
Chapter XVII - Wolves’ Den 2

The team slowly and methodically continued their slaughter of the wolves. They had to take out two more groups of wolves before reaching the first demi-boss (weaker bosses) of the dungeon.

The two Omega Wolves were standing on a small boulder in a large open area of the dungeon. They stared down the adventurers unable to move forward as an invisible wall was separating the boss room from the pathway. Upon one person engaging, the invisible wall would prevent entry in or out, and the party had 10 seconds to join the fight.

<Omega Wolf - Male>

Level 10

1,000/1,000 HP

<Omega Wolf - Female>

Level 10

1,000/1,000 HP

"Okay, Lisa, you engage the one on the right, I'll grab the one on the left. Mawu, we will need you to shoot them both a few times in their hind legs to limit their mobility before joining in. This is going to be a massive DPS check as we don't have any healing." Marcus explained.

Lisa pulled out a small potion "I have this." She said as she extended it to Marcus, who shook his head.

"Trust me and don't try to use it in a fight, it won't work and you'll waste the item.

We just need to be cautious and don't underestimate these just because they're only the Omegas. Mawu, once the right wolf is down under 10%, help me out and let Lisa finish off hers and you and I will take out the left one."

Everyone nodded in understanding. Everyone took a step through the barrier as Marcus and Lisa charged their targets.

The two wolves howled as they leaped forward to engage their targets. Both players blocked the attacks taking minimal damage and countering with a thrust of a spear and a quick twofold slash of Replica through [Rush]. The wolves as if in complete unison leaped backwards and snarled as an arrow flew through the air and lodged itself deep into the thigh of the wolf on the right as it lost its balance momentarily and fell to the ground.

As it began to get back up another jab from the spear hit it again causing it to yelp, Marcus had separated the two and got them further apart as the wolf attempted to pounce on Marcus again, who already in motion dodged and slashed at the wolf's side as another arrow found itself in his hip. Not where Mawu wanted it but he hoped it would be enough.

He quickly timed another shot at the wolf engaging his sister and this one found it's home in the other thigh of the wolf crippling it's speed immensely.

One more arrow he thought as he took aim. He needed to slow this wolf down or Marcus might not make it. As Marcus blocked the wolf's pounce and avoided the slash by leaping back, Mawu launched the arrow scoring a Crit as it went clean through the thigh out the other side.

"YES!" He exclaimed to himself as he returned his bow to his inventory and withdrew his pike and charged in to assist his sister.

Marcus was struggling with this wolf more than he cared to admit and a visible sigh of relief was released when he saw the arrow Crit the other leg of the wolf.

Marcus rushed the wolf and blocked the claw swipe with his shield as he unleashed another [Rush]. It was getting close to increasing to level 2 and figured it would happen in this fight. He definitely could use the additional 10% damage the increased level would provide.

Lisa and Mawu were making quick work of the wolf doing their usual attack and retreat as they bounced aggro. The only assistance Marcus was receiving at this time was the support of his Flutter chat. Words of encouragement along with the occasional trolling was egging him on.

It wasn't long until Mawu left his sister and joined Marcus in taking down the wolf. They were definitely on the other side of things as Marcus began utilizing the twins tactic with Mawu.

When both wolves were under 100 HP, Marcus yelled "Mawu go help your sister! I'll finish this one off, Kill the other one!" Mawu nodded and charged the unsuspecting wolf jumping into the air and using his weight as additional force to impale the wolf with his pike as Lisa thrust her spear through it's gaping mouth taking it's life.

Marcus swung Replica at the remaining wolf who began it's berserk mechanic and lifted it's head to howl for reinforcements but this was what Marcus was waiting for and unleashed [Rush] as two critical hits cleaved the wolf's throat ending the boss fight!

Omega Wolf - Male slain!

Omega Wolf - Female slain!

400+40 EXP

Level Up!

[Rush] Level Up!

Bronze Chest dropped!

Bronze Chest dropped!

Despite the large amount of experience, the twins did not hit level 10 from this fight, but Marcus did close the gap and reach level 8. His [Rush] skill also leveled up allowing him to dish out more damage.


Active Skill - Level 2 - Rank D

Attack the target with a twofold strike.

+10% Damage

Stamina -11


Marcus only needed two more levels to level up [Boost] as he was gaining 20% per level up. Passive skills increased through leveling up and active skills, through usage.

"Well since there's two chests, you two can open one and I'll open the other." Marcus said after allocating his points. The twins nodded as this seemed fair and they all opened the chests at the same time.

35 Copper

<Wolf Mantle>

Rank: Green

Level 10

No Class Restriction

Durability: 100/100


A cloak made of a wolf's pelt.

35 Copper

<Wolf Pauldron>

Rank: Green

Level 10

No Class Restriction

Durability: 100/100


A shoulder pauldron using the skull of a Wolf for aesthetic.

Marcus unequipped his Basic Cloak and replaced it with the Wolf Cloak, while Mawu equipped the Pauldron. Since he had upgraded his cloak, Marcus traded the [Basic Cloak] and the 35 copper coins to Lisa. They finally had more than 1 silver. More than halfway to the 2 needed to unlock their next classes.

After resting for a moment to regain Marcus' Stamina the trio continued through to the next boss and the 4 groups of wolves between them…

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