
I Know You Will Be Safe

“What does that mean?” Axel asked with concern. “Confused about what?”

“When we were told how long Alice had been unconscious, I ordered new scans of her brain,” Bell said. “I was afraid that something had gone wrong and that her lesions had spread or worsened.”

“You didn’t tell me that….” Axel growled, standing from his chair.

“I don’t tell my patients’ families my worst fears unless I have evidence to support telling them,” Bell replied with a soft attitude.

Alice pulled at his hand, instructing him to sit back down. Axel clenched his jaw but sat back down.

“What did you find?” Alice asked. Bracing herself for the worst.

“It’s not what I found, but what I didn’t find….” Bell replied. “The lesions.”

“What?” Alice asked right away. “What do you mean?”

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