
The God Power Of The Angel Race

Among all the males trying to approach her, she'd approach the one who would show coldness and careless attitude towards her!

That was exactly what happened with this time ability! The moment I started to ignore it, it began to become clearer and closer to me than ever!

I got lost in such feeling, absorbed totally and lost any feeling with time passing or outside world.

This was one of the rare moments when I didn't get to feel anything and get totally absorbed in what I was doing. Aside from training and cultivating, I never felt such a thing before.

After an unknown period of time, I finally felt something like a membrane that got perforated, a barrier that got broken, a dam that got down and flood came next.

My mind went blank the next moment, giving me an instant scare. I tried many things and yet failed to regain control over my mind and body.

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