

Dora stopped walking on hearing Fords voice. She turned and answered him ignorantly of what he was insinuating:

"What?... I am going to my room of course." She was puzzled by his question but she answered him anyway. He could see the confusion written on her face by her facial expression. He smiled and moved closer to her. He looked at the book she was holding and collected it from her grip and said:

"Or you could just sleep here. There is enough space for two."

He observed her as he waited for her response. He wasn't exactly having anything in mind, he was just curious about the girl who for the first time in his life was indifferent about him. Ford was not a womanizer. In fact, he shared the same characteristics as Alba, but their difference was, Alba was a Casanova, a womanizer and a party craze person. While Ford was the opposite. He never played with any lady's emotion and he was always straight to the point with his intent. Ford was definitely not a party monger. He was just an observant quiet I am obsessed with books kind of guy.

"I don't want to!" Dora answered him indifferently and turn to walk away from him.

"Oh but I want to. You seem like an interesting young woman"

"You also seem like an interesting young man, but I still don't want to."

Ford smiled and carried her in his Arms. He stared into her eyes with fascination and curiosity meanwhile she was just struggling to release herself from his arms. He walked to the bed and laid her there. He covered her with his duvet and laid beside her shirtless with just his pajamas on.

"I can't sleep without cuddling something or someone…" Ford smirked as he answered her.

"You should go and hug a plushy or a pillow because I am not one!" Ford wrapped his arms around her and drew her to his chest. He snuggled with her and answered her in a welcoming husky masculine voice:

"He said keep an eye at all times on Mahina's friend Dora. Don't let her out of your sight at any cost. That's exactly what I will do. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I am not a womanizer and no matter how beautiful a lady is I never lose my sanity with her."

'Is this man serious. Is he really going to keep an eye on me at all times. Why do I always have to get into trouble alongside Hina. I admit I was elated when I saw Arlo but I had no idea it will be at this cost. This man is weird I hope Hina isn't going through what I am going through. She will be messed up inside out.'

Ford held her close to his chest and closed his eyes as he tried to invade her mind in order to read her thoughts. Every time he tries to listen to her mind. He gets blogged by a disturbing noise. He drew her closer to his chest in the process of trying to listen to her mind. Dora yelped by her closeness to him and nudged him away.

"He said keep an eye on me not sexually harass me. What kind of a man sleeps next to a lady with no shirt on? How am I supposed to feel about that? Tell me or are you trying to seduce me?... I honestly don't want to know that just keep your hands to yourself and please make sure you don't poke me with any unholy part of your body while sleeping. That's if you get what I mean."

Dora puts a pillow in-between them. Ford creased his browse and turned to the other side of the bed. He was annoyed by the pillow she used to bridge the bed. He cuddled himself grumpily in the duvet and closed his eyes to sleep. Although he seemed to be asleep he was actually thinking:

'This is weird how is that I can't invade this young lady's mind. Is she human? She has nothing against me. So why is it that I can't get through to her mind.' While he was lost in his thoughts he was suddenly alerted by Dora's loud snore. He swiftly turns to see what was making that noise only for his eyes to meet with the unladylike way Dora spread her body on the bed while snoring. Her leg was resting on the bridge she made and her hand was resting above Ford's heard.

"Tsk tsk tsk who is invading whose privacy now. She's so unladylike."

*** *** ***

Mahina woke up to find she was alone in the gigantic master's bedroom. She yawned and stretched her body. Alba most have gone out she thought. She jumped out of bed and ran to bathroom. She filled up the bath tub happily and immerse herself inside the water. Her muscles relaxed as she entered the bath tub. Since Mahina was alone she drifted off in thoughts of all that has been happening.

'Alba Marcello's! who are you? And what do you want from me?' Some days' back Mahina's life was a wreck of debts but right now her life feels like a merciless destructive tornado. Whatever will she do in this mess she has found herself in, she wondered.

'How on earth did I end up meeting with a man like Alba anyway.' she immerse herself completely into the water and closed her eyes as she thought of her life and what to do.

Alba returned to the room and couldn't find Mahina. He wasn't bothered because he thought she might be somewhere in the mansion looking around or doing something. Perhaps she is eating he thought. With that reasoning he picked his computer and started working online. After a while he stopped what he was doing and went to get a glass of water on the table when he heard the sound of bubbling water. He peaked into the bathroom but didn't see anything. He turned to leave when he remembers that he caught sight of clothes lying on the floor and the bad tub was filled water. He swiftly returned and looked closely and found Mahina sitting with her eyes closed under the water in the bath tub. He widened his eyes in shock as he dashed to her and lifted her in his arms out of the water.

"Are you crazy! Or is something wrong with you. Are you trying to kill yourself now in my mansion because I went a bit far yesterday? It wasn't what I imagined it will be. I mean, it's not like that… I didn't know you are a virgin okay? Grrrr my gosh I am sorry okay just don't try anything funny here"

Mahina got up from the floor and yelled:

"Just stop talking will you? It's not what you are thinking. I didn't immerse myself in water because I was trying to kill myself. That's just how I relieve myself from stress. Since when I was a little girl I have always been able to stay longer than normal under water. That's why I stayed longer and not for any funny reasons like the one you were thinking of.

"Really?" He observed her face closely. Mahina answered him affirmatively:

Yes!" he rubbed his chin and asked again:

"For how long can you stay under water"

"I don't know myself but so far I have noticed that I can stay for an hour under water"

Mahina quickly grabbed the first rob that was hanging on the wall and wrapped herself in it, to cover her nakedness. To keep Alba's menacing eyes away from her body. What is the crazy man thinking? She asked herself. Why would she want to harm herself just because of what happened between the two of them? It's not like it's normal for her to be pounced on by any man just like what happened yesterday. It's just that for Mahina she has been through worst situation compared to yesterday. In fact, to a point she felt it was normal cause it is what animals are known for after all. And to her they weren't any different from the animals yesterday. When she closed her eyes to sleep yesterday, she thought to herself that it was nothing more than her biological needs responding to Alba's touch.

Alba smiled at her swiftness to cover her body and started walking away from the bathroom.

"I will be in the bedroom. Just finish up we will talk later." She sighed as she gradually sat by the side of the tub.

Alba's phone rang while he was working on his computer. He picked up the phone and answered:

"Speak! I am listening."

"My lord the hoodlums have finally confessed."

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