
Breeze of the Desert (2)

[Let's Get Started!]

Nasoris dashed to me and thrusted her sword at me. I dodged the attack and countered with a slash at her leg. She blocked low then tried to sweep my feet with a kick. I avoided it then kneed her face. She grunted and rolled backwards. She dashed toward me once more and slashed at me. I blocked the first slash then we clashed a few more times before entering a blade lock. We pushed each other back.

"Heh...You're pretty strong. Challenging a Goddess with ease like this. Most wouldn't even make it this far!" Nasoris bellowed.

[Avoid the blue circles on the ground!]

I looked at the ground and noticed blue circles appearing on the ground. I avoided the one I was standing on then dodged a geyser blast. I grunted then landed on my feet. I dashed toward Nasoris then thrusted my sword at her. She parried my attack then slashed in a circle. I barely avoided it, taking a slight cut on my cheek then grunted.

I dodged the more blasts of water then noticed the entire arena had a blue circle on the ground then a blast of water struck me, sending me crashing through the sand wall.

[Stage Change!]

I grunted as I ended up outside then rolled on the ground. I coughed softly then stood up. Nasoris walked outside and smirked.

"Now that we are outside, I can show my true Abilities!" Nasoris bellowed. She snapped her fingers and a strong breeze was generated. "Sand Storm!"

A powerful sandstorm was summoned. I grunted as the sands began to rise from the strong turbulent winds. Nasoris hovered in the air and raised her Hexing Breeze to the sky and the blade shined. She began to surround herself with sand then a pair of dragon wings made of sand emerged from her back. Sand horns and a sand tail appeared on her body as well.

[Mission: Defeat Sand Dragon Nasoris!]

Name: Sand Dragon Nasoris

Element: Earth

Level: 50

HP: 15,000/15,000

MP: 3,000/3,000

Skills: Sand Blast, Suna Tomb, Haren Prism, Sandy Rush

Nasoris flew to the grown and burrowed underground. I looked around and scanned the area. I noticed her emerge from the ground then blocked her attack then pushed her back and struck her with a spinning heel kick. She groaned and rolled on her side then recovered. She used Sand Blast three times, firing blasts of sand at me. I blocked all the blasts then dashed toward her.

I slashed at her, striking her then followed with a body blow then hit her with a Sunset Burst, launching her upwards. I groaned as the sandstorm pushed me backwards and obstructed my vision. Nasoris burrowed back into the ground. I heard rumbling then beams of sand were blasts from underground. I groaned as I was hit by one and knocked upwards. Nasoris made an arm of sand and it grabbed me. The arm slammed me to the ground.

I grunted then stood up and noticed Nasoris land on the ground. She dashed toward me. I dodged her first attack then struck her stomach and sheathed my Sunburst to use Helios Barrage, striking her with a barrage of punches and kicks. Nasoris groaned as she stumbled backwards.

Nasoris panted and the sandstorm ended and she reverted to her normal form. "I must say...So far I am impressed, but this is where it ends! Burst Skill: Sand of Time!"

An hourglass appeared and time stopped. Nasoris smirked and crossed her arms. She dashed toward me and time resumed then she kicked me through a pillar.

[Stage Change!]

[Mission: Defeat Suna Breeze Nasoris!]

I stood up and looked at Nasoris and watched her walk toward me. She went into a full sprint and slashed at me. I blocked her slash then countered with a clean right hook then a shoulder bash. Nasoris groaned as she rolled backwards.

She got up and fired bullets of water at me. I deflected them and used Sun Ray Supreme, I gathered the most solar energy I could then released it from my hand as one powerful beam. She used her Moonbreak to block the beam and grunted as she slid backwards a bit. The beam disappeared and Nasoris smirked at me.

"Get ready for my Moonbreak Drive!" Nasoris said then dashed toward me.

I dodged her kick then blocked her slash. I went for a counter, but she dodged it and hit me with a Shield Bash, knocking me away. She spun around and threw her shield at me. The shield hit me and bounced back to her then she caught it then Moonbreak began to shine then she fired a beam of lunar energy at me. The beam hit me then an explosion happened.

I grunted as I rolled on the ground. I slowly stood up and grunted.

[Danger! Your HP is getting low!]

"Alright let's do this..." I bellowed and my aura surged powerfully around my body.

I propelled myself toward Nasoris then struck her stomach then launched her up with a Sunset Burst. "Final Burst Skill: Red Giant Hypernova!"

I bellowed and my hair shined brightly. I released a massive burst of solar energy and the ball of red energy began to grow. I let out a roar and the ball of energy exploded. Nasoris screamed as she was blasted away through multiple walls.

