
What happens now?

While very little if any washing up for dinner took place, Captain Nora Halt ate her fill and Zeph quenched his thirst by drinking the stream that poured down from her mountain peaks as thick steam and steamy confessions filled the air.

Other than for concealing a few whole truths from her about certain little things like halos, wings, and all things Noel, Zeph complied fully with Captain Nora Halt's sexy little interrogation, where the questions were often hotter than the steam.

Often she quite literally had him by the balls with his back up against the wall when asking him questions. Even if he didn't want to answer some of the questions he did so, but gave her the light punishment of soft nipple bites for asking them.

"Did you arrange for that call from dispatch earlier to get out of giving a real answer about if this changes things between us?"

"No, it was a legitimate call."

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