
You Are Staying With A Boy?


"I will be out in about five minutes, mmh, ten minutes maybe. And remember, if you need me, just give me a call or send a text and I will be coming right back, flying her like a bird." Brent said smiling and showed Maya how he was going to fly back.

"Brent, you don't have to go. This is your first time to have a weekend off in like forever, you can stay in your room and watch a movie or read your favorite book, and then, later on, we can go out and get lunch." Maya persuaded her best friend.

It was strange watching them talking like that to each other, anyone watching them might think they were a couple on their honeymoon.

They didn't talk to one another for a whole week and when they finally spoke yesterday while driving to go and pick up Maya's father from town, they realized how much they have missed one another.

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