

"I swear you did. I didn't just drag you into this. I mean it wouldn't have worked without your consent right? There are only four of you that I forced into an agreement with. As for the rest. I begged for them to join me on this" 

Kenji crossed his legs and said:

"As for me I don't mind but I don't work for free. So remember you owe me one. When it's time you better pay me back in full." His sister Keturah rolled her eyes at her brother and said:

"What I don't understand is why you would appoint some underworld Artemians as your birds and orbs. That aside, you didn't get along with me very well on your last visit to Aquave so why the sudden change of heart."

"Arian smiled at her and asked: is that what you thought? That I don't like you? Well you are wrong. Because I like you but I was just too bashful due to the circumstance of our meeting…" Kona interrupted him while he was still talking:

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