[Stage Change!]

[Sunburst Skill is READY!]

I panted as I began to hover in the air. "Sunburst Skill: White Dwarf Mode."

My body shined brightly and my Fire Element slowly disappeared. My hair shined white and my aura was a light blue. Sunburst had evolved into Sirius A. I opened my eyes and they shined a very light blue.

Skills: White Nova Raid, Pulsar Shine, White Dwarf Combo, Nebula Storm

Burst Skill: Final Star Shine

Super Burst Skill: White Heat Stream

Final Burst Skill: Star Ending

[Sunburst Gauge: 100%]

[Extra Skill: Star Cycle, Activated!]

Nasoris looked up at me and her eyes widened. "That form...White Dwarf Mode. No...I have to stop him."

[Breeze Gauge: 100%]

Nasoris transformed into her Breeze of the Goddess Mode. Her hair turned a greenish blue, her eyes shined a dark blue, and her outfit changed. She now wore a fitted blue and green bra, sheer blue harem pants and black panties, and an ornate blue face veil. Her Earth Element changed into a hidden element, Wind.

I looked down at Nasoris and watched her hover in the sky. I propelled myself past her and she chased after me. I stopped and hit her with a spinning crescent kick, knocking her down. I flew after her then slashed, but she dodged it.

"Divine Breeze!" She bellowed and a powerful gust of sharp wind blew at me.

I grunted as I was blown away then flew backwards as she used the wind currents to soar after me. We clashed and knocked each other back. I parried Nasoris's attack then hit her with a White Dwarf Combo. I slashed up at her, knocking her upwards then jumped up and sliced through her. A barrage of light slashes struck her body then I kicked her to the ground and blasted her with light energy.

Nasoris grunted and rolled on the ground. She stood up then propelled herself toward me. I flew after her and we clashed once more. We entered a blade lock and tried to overpower one another. She knocked me away and flew after me, striking me with Moonbreak Drive again. I crashed into a wall then coughed a bit. I landed on the ground and softly panted.

[Sunburst Gauge: 57%]

I got up and dodged Nasoris's kick then grabbed her leg. I swung her around then slammed her to the ground. I tossed her up and bellowed, stunning her with a burst of aura. I flew above her.

"Final Burst Skill: Star Ending!" I bellowed.

A massive white star grew in front of me then exploded. The explosion began to get trapped in the current of the center of the blast. A dark light shined a small ball of aura formed. Nasoris began to call into the ground then the small ball of aura exploded, causing area damage and blowing Nasoris away.

Nasoris landed on the ground and grunted. She slowly stood up and looked back, noticing I had landed on the ground. "Heh...Using the White Dwarf Mode so effortlessly. Something tells me you've used this weapon before. Some time in your past you had this weapon."

I looked at my Sirius A. "I also feel like I've used this weapon before, but I do not remember this form."

"That's because not many survive after wielding this form. The Sunburst is the embodiment of the Star Cycle. Sunburst into Red Giant Hypernova. Red Giant Hypernova into White Dwarf Mode. Sunburst Gauge hits 0% Black Dwarf Mode, also known for being Self-Death." Nasoris said.

"Wait what?" I asked.

[Sunburst Gauge: 36%]

"If you reach 0% your Black Dwarf Mode will kill you!" Nasoris said.

"How do I stop it?" I asked.

"I don't know. No one has been able to survive long enough to know what to do! That's why I'm going to defeat you so I can save you!" Nasoris bellowed and propelled herself toward me.

[Mission: The Goddess and The Star]

[Objective: Survive until Sunburst Gauge reaches 0%]

"WHAT?!" I asked then dodged Nasoris. "We switching chapters mid battle?!"

Nasoris landed on the ground. "Stop dodging my attacks! You will die if I don't stop you!"

I kept dodging her attacks then countered her with a powerful tornado kick. Nasoris groaned as she was knocked away. She landed on her feet.

[Sunburst Gauge: 10%]

I grunted then fell onto one knee. I lost my Light Element and gained the Dark Element. My hair turned black and purple aura surrounded my body. My Sirius A turned into Sunburst: Death. The sword was black and had a purple outline around the sword. My eyes were apathetic.

Skills: Death Raid, Black Star Storm, Oblivion Star, Dark Star Rush, Abyss Star Crux

Burst Skill: Sunburst: Death

Burst Skill EX: Sunburst: End

Final Burst Skill: End of the Star

"Shin!" Nasoris yelled.

