
I Cannot Shortchange My Brothers

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

"I can give you this," Qiao Mei said as she held up two fingers.

"You…" Before Director Qiao could finish speaking, Qiao Mei continued, "I know you definitely have a way to give me half, but I won't make things difficult for you. I won't ask for much, how about one quarter? I still offer the same price. It's much more suitable for you to work with me than those people.

One quarter was still too much. His biggest concession was to give Qiao Mei pig offal from 20 pigs a day. He could not give her any more than that.

Qiao Mei considered for a moment and then agreed. An amount of 20 pigs was not a small number and it would guarantee a supply of fresh offal if she sent someone to pick it up every day. She would feel much more at ease with using fresh ingredients. It just meant that if she wanted to expand this business, she would still have to wait another year or two!

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