
Kill Without Batting an Eyelid

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Qiao Mei looked at Xia Wan in shock. She had never encountered such a storyline even in television dramas. She did not expect Gao Long to be such a devoted man even though he looked so cold!

"If you don't approve of the relationship, I'll make it clear to him now! In my heart, you and my family are the most important people to me!" Xia Wan said in a panic.

No matter how much she loved Gao Long, she would not go against Qiao Mei or her own family members. If not for Qiao Mei's help, she would still be living in an abyss full of suffering! She was thankful to Qiao Mei for allowing Xia Nian to have such a good life and a good future, and also for her to be able to find new hope and live her own life!

"Why won't I approve! I'm just a little surprised. It's just that the uncle in front of me now is different from the person I remember," Qiao Mei said.

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