

As I get up I see that Yang is still lying down..

Richard: "what's wrong blondie, do you want to continue sleeping."

Yang: "I just can't feel my legs."- She said it nervously looking at me.

Richard: "hoo well if you want you can take a bath with me."- I said it while stretching my hands bending down.

She just nods to stretch her arms out to grab onto my neck gently I lifted her off the couch so we started walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

An hour later.

After a long shower since she wanted us to start playing a little we came out of the bathroom I dressed in my obligatory outfit and she in a nightgown of mine that covers her up to her knees I just settle her in the chair to start preparing the food so she can see how cherry, jeanne and pyrrha get up when they smell the aroma of the food.

Pyrrha is all weirded out until she realizes that she is not in her room and is in my bed surrounded by her two teachers.

Pyrrha: 'Why am I here?"- She ask nervously.

Richard: "You remember last night."- I say as I finish chopping the vegetables.

She remembers and I see how she loses the sparkle in her eyes.

Richard: "don't worry apprentice, we are here for you."- I said it while I show her a half smile.

She gives it back to me.

Cherry: "I'm having you pass, honey."- She said it caressing her.

Jeanne: "It's an event that always happens."

Pyrrha: "this is what I was told since I was already destined to be like you."- She ask sadly.

Cherry: "yes honey."

Pyrrha: "couldn't I try to change the event."

Richard: "apprentice when you change something it can take a turn for the better or for the worse and mostly it is for the worse."

Richard: "if before that event could only affect a few people in this new event it will affect more or cause a worse fate to those people."

Pyrrha: "tell me Richard will you really fulfill that for me."- She ask looking at me.

Richard: "yes I am a person of my word and I will keep it."

Jeanne: "and one more thing pyrrha you already have a predetermined husband when we are born we are more guided by destiny than anything else."

Richard: "ho destiny that son of a bitch that doesn't rule me how wonderful."

They look at me surprised.

Cherry: "Augustus no matter how powerful you are destiny rules everything no matter what."

Richard: "Well I'm not in their book since I'm somewhat unique myself."- I said this as I finished cooking.

Cherry: "you may be a god, but you are still ruled by fate."

Yang: "wait a god how is Richard a god."- she asked in surprise.

At that we remember that yang is in the room.

Richard: "well at some point I have to tell you about it no."- I said it to put the flame on a low flame.

She looked at me in surprise.

Richard: "Yes I am a god, but you can say that I am good and yet I am not."- I said it sitting close to her.

Yang: "Explain yourself."

Richard: "Have you heard about the possibility that there are other realities?"- I asked.

Yang: "Yes, I saw it in a very good movie with shooting and explosions."

Richard: "Yang, concentrate."- I carved my eyebrow.

Yang: "Sorry, for every action, another world is created with another action."- She said it remembering.

Richard: "I am from another reality, more specifically from the 20,001 dimension that I know as a bridge dimension, this dimension can be said to be special because the walls of reality are thinner and with it I can travel to other worlds in my world, I am a descendant of a god."

Yang: "You are not a demigod."

Richard: "I am not a god since I climbed that stage some time ago, so I am already considered a god."

Yang: "What kind of god are you?"- She asked excitedly.

Richard: "you remember the creatures that are in void."

She feels.

Yang: "yes, did you have something to do with it."

Jeanne: "stop hanging around he is the god of life, war, justice, wrath and vengeance."

Jeanne: "plus he's the middle class demon god so he has the ability to fulfill wishes."

Richard: "hey where did you find that out."

Jeanne: "you talk in your sleep honey and when do you plan to fuck pyrrha because she would like it not pyrr."- She said it in a sensual tone making pyrrha turn as red as her hair.

Richard: 'helpi mental note learn to sleep with your mouth closed.'- I thought it frustrated.

[understood sir want me to add it to the notepad I don't give a fuck about or important notes].

Richard: 'leave them in the ones I don't give a fuck about.'- I thought.

Richard: "yes I am two kinds of god so I am both good and bad for every selfish wish you have to give me something of equal value to make it happen, but if I want to do that you don't need a wish and you don't have to ask me for it because if you ask me it becomes a wish."- I said it to stand up and put out the fire.

Yang: "If you are a god, why didn't you show up earlier?"

Richard: "I came to stop my brothers this world is going to become a battlefield so I've been making every improvement possible for it to survive."- I said it seriously.

She understood.

Yang: "can I see your world."- She asked excitedly.

