
Zombies: End

{Mission Accomplished

Mission: Group Building Exercise

Status: Accomplished

Objective: Build Teamwork. Met

Objective: Destroy the zombie hordes. Met

Optional: Save the remaining humans. Met

Rewards: Will be placed in your INVENTORY upon return to origin world.

You have 3 days to finish whatever you need to before you are sent home}

The message popped up as the 'supernova' spell at the city of Los Angles made impact.

I'm sick and tired of the senseless fighting, useless politics that rescued cunts try to pull. Japan and Central Europe were barely tolerable. The rest of the world quickly got on everyone's nerves. Even the most patient; Master Roshi and Yamamoto, were starting to advocate and agree with more heavy handed approaches to dealing with squabbles and ass-kissing.

Fear, is the true motivator.

Love means nothing in the face of prolonged suffering. A man may take a bullet for his girl, but if both of them were locked up without food and water for a few days, and told only one will live. Someone's dying.

The aerosol cure was very efficient to inoculate the survivors. The infected would be considerably weakened or killed by it. The aftermath was left to locals.

It all started in London UK. Whitebeard was called in to resolve a dispute between the army and the local thugs, over resource allocation. He destroyed the entire city after some cunt tried to stab him.

Honestly, I think there should've been a quota for killing zombies before we got to go home. Instead we had to subjugate an entire freaking planet.

After Europe, we went down to Africa. Boy, Africa is fucking massive. We simply dropped the aerosol cure and sent in our forces to assist the locals in regaining control of their cities and towns. Then the inevitable happened. The Europeans, upon finding out that that we weren't around, started doing what Europeans do best, start wars over shit that doesn't matter.

We collectively stopped giving a shit.

As long the initial production facilities were not encroached, it everything would be fine.

We would take turns on the front lines and our impromptu HQ in Bern Switzerland. Madara and Odin had the shortest tempers. Anything unidentified coming within five-hundred km was indiscriminately wiped out. The others were more lenient. Busy keeping the production facilities running.

Personally I thought I was being magnanimous. Public opinion was very different. I was the young tyrant. Anytime the bodies weren't disposed of fast enough and the case of infections started to rise, I would simply wipeout a hundred square kilometres. I think, people got the message, for about two weeks. Then it was back to business. People are retarded.

The Germans, were very efficient at following laws and orders. So they were under our collective protection. The French reverted to their revolutionary tendencies, and got many of their countrymen killed for it. The Italians, Portuguese, Spanish and Hungarians were mismanaging themselves. I left them alone, Master Makarov and Bang however, felt it was their duty to meddle. The British were sent back into the dark ages for their stupidity. The Irish were, blowing up British establishments.

It's SNAFU for Europe.

Africa, was...interesting. The powerplays being made by up-jumped warlords despite 7 people burning an entire city to the ground right before their eyes was mind-boggling.

When we finally got done with South Africa, I went to Argentina with Madara, Whitebeard and Yamamoto. The rest would head to Asia and re-evaluate.

If I thought Europe and Africa were bad, the Americas were a whole other ball game. You can thank The U.S.A and the C.I.A for that.

"They give us guns and drugs, then wonder why the fuck we thugs."-Ice Cube, Why We Thugs

The power had shifted so completely that there was actually no point in helping some of the larger settlements. Just burn everything to the ground and move on.

I did get to work on my hand-to-hand and sword skills while there, so there's that.

Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Peru were relatively easier to handle than, Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador Colombia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.

Nothing against the people, most of them were zombies by now anyway. It's whoever's left. And most times it's the opportunistic scum who find their way to positions of power. Why does this sound very familiar? Oh it's the same as the American government.

What's quite irritating, our magic is getting harder to cast and recover. It's been three years since the liberation of Europe and five-ish years total. And I don't know what else we're supposed to do.



I was tired and pissed of. Asia had sorted itself out, more or less.

South America was aggravating.

Central America was an annoyance.

North America, I thank God that the plague had hit it. We can finally reset and restart. How the hell is Austin, Texas completely overrun? Texas! Where are your second amendment rights when it matters? Oh, I see you only talk shit when the police are there to do the shooting for you. You're only good for shooting kids in schools. Fucking Faggots!

The military was ordered to conserve resources, meaning don't do shit until we have this shit sorted out for ourselves. The leadership was in Cheyenne Mountain, stocked up for a decade.

I just burned every major city we came across to the ground.

Cheyenne Mountain was handled by Odin and Genryusai. Masters Makarov and Roshi were done with other peoples shit. Odin already all his patience, Genryusai stopped caring a long time ago.

So the Mission Accomplished message was a very welcome sight.

I did have to destroy L.A. Details.

I asked the others if they want to meet and just hang out for a day or two before heading back. Everybody wanted to leave right away.

"That's quite alright. I'll stay a while."

I need to see how many souls my Soul Capture Jar had collected. I wanted make a philosophers stone when I got back.

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