
Pretend and Agree


Unlike Roy, Carlos knew the bicker between the dad and the son had more into it. He went straight to his office and called his father. The call went unanswered, the man was in a meeting plotting against Noah McKnight. 

He left a voicemail, "dad, Noah is here and from the look of things, Armando is going to punch him anytime soon. Call me when you get this." 

As a father as a son, he was betraying his best friend. Carlos left his bedroom, he tried to search for his sister and ask her to end the ridiculous house party but couldn't find her. Probably, she was in one of the bathrooms, kissing some random whoever. 

Roy was not someone who meddled in any people's business. Hell, even when his parents told him and Nadia that they were going to therapy, he only uttered, "mom, dad. I wish you well."

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