
Сhapter 50

"Are you going to stare at me like that?" - With a grin on his lips , he asked me… I myself. Well, to be more specific, my shadow clone, which has been standing in front of me for several minutes, allowing me to evaluate my own creation… And it's quite funny to look at yourself from all sides. Although, personally, I'm more surprised that I got the technique the first time, and the clone itself was quite a worker. Without any mistakes in creation, well, as it seemed to me. - Dispel me already, or should I do it myself? - A blond-haired boy with my face... and somewhat unusual voices asked me. I myself, as it turned out, hear my voice a little differently, which is generally logical.

- Better run along the wall. And work out a couple of kata after that. I want to evaluate your capabilities. - I asked, taking into account the fact that I invested quite a bit of chakra in the technique ... I remember in the anime it was said that clones take exactly half of the creator's chakra, but this is not quite true. It was more than possible to control the flow of chakra into the technique. And half is rather a certain maximum, which can generally be injected into one clone, without fear of the curve of triggering techniques.

- No problem. - My double chuckled, starting to carry out the order. At the same time, he had no problems with this ... Although the speed at which he was moving could hardly be called high. Apparently, the clones are somewhat limited in this regard, and cannot realize the full potential of the original. Well, or, at least, to do this, you need to invest more chakra in the technique ... Well, I'll check that, now you need to dispel the clone, and see how things are with the transfer of fatigue and the knowledge gained.

- Nothing? - I asked the void a little uncertainly, really dispelling the clone and getting back a certain amount of my own chakra ... much less than I invested in the technique initially, but still quite significantly. However, I did not find anything beyond this in myself… Just like that right away. After a few seconds of introspection, I really found the memories of a clone of myself.

However, these memories were perceived somewhat differently than I expected… To be honest, I was expecting a kind of information pack hitting my mind after dispelling the clone. I got the same, as a result ... just a memory. Well, that is, I really remembered what I was doing and what I was thinking about while being a clone, but I didn't see anything unusual in this. Here are completely, completely faded memories without a touch of emotion and at least some kind of tie to the moment…

Unexpectedly, but after some experiments, when I finally became convinced of my ability to accept the chakras of one, two and three clones immediately without consequences for myself, I realized that this state of affairs is even good. It was somewhat unusual to work with my own memory analyzing almost identical clone memories, but I'm sure if these memories were all piled on me at once, I definitely wouldn't have been able to stand it. Well, as it is, this is a very convenient feature of the technique.

It is worth getting used to a little and the technique will really become indispensable in the combat plan. The ability to send several clones, conduct a "combat reconnaissance" or simply send those into a suicide attack is worth a lot. Especially considering the fact that the memories of "death" will not affect me in any way in general, allowing me to continue the fight with maximum efficiency... Yes, the one who created this technique, and this merit belongs to the second Hokage, was a real genius.

Moreover, I am generally afraid to stutter about the effectiveness of this technique in everyday life. A dozen clones in a matter of half an hour managed to bring perfect cleanliness to the apartment, cook a simple breakfast and just do a lot of small things that I had been putting off for later all the time before.

However, after hanging out these dozens of clones, I felt a slight attack of weakness… Just like that, and a slight wave of fatigue falls on you along with the memories of everything done by the clones in these half an hour. Nothing unusual, but it was absolutely necessary to check your own endurance limits. Especially since today is the perfect day for this. The team and I just returned from our assignment yesterday, and Sensei gave us a few days off on this occasion…

So I was going to take advantage of such a good moment for my own training. True, initially I thought that it would take a little more time to work out the shadow cloning technique, but these are small things that do not affect the main plan in any way. Therefore, after having breakfast with the food prepared by the clones, I rushed in a hurry to the already familiar landfill, where I began to create several batches of clones at once… Creating too many clones at a time was really difficult.

