
Finding a badge in the bed

With around three hours to go before dawn and the scheduled time for departure, Zeph who had gone to bed early half expecting to be woken up by Norton Coats or one of the NEOs on the graveyard guard duty shift, found himself being woken up in a way that he did not expect, for a reason far from any of the ones he expected.

It certainly wasn't a bad way to be woken up, a little alarming at first but definitely not bad in Zeph's book anyway. 

In what could only considered the dead of night Zeph was suddenly startled awake as something or two somethings that were shockingly cold to the point that their overall softness could hardly be noticed pressed up against his back.

His eyes flew open, as he gasped for air due sudden intrusion of cold. 

Zeph was wide awake by the time he could determine the source or cause of the bitter cold feeling on his back. The discovery of the source however only caused him to have more questions about the cause.

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