
Cat Dad’s Enemy Pays For His Karma

Chapter 391 – Cat Dad's Enemy Pays For His Karma

As Mao Miaomiao didn't know a lot about the higher dimension, he only told Pangu about the danger and the barrier of Mu-Nyang's hideout. He also revealed that if Mu-Nyang died, everybody in the universe would perish along with him.

Pangu's face turned ugly. He realized his mistakes.

"I see. He can't possibly die in this universe. This war is hopeless from the very beginning."

"Yeah, you should go to Mu-Nyang and surrender. Maybe, he will only erase your memory and let you start over."

"But why doesn't he kill me? I know he could do that several times."

Mao Miaomiao sighed, "It's karma. Killing you or cutting the karmic ties between you and him will cause harm more than good. Waiting for you to realize your mistake and surrender to him is the only way to solve this feud peacefully without harming his dantian universe and his cultivation base. That's why he's letting you live for so long."

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