Richard: "well mine is more dangerous than yours so I don't know and first I have to finish the fight with my brothers."- I said calmly.

Richard: "maybe let me finish creating my dimension and maybe."- I said it to serve her.

Then I kept silent she was about to ask something only for me to cover her mouth and see the girls enter my room I greet all of them and they greet me back, but I look more specifically to Ren who has a slight look of disgust and the sparkle is trying to motivate him and he is not succeeding.

He just gives her a cold look something strange since he always looks at her with neutrality or gives her a smile or two, but he has been behaving colder and colder.

I could only deny for that behavior as it is causing the sparkle to move away from him a little more each day.

I look at all of them who are nervous.

Richard: "So the closet pervert didn't come back he."- I said sitting down at the table.

Weiss: "I think I should apologize."- She said it sadly.

I just looked at her with surprise before she could take the first bite.

Richard: "You are really saying it albino, God exists."- I said it to the heavens to make her look at me in a bad way.

I just stroked her head to make her give a slap.

Richard: "If you want to go where she is."- I said it to get a tracker out.

Ruby: "You put a tracker on her."

Richard: "I put a tracker on everyone, they put me as a babysitter so I know some of you will try to do something crazy."- I said it by pulling out a screen where it marks their coordinates.

Yang: "I want you to take that away from me now Richard."- She said angrily.

Richard: "it's all over your clothes so good luck getting it off."- I said mockingly.

They looked at me in disbelief.

Jaune: "You put tracers on all our clothes, even our underwear."

Richard: "Yes, it was SIF who put them on."- I said it quietly to finish eating and pick up my plate and sit back down.

Richard: "well when you finish eating we will look for the closet pervert."- I said smiling.

They just nodded to eat faster.

I stand up to start the dishes I see yang who remembers she only has my clothes to run to her room to change.

Yang: "I'll keep the shirt, it's comfortable."

Richard: "that one cost me to buy."

Yang: "it wasn't a suggestion Richard."- She said it in a mocking tone.

Richard: "Well, they finished eating."- I asked and they nodded.

Ruby: "You will be my brother-in-law."- She said as she handed me the fret with a childish look on her face as she bowed her head.

"Yes."- I said as I finished cleaning the dishes.

Weiss: "how can you be sleeping with two women and looking for more."- She said it annoyed.

Richard: "I'm not looking for them, they come and if I like their personality and all that, I'm not going to refuse."- I said it looking at them.

Nora: "Richard, what would you do if I asked you for a date."- She said it annoyed by ren.

Richard: "I would accept chispita I like your personality."

I just watched as ren clenched his hands in anger.

Ren: "do what you want Nora."- He said it in a cold tone.

I only saw how Nora looked sadly at that behavior.

Nora: "I will do it lie ren."- She said it annoyed.

I just walked up to Jaune.

Richard: "You idiot why are you fighting the happy couple."- I asked, he just looked at the ground sadly.

Juane: "he's been like this ever since I told him how you saved my town and he's been staying away from the team."- He said sadly.

Richard: "I only saved your village and remembering that how are your sisters I haven't talked to them."

Jaune: "they are happy that you take care of me and keep me from getting into trouble."- He said it nervously.

Richard: "tell them that if they are going to have another hunter brother that they should train him first because you just passed the tests I really checked them, although I must say that I am proud that you didn't use your semblance."

After our light conversation the girls are ready for us to go look for the closet pervert.

I just looked at them to see yang come in with her typical outfit and her trademark smile.

When we leave the room we run into Glynda who doesn't take her eyes off me.

Richard: "So it's true that you'll have cameras on me."- I said it close to her ear to show a blush.

Glynda: "Of course not Mr. Parker, we only heard your screams all night."

Richard: "Really because I remember my room is soundproofed and the only hole is where the apprentice shot."- I said it quietly.

She blushed more when she was discovered.

Glynda: "never mind that Mr. Parker I hope everyone will head to class because today we will have some teachings on the correct use of semblances."- She said this while adjusting her glasses.

Richard: "well you are right glynda we are heading to your class."- I said it quietly so they start to walk away.

While they leave I am left alone with her.

When we are left alone I get a slap I just smiled at her.

Glynda: "you come and sleep with two bitches, a sociopathic whore and now the fucking daughter of that sociopath what the hell is wrong with you richard."- She said it furious.

Richard: "well if you're jealous you can just ask me to be alone for a moment."

Glynda: "I'm not like the whores you're sleeping with right now."- She said it furious.

I just denied to caress her cheek to make her look me in the eyes to try to keep her annoyed look.