I stayed kneeling on the ground and just stared. I felt like I was dead, but then my heart began pumping.

[Passive Skill: Death Defiant, Activated!]

I stood up and my eyes regained their life and shined a dark red. Nasoris watched me in shock and her jaw dropped. I looked back at Nasoris then dashed toward her at high speeds. Nasoris grunted then barely avoided my attack. I kicked her away and bellowed as I rushed toward her and used a burst of speed to strike her with Dark Star Rush. A barrage of dark slashes formed a star then exploded.

Nasoris crashed into a pillar and reverted to normal and fell to the ground.

[Nasoris has been defeated!]

[Mission: Breeze of the Desert, Complete!]

[Reward: EXP 100000, Hexing Breeze, Breeze Domain Key.]

I reverted to my normal form and groaned softly. I stumbled a bit then made my way to Nasoris and helped her up. I began to carry her back to the mansion.


I laid Nasoris down on her bed and sighed softly as I sat in the chair next to hers..

[Commencing Heart to Heart Sequence]

[Nasoris Bond Percentage: 30%]

[Nasoris's Mood (Calm): Tired]

[Nasoris's Affinity Rank: Amicable]

"I lost didn't I?" Nasoris asked as she was waking up.

I looked at Nasoris and smiled a bit. "Yeah. You did, but you gave me a run for my money. To the point where I was forced to do the impossible."

[Nasoris's Bond Percentage rose to 36%]

[Nasoris's Mood (Calm): Amused]

"I remember that. How did you do it though? It was like miracle after miracle." Nasoris said.

"I have Six Passive Skills." I started and showed a screen with my passive skills.

[Passive Skill: Willpower Energy

Description: A passive skill that randomly activates at a 30% chance. Any positive effect can happen onto the user ranging from Death Negation to probable Immortality.]

[Passive Skill: Hope's Call

Description: A passive skill with a 25% activation rate per hit. Regen HP with each successful attack dealt upon an enemy.]

[Passive Skill: Spirit of Justice

Description: A passive skill that has a 45% of activating when enemy is defeated. Randomly boosts two random stats by 3x.]

[Passive Skill: Death Defiant

Description: A passive skill that has a 30% activation rate when user is near death. Prevents user from dying, and prevents Self-Death status.]

[Passive Skill: Perfect Guidance

Description: A passive skill that has a 50% activation rate when near an ally. The user can randomly boost two random stats by 1.5x and heal their ally by 40%, also grants ally Auto-Dodge for 10s.]

[Passive Skill: Truth Seeing

Description: A passive skill that has a 10% of activating. The user has perfect perception of reality and can not be fooled by Psychic Abilities, Illusionary Abilities, and can Perfect Block and Dodge anything for 30s.]

"Wow...Any of those abilities could've activated but didn't except Death Defiant." Nasoris said.

"Well I can only access these when I don't have Oath of All equipped. It's like a hidden safety measure. My source of power comes from Bravulla after all." I said.

Nasoris smiled and closed her eyes. "I can't lie...that battle was kinda fun. We were all over my domain. I'm glad it was you who came and took the test of might."

I gently held Nasoris's hand.

[Nasoris's Bond Percentage rose to 45%]

[Nasoris's Mood (Happy): Happy]

[Affinity Rank UP!]

[Nasoris's Affinity Rank: Friend]

"Although that battle wasn't enough for me to marry you, I'm glad it was one of the deciding factors.." I said.

Nasoris nodded. "So far, you're a worthy husband or Summoner. I expect more great things from you..~"

[Objective: Go to sleep]

[Notice: Where you sleep can have varied effects!]

I stood up and looked around to see where I could sleep.

[Sleep on Couch? Effect: Neutral, Adds Refreshed Status]

I decided against it then looked at the bed.

[Sleep with Nasoris? Effect: Favorable, Possible Event]

I considered it and looked at the chair.

[Sleep on Chair? Effect: You're an idiot if you pick this, Debuff All Stats by 75%, lock all skills until next day.]

I decided to sleep with Nasoris. She smiled as I walked toward the bed and got in with her. She got closer to me and cuddled up against me.

"I've never slept with a man before..." She said. "I'm glad you're the one who gave me this experience.."

I smiled at her and placed my arm over her waist. "Might as well, you know since we are getting married."

Nasoris giggled softly and gently pinched my nose. "Now you're confident..~ I like that...I can't wait to see how things will go from here..~ Good night..~"

I smiled and chuckled. "Good night."

[Affinity Rank UP!]

[Nasoris's Affinity Rank: Crush]


[HP and MP recovering....]

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