
Outside world here I come

Sun rays started to creep forward as it replaced the darkness of the night energizing all the particles that was filled with Yang during the night. According to the old ways there is a very minuscule time between dawn wherein yin and Yang is battling in the atmosphere wherein a perfect balance is present where they are equal. It's very nourishing to the body both physically, spiritually, mentally, and magically, but it was very brief. No less than two seconds, but if you capture this event every day it will accumulate the benefits over time.

On a rooftop made of tiles, a young boy is in a lotus position with his eyes closed absorbing the first rays of the sun. After a moment he open his eyes and stood up. A flying serpent beside him is doing the same. In the past three years, he made a lot of progress to his familiar. The most notable is his mini-world wherein he made a terrain full of life. He gathered a lot of flora and fauna also made changes in the environment. He always went inside to check all things that he collected. It was like the briefcase of Newt Scamander. But the surroundings are real terrain with an abundance of magical essence.

Now that Moriah is more than 2 meters long, this is where she rests. Many interesting magical beings were present and there s a special house mage from glasses, a greenhouse, where some very rare magical plants reside. This was his herb garden used in potion-making.

There was also a lake and a forest. The lake was a kilometer in circumference and the forest was not that big for there is also a small Rocky Mountain with a little snow top.

This was what he busily focused on in the last 3 years after acquiring his inheritance. His familiar, Moriah, evolved a little her earth control now is very promising. I thought her how to use her powers practicing her to have the ability of an earth bender, a character I've seen on tv my previous life. She helps a lot in creating this environment.

After tending to the animals and plants he exited the mini world, so as Moriah as she always follows him wherever he goes.

"A new day has come. It's time to depart and explore my new world. This is the day of the start of the new chapter in my life here."

10 years have passed I am still amazed at what discoveries this world has offered me. It's enjoyable and I love this life. I must protect my lifestyle. Not from Voldy, he is too easy, it the unknown treat that lingers according to his ancestor's collected knowledge.

There were also some ancient families in the hiding unknown to many. The vampires the lineage of Corvinus the first immortal. My relatives the naga of the seas and isis of the deserts, which I plan to visit, apparently they too, know about us and we have a friendly alliance.

The ancient races that have hidden themselves in a different domain in this earth are very well kept which is part of my destiny to go if I have sufficient power. And of course, the other dark magician that hidden themselves but still active and very cautious.

[Moriah it is time to go come let us give our farewell to all.]

As Meshac entered the house his whole family is present including his great-grandpa, his grandparents, his parents, and Moira his younger sister. There was also a man that was familiar to him Idun who will accompany him to be his Guardian outside, a very well-mannered great wizard in his early 30s. He was assigned to me on a 2 basis. One he is also going outside to pursue his partner searching, two he is a member of our army, the protectors whom they swear on their magic and life their allegiance to the family so I have no fear of betrayal on him. Also, I like him we have many things in common and we agreed on a lot on many things.

"A Meshac you're finally here. We are gathered here to give you some final gift for your departure. Here, you can inspect it later all our gifts are in there in clouding Moira she made something for you there. It will be useful to you in your adventures." Great-grandpa started the conversation handing me a small pouch.

"Many thanks, great-grandpa. And to you all. There is no need to over exaggerate our goodbyes I will visit often, after all, I am not bound by the barrier so I can come and go as I please."

"Mesh remember what I told you and always lay low. Always be careful! Never forget to eat properly."

"Yes, Mother."

"And don't you dare find a partner yet, you are way too young."

"Yes, grand Ma I will not touch that subject. And Moira grows strong don't be s spoiled brat ok. Brother will bring many gifts after a few months ok as I promised."

"Yes, brother I will be good."

After the farewells, I and Idun walk toward the gate entrance of our community. Sightseeing all the buildings and establishments on the way. Reminiscing all the memories of the past. The bakery is the only bakery in the community where you can order all sorts of bread as long you are willing to wait. Managed by a very sweet lady.

