


Gabriel casually lift up his hand to meet her fist, as soon as they both connected a small crater was formed under them.

Kila got even more excited knowing she can go all out, trees were snapped and blown around as she was sent flying by Gabriel.

Gabriel smirked seeing her sweaty face after 10 minutes of a full on workout for him.

"Don't tell me, that's it Kila? here I was hoping you be stronger but I guess I was wro-"

Gabriel tilted his head on time as Kila pounced on him faster than before, a small drop of blood leaked out, she smiled because he figured Kila's claws would be strong enough to pierce his skin easily plus her nursting speed added more power.

"Ha ha that's more like it!" grinned Gabriel as he spreaded out his arms and planted his feet on the ground.

"My turn now... this one hit will be the last I'll give you, so you better give it your best shot on defending else you'll die" his face became dark and his eyes shined making Kila shake in fear.

She could feel it, she sweat dropped at her master's dark aura, it was ominous, there was something about his aura, no one could see it, onle her and those whom Gabriel's had shared his blood with. Kila saw something behind Gabriel that made her whimper and cowered in fear that was not her master.

That was a monster with a billion lives behind him, there were shadows of people trying to claw outside out of whatever was trapping them.

Kila noticed thT Gabriel had no idea what was happening, in Gabriel's mind he is preparing his punch for a 50 percent output of his whole strength.

Kila retreated and hid behind a tree, Gabriel released his form and stood straight up and slowly walked to Kila "What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

Kila no longer seeing death in Gabriel's eyes slowly walked out out of the tree and shakily grabbed his hand. It was warm, she looked at their hands joined together and then at him, she saw him smiled with his toothy grin, something she liked, behind him there was no more death and darkness but the sun shining behind him as if he was an angel himself, he only needed silvery white wings.

Kila purred and runned herself on him making Gabriel chuckled "Do you wanna tell me now what happened?" he asked, a little concerned still aince she was pretty shaken up before.

"Master looked really scary, there were many people behind master trying to claw out of your shadow Nd shados near by" said Kila shivering.

Gabriel looked thoughtful for a second before noticing Kila's still shivering and decided to pick her up and put her on his shoulders despite her size, to him she did not weigh a lot.

Kaimana looked at their encounter grom far away and even she had to get out of the water because when her master looked serious the water became extremely cold.


While Gabriel was on his way to the savage group along with an excited Kila there was something else going on around where he last fought the two Genesis.

"Sir, we've found the samples on prototype Genesis, we managed to take tissue and blood samples!" said a scientist as he showed another man his tablet with the information.

"We need to figure out how we can deal with that fat man's son... Wildfire needs to be stopped" said the misterious man as he frowned seeing the destruction of the place the two Genesis had fought Gabriel.

"Sir... how powerful do you think he is?" asked the scientists seeing the destruction along with his boss.

"I don't know... but for starters we can figure out why his blood had managed to do those things" both of them glanced at a zombie in a cage, the zombie looked smart and was wary of everyone around him.

"He is fascinating!" said the scientist seeing the intelligent zombie "maybe we can even reverse the virus with this?"

The mysterious man said nothing and just nodded "Good, try to figure out what you can and report to me what you've found" the mysterious man walked to an helicopter that took him away.

The scientist sighed and looked at the intelligent zombie, he nodded and resolved himself, he needed courage to handle this monster because while the scientist was intelligent he had zero survival skills and this zombie as they had added that term to those monsters had survival and hunting skills, something he lacked, thus he always had three bodyguards with him 'What could go wrong, right?' he thought to himself.


"Ada, do you ever think of Gabriel?" asked a busty police woman.

Ada, a sexy woman in a red dress flinched at the mention of Gabriel's name. She still remembers the time when they were kids.

Ada after having a very amusing flashback, smirked slightly at Jill, the police woman "I also remember you always following him around like a lost duck, I remember you having the biggest of crushes on him" she teased.

'I still do' thought Jill smiling warmly "You are not any bettet Ada... you stole his first kiss, remember?" said Jill teasing her friend back and then thought 'I was jeleous at that time but I know any kiss with Gabriel woyld feel like a first time'

Both girls giggled "I want to find him and confess my love for him" said Ada aloud.

Jill rose her eyebrow "I like him too!" she said rapidly. Both girls glared at eachother for a moment becore sighing.

"We can't fight, Gabriel would slap our butts if we do, he used to do that to us when we were kids" laughed Ada.

"Yes, I liked it whe he did that" said Jill with hazy eyes staring at the sky.

"We will find Gabriel and both confess and whoever he takes, thrn we won't have harm feelings towards eachother... of course, he'll always choose me" said Ada.

"Noo... he'll choose me because I have more butt and tits than you" she said grabbing her behind and tits.

Ada snorted "Let's go, we still have to find him!"

Jill smirked triumphily and swayed her hips making her butt jiggle as she walked ahead.

Ada also swayed her hips and her soft ass jiggle too making Jill humped.

They both then heard booming sounds and the destruction of a land, they looked at eachother, ran towards the sound with guns in hand.


(A/n: anothet chapter for the wicked me, I so want Ada and Jill guys, they sexy as hell. also, I'm gonna give it a little plot to this, sorry for not uploading but I'm still getting used to work around construction and I don't wanna quit cuz that'll be the easy way out... PEACE OUT HOMS)

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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