyone saw was a blur flitting in between the protectors small army whiles the protectors themselves stood back with puzzled looks on their faces.

The blur stopped in the very center of the two sides and a bloody Vitorio could be seen with his hand around a "mini protector's" throat. Infront of the protector's eyes,their thirty or so remaining soldiers dropped unto the floor, lifeless. Some had their heads torn off. Others had huge gaping holes where their hearts would be. All the soldiers of the protectors were dead. Killed by a single person. All except one. Vitorio looked at the stunned faces of the protectors and smirked. Then in the full glare of everyone, he sunk his long fangs into the soldier's neck. A second later,the soldier went limp on his feet. Vitorio lifted his head from his feast and let out a loud hiss befitting a vampire of his calibre towards the sky before throwing the now dead man away from him.

"Show off", Brava muttered under his breath. Vitorio turned and looked his way with a small grin. "With the annoying flies gone. Now we can play better." Hades said with his famous smile across his face. "To hell with you and your fake sword!!", Dionysus, the god of wine shouted as he dashed towards Hades. "Dionysus,no!",Zeus made to grab the enraged man but he was already far ahead of everyone. "A demonstration", Hades said with apparent delight. He twirled his sword expertly and waited. Just as Dionysus reached him, he dashed forward,jumped to avoid Dionysus' downward slash, twirled his body mid air and let his sword descend in a horizontal slash. He landed on one knee with his now bloody sword stretched out to his right. Behind him, Dionysus still stood, but something was clearly wrong. He wasn't moving at all and soon everyone saw why.

"Nooo!!", Demeter cried out as Dionysus' head fell from his shoulders and unto the floor. His body tumbled over and a golden mist escaped from him which went straight into the crystal embedded in the sword. Dionysus was dead. Hades grabbed the dead man's head by the hair and lifted it up as he stood. "First one dead. The rest of you will follow. Attack!!", Hades ordered to which the thirty or so dark force generals jumped forward. The plain soon turned to a battle ground again as the remaining protectors now fought multiple enemies at once. Zeus was punching and kicking without break as he alone fought three people at once. This wouldn't have been a problem at all in the past when he had his powers. Now though he was receiving just as much punishment as he gave. Soon he was bleeding from multiple wounds on his body and face as he got scratched, cut and pummelled all at once.

All around,the other protectors were in similar conditions. Demeter was finding it hard to fight the one person Infront of her in her condition. Giving up our Powers was a bad idea. Zeus has doomed us all. She thought as she was thrown back by a heavy kick to her side. Poseidon was stabbing people left and right with his fork-like trident. The reach that weapon gave him was ungodly. It just wasn't fair. His attacker's thought as he stabbed them over and over again with the weapon. He was enjoying himself immensely until 'SLASH!!', His long trident was now a foot long dildo as Hades's sword went through it like water. This would have been impossible in the past or at the very least,very very difficult when poseidon still had his powers so he was very surprised when this happened. "Whaaa...", 'BAM!' A heavy punch knocked his two front teeth out. The punches did not stop there, Hades stepped back and let the rest deal with the annoying protector. He would come back later to deal the finishing blow.

Things were not looking good for the rest at all and Hermes was no exception. Brava was beating the shit out of him . He had managed to cut the latter multiple times with his sword but the werewolf healed at such a crazy speed that Hermes now felt like pulling his hair out in frustration. He would have too if Brava had let him have the chance. Brava was relentless in his pummelling. He had a bone to pick with Hermes and was making sure to let out all his frustration on him. He would have liked to go after Artemis too but he couldn't be in two places at once. 'At least I'll watch her die', he assured himself as he sent a heavy kick to the side of Hermes's knee which sent him to the ground at once as he lost his balance. Brava jumped on the fallen protector and raised his spade like hand high above his head, about to do some irreversible damage when he felt his whole head fly to the side from a heavy hit. A heavy kick to his side which threw him off Hermes followed. The attacker was Zeus, escaped from all his pursuers. "On your feet Hermes!", He yelled at the protector who jumped to his feet, albeit slowly. "Everybody fall back and protect Hermes!!!"

At once,all the protectors, even those who had seemed at death's door wriggled their way from their attackers just like the dark force members had done not too long ago and ran towards where Zeus and Hermes were. Zeus turned and grabbed Hermes by his hand. "To the castle!", He shouted. The castle wasn't too far away from where the battle was taking place since Hades and his people had teleported very close to it. The castle up ahead was free of people. If only they could make it there in time before the dark forces,they could escape. Or so the protectors thought. The dark forces didn't even need Hades's command to follow the retreating protectors. Brava especially was very close to Zeus. He was very fast despite his humongous size. Zeus took one look at him and the rest of the dark forces that now included all the others who had stood by as the thirty generals battled and came to a conclusion. They wouldn't make it to the castle. They were way too weak and slow compared to the other side. There was only one thing to do. He turned to his colleagues and ordered them to stop and buy him and Hermes some time. He quickly opened a portal to the human realm just in time as the other side got to his group. "Get out of here Hermes. There's no time to waste.", Zeus pulled Hermes towards the portal. "But all of you will d...", "Just go!!" Zeus interrupted Hermes's rambling as he threw him bodily into the portal which started closing behind him immediately but not fast enough to prevent the two newly turned demons who jumped in after Hermes. Well, two weak demons shouldn't be a problem for him. Zeus thought with a smile just before he was overwhelmed by a swarm of demons.

Hermes was falling through the sky fast. His lips were pulled back as gravity pulled him harder and faster through the air. It was night in wherever Zeus had transported him but that wasn't what bothered him. Zeus's return portal had opened far up in the sky. From this height,his weak human body was going to tear into pieces when he fell. He had to do something fast. He quickly summoned his giant wings and covered himself with it as he came dangerously close to the ground. Luckily it was night so no one saw the large wing-like thing that had fallen through the sky. Well, no one except for a 17year old boy with messy hair who had been sitting under a tree when the wing-like thing fell ten feet from him. Making one hell of a noise in the process as it shook the whole park.

The boy couldn't believe his eyes. Just what was that?, Was it an alien?, He stood up and moved cautiously towards the thing. As he got closer,he could make out large golden wings. The wings were crazy big and very beautiful. Beneath the wings was a human shaped creature. He knew whatever it was wasn't human since humans didn't have wings. He stood a little away from the creature, wondering if he should approach any further or ran away. Just as he had made his mind to run and go call for help since he was seeing too many strange things for his liking these days,the creature stood up.

"Ugh..my head. Damn that old man. Opening a portal in the sky", the boy took a step back. That voice. It sounded familiar. Where had he heard that voice?, He wondered. Hermes's vision was blurry. He was seeing everything double. This weak human body was so annoying. He retracted his wings back into his body and turned to inspect where he had landed but just as he turned,a voice that made him feel like fainting stopped him in his tracks, "oh crap", Hermes said lowly.

"Mr.Andrews???", The voice asked in total shock. That was when Hermes realized that in his haste to go save his colleagues,he had forgotten to unequip his disguise. Normally,this would be no problem since the others knew him and could see through his disguise anytime. But now, someone who knew him as 'Mr.Andrews', the strict history teacher had just caught him with his wings,and it was none other than Ethan, the very same boy he had bullied in school and the very same person his assistant, known to others as 'Mr.Twist' had recommended to him as the perfect person for the 'eye of the gods'. Was this fate at work?, Hermes asked himself in disbelief.

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