
Cat Dad’s Retainer Has Grown

Chapter 243 – Cat Dad's Retainer Has Grown

Xiaomao had no idea what the Valkyrie Guild's remaining survivors were doing. Ten minutes had passed since the last fight, but none of them attempted to counterattack.



The tribulation lightning ceaselessly delivered heaven's punishment. A dozen lightning bolts struck the mermen and the Einherjars alike, killing them in one hit.

Fortunately, someone from the Einherjars' side fired something into the cloud and dispersed it, stopping the lightning bolts. Then, nobody continued fighting as both sides kept their distance.

Another 10 minutes passed, and the Einherjars were out of Xiaomao's sight. They retreated to the far edge of the map for an unknown reason.

Because nobody interrupted them, Xiaomao collected Joan's dropped items in glee. He also ran around, collecting and scavenging for dropped gears and consumable items.

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