The potion store where all kinds of options were available but the availability is according to your rank in the community. I, as a child, have a very limited choice to have but the Uncle did allow me to watch him make potions and also lend me the books I want as long as I don't create potions that are way above my ability. I did see him make Felix filicis and it was very difficult to make, that needs way more experience.

I am not at that level, but I have some ideas to make up for the lack of experience by using technology in the future.

The community greenhouse where all are welcome and can have their spot where you can plant anything as Long as you tend to your plants. That's is where I got my collection of magical fauna. People, there are very kind to give seeds and pointers even a full gown plant to me.

The dress store, where all kinds of dress and clothing materials are available you can even make a custom made dress here as Long as you have the means of payment. And my favorite store is the convenience store where all modern and old products are available, it was like 7 11 stores the size of a Walmart.

In our community, we can pay gold or we can barter or even work as payment. We are all family here. Sometimes we can even get it free. Nostalgia.

As we reach the exit we greeted to Guards on duty. They point us to a circle on the floor filled with runes. We step inside and were now teleported to a room. A basement to be exact this was the exit and entry point of our secret community the Ophias store building.

It was being handled by a branch family member with was bound to take care of the in and outs of all the activity going in here. This will be the first time I will see them. We both Idun and I. This will be our first time but we were informed.

This building is a medical herb store on the first floor so people come and go to lessen the suspicious activities that are happening.

The upper floor is a living quarter for the family managing this building and the third floor is for the Ophias accommodation where we can live temporarily and can be undercover helpers or relatives. There are at least ten rooms on the third floor.

Leaving the basement we reach the door that leads outside into the room behind the counter. A person was waiting to welcome us.

"Good morning. I am William Snape. Welcome outside I and my family will be your family host. Let me introduce my family will you please follow me to the receiving area."

"Yes, we will be glad to." Idun politely said.

We followed William to the room. "Please be seated." William pointed to the couches in front of the others who stood up and bowed to us to welcome our presence.

As we sit ourselves William stood between us and the others and grabs a middle-aged woman and they both stepped one forward.

"This is my Wife Sarah and that is Jedidiah our daughter she is 10 years old and a future first year of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic next year." As William pointed to the other person his wife Sarah a young 40 year old, not so beautiful but a pleasant outside appearance.

Jedidiah a short brown-haired Caucasian, that has an above-average appearance but gives you the vibes that she is not a gentle girl. More like a sporty athletic kind.

"I am Idun and He is our young master Meshac, he was the one that the elders informed you ahead of time."

"Ah yes. So this is the young master. Such an honor to finally meet you in person. Have you done your breakfast we will be gladly inviting you to join us?"

"No that won't be necessary me and Idun will visit some places immediately and bother you anymore this day it was also a pleasure meeting you all," I said politely.

"Yes. It's a shame you two need to leave so fast well anyway there are two things we need to finish first. One do you have the supplies? Two you must bear the mark of danger." Explained William.

"Yes we have all the readied materials for the business is here, but about the mark. The elders had explained to me that it's not safe anymore so they told us that we have permission to not have the mark as the special circumstances that revolve around young master must be kept secret as much as possible." Idun handed three pouches.

"Ah Yes, Yes it's understandable considering some lunatic make use of the serpent mark that we used to signal one another.

It was a tradition but after some crazy guy in Britain stumble upon it and used it to his convenience in the last few decades we took caution on it." William said with a little regret in his actions and tone.

"Pardon me for cutting your conversation but I do have two questions that's have bothered me from the conversations we had. One is you said that your name is William Snape, do you by any chance to know a person by name Severus Snape?" A though Meshac has to release due to the very uncanny name resemblance.

"A yes the name is very familiar. I do think that he is from the Britain branch of the family name. If I am not mistaken he should be one of the potion masters in our family. And what would be your second question young master?"

"Is it possible for me to see what does the mark looks like?"

"Of course young master. Here." As William look and raised his left arm and pulled his sleeve the pointed his wand to wake the mark

A Shockingly image emerges. A skull and a snake coming out of the mouth of the skull forming an 8 sign.

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