
The Lounge Area (2)


Willow, ever the amiable and supportive friend, beamed at her with genuine warmth. Even though he hadn't witnessed her magical display firsthand, he understood the significance of her achievement. Her passion for magic and her relentless pursuit of excellence had always been evident.

With an approving nod, he praised her, "Amelia, that sounds amazing! Combining fire and ice magic takes real skill and precision. I'm sure you were incredible out there." His compliment was punctuated by a gentle pat on her head.

The scene might have appeared peculiar to onlookers—the diminutive Willow patting the head of the considerably taller Amelia. However, the authenticity of their friendship transcended any superficial judgments. Amelia, rather than feeling self-conscious, accepted the affectionate gesture with a bashful smile, her heart warmed by his kindness.

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