
More Powerful

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Auntie Fan… how could it be her?

"No way. Isn't Auntie Fan a very honest and loyal person? Why would she betray us?" Xia He said in surprise.

It was true that Sister Fan would not betray Xu Lan, but the same could not be said about Sister Fan's husband. Cheng Gu was very good at planning everything down to the last detail. He even took notice of Sister Fan's husband.

Sister Fan's husband was also a gardener. He was a mediocre person his whole life and everyone he knew always said that he was a man without ambitions. They said that he was a person who sat around waiting to die and relied on Sister Fan to support him.

Many people gossiped behind his back, saying that he would not be able to survive without Sister Fan and that he was a freeloader and a useless man!

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