

Farah raised her hands in surrender with a knowing smile saying:

"How dare me, not to like the sun. when I can't even escape from it."

Farah smiled at her own words as she got up from the chair and gathered their plates to the dishwasher. Idalia got up as well and looking at Farah's back she got lost in her deep thoughts, when she suddenly blurted out saying: 

"But the sun… I can tell likes you a lot."

For some reason that even Farah couldn't understand, she blushed and seeing as Idalia was looking at her with an expression she couldn't understand, she mentally questioned herself; 'How can the sun like me when it causes me so much trouble?' 

Farah raised her eyes to look at Idalia suspiciously.  But Idalia had that same gentle and sweet unchanging look on her face that felt so unreal. It was almost as if she was wearing a mask to hide her true feelings or her true self and that made Farah sad so much that she felt like crying. 

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