I had to pay too much attention to the distribution of the chakra between the clones, because of which sometimes the technique simply broke down or everything turned out somewhat differently than I wanted it to… Yes, after all, ordinary shadow cloning is not a forbidden analogue of this technique – mass shadow cloning, which the original Naruto mastered at the time. Well, I'm doing pretty well as it is. Moreover, I'm not going to work my ass off on the first day, and it was much more effective to create clones in small batches.

And here the reason is not even that it is several times easier to create five to ten clones in terms of control than the same twenties, which became for me, if not the limit, then somewhere around that, but also in one satisfied entertaining feature of this technique… Which is difficult to describe in words, but to put it quite simply, the clones created for a strictly defined purpose fulfilled this goal much better than their "less motivated" counterparts.

That is, literally, if I created clones for the purpose of cleaning the house, this goal became fundamental for the clone ... it became the meaning of its existence, which, although it was perceived by me somewhat strange, but it affected the effectiveness of such clones greatly. And even though I haven't revealed any really precise patterns yet, creating about an equal number of ordinary clones and those clones that differ little in terms of consciousness from myself, but all this was interesting enough anyway…

It became especially interesting after I created fifty clones, albeit in several approaches, split them into two equal teams and forced them to do the same thing. It is banal in order to accurately compare the effectiveness of "motivated" and ordinary clones… Actually, this comparison took me almost a good half of that day. Still, such nuances of technology could not be ignored, and I got carried away, what's there, eventually coming to one fairly expected result – the "motivated" clones coped with the task somewhat better than their usual colleagues, but ... there was one thing.

So, for these clones, everything was very not very critical thinking. They just personified the very dudes who, seeing a goal in front of them, do not see obstacles in front of it. And even if it was good in combat or in everyday terms, then here are the results of training… Which I had to analyze for a long time, and after receiving which, I really felt quite serious fatigue ... those were much less effective.

It was quite possible to consolidate some skills with the help of them. Nevertheless, the experience of clones, after some deliberation, was fully assimilated by me, which could not but affect my skills, but for something more complex it was more effective to use ordinary clones. The beginnings of creative thinking of such clones were bearing fruit, I felt it more than clearly…

And yes, in general, I very clearly separated ordinary and motivated clones, even if this was not mentioned in the manuals that Natsubashi-sensei gave me… But I think it's logical. Such nuances are difficult to describe in words, and it is not necessary to master the technique. Well, there the Shinobi will sort out all the nuances himself, if he's not a fool at all… The original Naruto, it seems to me, also quickly reached similar conclusions to mine, even if they were not voiced in the anime. At least, his clones behaved differently in different situations, which means that he definitely knew how to "motivate" those…

But this is already so, empty reflections of a tired mind… And I'm really tired for this day. More than two hundred clones created in the last six hours is significant. Moreover, each of these clones was somehow engaged in training in chakra control, the memories of which I was learning all the time, which is also a very bad mental load… And by the end of all my tests, I didn't have that many chakras left. The clones also needed to train with something, which is why I did not spare the effort to create them… And in general, shadow cloning is really expensive in terms of chakra technique…

And even if it was especially hard for me to go home that day, but my mood was still upbeat. The six-hour training of successive clones bore fruit, and I figured out the cloning technique itself really well. Now I will definitely be able to speed up my own workouts… Excluding, perhaps, purely physical training and tai training. Although clones can gain experience in the latter, which is also important…

However, there is a fly in the ointment in this whole barrel – it is quite difficult for shadow clones to interact and create a Yang chakra ... it depends too much on the Shinobi body. Because of what a large number of this chakra clones are simply not able to create by nature, there is not enough reserve strength… What makes those not too effective in terms of practicing Fuin skills, and those will be dispelled when working with the Yang chakra too quickly…

Which, however, is quite tolerable, especially if I decide to send a whole horde of clones to train in Fuin, but still a small minus this technique has… Which even sounds somewhat ridiculous, in light of the huge benefits of this technique, which I recently confirmed. And what prospects are opening up in front of me now…

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