Richard: "ho come on glynda every time I want to have a personal moment someone stops it and tell me aren't you having an affair with ozpin."- I said it quietly she looked more uneasy.

Glynda: "how did you find out."

Richard: "I can feel his scent on you Glynda if your mission was to make me fall in love with you so that Ozpin could have me in his hands he was on the verge I must say."- I said it quietly.

Glynda: "what are you going to do."

Richard: "nothing you're not mine you just pretended and it's nice to know that I'm not an idiot who falls in love easily."- I said it to start walking.

Richard: "and tell ozma that I won't stop his death and possibly seal it in something."- I said it to start walking.

'I get that was the plan but now I've fallen for you but how can I do this.' She thought about it with a combination of sadness, self loathing and disgust at herself.

Glynda: 'falling in love with a god and having him in hands only to sleep with a person like ozpin.'- She thought about it as she took off her glasses to clean them while trying to wipe away the tears.

Richard: "and don't cry just enjoy life."- I said it out loud so she would look at me.

[sir with it you might lose one of the women attracted to you].

Richard: 'glynda I lost her ozma already has her in his hands and possibly he is seeing how to put raven and the girls on his side if I turn against him something he is guiding.'- I thought about it quietly.

[you want me to get you an ability that destroys your body and captures your soul sir].

Richard: 'no helpi I'll just enjoy watching him get nervous and look for more ways for him to get more cracks.'- I thought it calmly as I get to the guys who look at me calmly.

I see that glynda arrives calmer to give her typical serious look and start her talk about the semblances and their value as the uses and varieties and the few times they are repeated because they are traits that are marked by their personality in the case of ruby she in a way inherited the semblance of her mother which is a strange case.

That was all I paid attention to, so I spent the rest of the time weighing where my siblings could be and looking for the others, Alice and Winston.

After class everyone left, but Glynda stopped me.

Glynda: "Richard can we talk in private again."

Richard: "I don't know I'm going to be very busy for a long time."

Glynda: "I just want to talk can we."

Richard: "It's okay."- I said it a little annoyed.

I just look at the team to launch the tracker.

They catch it and I signal them to go ahead.

After that I sit across from glynda so we just stare at each other.

Richard: "Well Miss Glynda you know I don't like to waste time so let's get this over with because I want to finish some things."

Glynda: "Richard I know that our friendly relationship that had risen to something more is starting to wane, but I hope we keep our relationship formal."

Richard: "No problem with that Glynda."- I said it to already stand up and start to walk away.

She only sees my retreat and after I leave the room she puts both her arms on the desk and avoids the blow to the head she was going to give herself.

Glynda: 'what the hell did I get myself into I didn't think I would fall in love with him the Grimm Islands trip was so he would see me as his princess not the other way around.'- She thought about it while carving the bridge of her nose.

Glynda: 'maybe if I gave myself to him completely.'- She thought about it.

Glynda: "I will not destroy what little dignity I have left."

Glynda: 'all that's left is to wait and see how this will end.'- She thought about it to see the door.

While with Richard.

The girls went ahead as I asked them to as soon as I saw a bullhead that was moving away I just jumped to fall close to him.

So I followed him closely to find out where the girls would be.

After a while the girls came down on the second bullhead helipad.

I just waited for them to come down to greet them and they came up to me.

With that we proceeded to look for her well they didn't expect her to be in a hotel so when we arrived we only found her clothes.

Richard: "She's a smart girl I used my partners to avoid the suspicion of the trackers and she found out."- I said smiling.

Pyrrha: "I don't see anything good in that Richard we just lost the only possible trace of Blake."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "We just have to wait for the night in the port area, they will bring a shipment of powder and possibly attack him, so she will be there."- I said it downplaying its importance.

Weiss: "wait you will use my family company's cargo as a tallow."- she said angrily.

Richard: "any ideas albino I'm all ears."

Richard: "and don't say we can look for her because she must be looking for information and we can put her in danger."- I said it seriously.

They just understood and nodded in acceptance.

I just grabbed her clothes and some things she left behind and gave them to the dwarf who looked at me nervously.

Richard: "if you don't want to wear it throw it to your sister."- I said it to her ear so she smiles and throws it to yang who catches it so she runs off being followed by her.

Yang: "ruby you won't make me take over your duty as a leader."& She said it chasing after her.

Up to here.


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well guys I'm still alive it's just my final exams are going on....they will be finished on 24th of this month....well thankyou guys...for reading this till now....

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