
The Plot

In the Tiger King's office, Tyrell bravely reasoned with Sarcos..."Why you were so tough with her? You hurted our mate's heart!"

"No, her heart was fine. I hurted her head. Her mind, her values and her concept of the world."Sarcos nodded seriously."If you want to build something new you have to destroy the old... or transform it." he said thinking.

"What are you talking about?" Tyrell opened his eyes wide. He noticed the blue sparks in Sarcos's eyes as well!

"We need to make her pregnant!"Sarcos looked at him firmly." Then she will have no time for such thoughts." he nodded satisfied with his idea.

"Well, if you allow her to work she might let us do it..."Tyrell grinned uncomfortably but his face lit up in expectation. He wanted his family to be complete with kids from her. "They will be as beautiful as her and strong as me." he thought.

"Don't talk nonsense. There are few ways possible..."Sarcos grinned.

"But we gave our word," Tyrell noted.

"Yes, so we just need to find a way how to take it back..."Sharchan came back with a smile. He was standing in the door listening and he liked what he heard. If he could use the new Sarcos with Crystal Pincer for this he would. He can put all the blame on Crystal Pincer and get the benefits... It will be like killing two birds in one shot!

The desperate screams echoed through the castle suddenly... Magnus was receiving his punishment and he was not able to face it as heroically as he expected.

The three Kings stopped talking and listened with interest when the window opened abruptly in the only Tiger's Castle's turqoise decorated room...

"Stop it! Stop it! It is too much! Stop it!"Sienna screamed angrily." I can't sleep now! What a great idea! Thank you! "she shouted enraged into the darkness. She was awoken by Magnus's punishment and could not take listening to it. It sounded like the screams of a dying man in horrible pain and it was unnerving because he screamed for a few minutes after every lash!

Sienna was very tired, enraged from being awoken and the painful shrieks made her feel scared and tearful again. She did not like Magnus any more but still could not take to hearing him suffer like this! She felt scared somehow because Sharchan was not there and she felt abandoned and as a burden. She felt as if she failed to do what was right and failed herself by getting entangled and dependent.

" I was just trying to survive and took the easiest way..." she bit her lips as she held her hands on her ears and glanced into her mirror. It was lighted up by two candles which emitted a soft flower fragrance. Sienna looked at her softly illuminated beautiful face."But should I let them die? Did I have any other choice?" she bit her lips and agreed she did the best she could in her situation."But now I have to live with it ...having no freedom...Can a person be really free? Yes if they live by themself only..." she nodded."But I'm not by myself anymore...I have four big warrior Kings for a family..." she chuckled a little desperately. "Strong Sarcos whose weakness and strength is in magic I have no idea of, Sarchan who is sexy but domineering and wants to hold me in the cage of solid gold if he could, Tyrell who is so sweet and brute at the same time and working as an ox ...and Marco...who is cold like iceberg but have silly stuff running thru his head unexpectedly! Is anybody here normal at all?" She shook her head.

" No, they are definitely not normal and I'm crazy too if I think I can change who they are...I'm not normal! Am I crazy?"Sienna asked into the mirror.

"Not yet..." the tigress-like strength chuckled in her own eyes..."Sienna, you can do what you want just plan it better you silly...the anger is not the way..."She smiled cheekily in her head.

"I find it hard to be sneaky with them...I'm not good at keeping secrets..."Sienna sighed in her mind..."Sshhh, you can do anything you want ....just think a little and use what you have...You are creative...no?"Sienna's inner voice kept talking.

"Sure, especially in bed...."Sienna chuckled a little desperately...

"Shush, go to paint and calm down. This is not the end of the world! You can learn from Sarcos how to run businesses and then you do what you want..." she smiled at herself..."It is better than selling at the market...silly...did you ever see a Queen selling at the market...or a Princess? Only in your silly fairytales...as a punishment for being too proud!"

"Am I too proud? Maybe a little...but not like that. Ok, let's summarise my situation and what I can do..."Sienna nodded her head.

"Maybe I should have a crown...some small one so it is not too heavy..." she started to think..." only for state occasions. Ok, I'm going to design it."She agreed with herself and went to fetch the paper from the table drawers.

"Anyway, where is everyone? I screamed out of the window and nobody bothered to come..." Sienna bit her lips worriedly "They must still discuss me...their demanding, weird and disobeying Queen. I'm quite curious what they will come up with after this..." she sighed.

"Will Tyrell maybe still ask Sarcos? How can he fight him...head of the family...he is way too strong! I'm lucky he let them all live anyway...Ahgggrr! OK! Let's rather draw. " Sienna sat at the table and lit a few more candles using the fire from her vanity mirror light. She was already too awake to just go to sleep, so she hoped drawing something would help. Well, at least she will concentrate her mind on something else than the horrible screams echoing behind the tightly shut windows of her turqoise room.

By the way, Sienna was right...The Kings, her mates were still having a meeting by themself...

"Sienna must be very upset."Tyrell bit his lips.

"Magnus must scream on purpose! It shouldn't hurt that much!" Sharchan added. "I made her sleep and he woke her up! He should get a few more lashes to remember to be quiet."The Snake King hissed.

"It does hurt that much! I sent some extra potion on the whip ends. He should feel as if fire burns him alive..."Sarcos smiled viciously. "That will teach him not to talk over my Queen. Traitor! He should celebrate he still lives!"

"That was unnecessarily cruel! Magnus is my slave."Tyrell bit his lips.

"Then you should teach him better manners."Sarcos grinned.

"I should be the one to punish him, "Tyrell said seriously.

"Sure, will you send him to sit in the dark corner for an hour?"Sarcos chuckled.

"Will not the normal lashing be enough, as the law says?"Tyrell bit his lips.

"No, I decided as a head of our family! Want to fight for it?" Sarcos grinned.

"No, no, you are right and you are the head."Tyrell shook his head. Magnus was not worth enraging the monster within Sarcos. They were lucky to turn his attention from themselves already that day!

"I think it was a good idea."Sharchan nodded." He surely deserved it, so let him enjoy. Don't be soft!" he looked at Tyrell shaking his head.

"Hm, Sharchan is right. Five more for disturbing the Queen's sleep..."Sarcos called out of the window firmly."This is fun." he smiled at Sharchan.

"Let's go back to our business," Sharchan noted."How to get rid of our promise? Any ideas?" he asked Sarcos.

"Yes, as you just heard. Sienna is always begging for people who do not deserve it...so next time...we know what to ask in return..."Sarcos grinned."Then nothing will stand in our way."

"But she said to me that she is just not ready yet," Sharchan said carefully.

"She said to me to leave it to nature..."Sarcos noted calmly.

"What nature?"Tyrell asked curiously.

"Non-specified, so it could be our nature..." Sarcos smiled cheekily.

"I would never say this about you!"Tyrell looked shocked at cunning Sarcos.

"He was always a monster."Sharchan shook his shoulder.

"We all are," Sarcos noted.

"But will she agree to it?"Tyrell worried.

"It all depends on motivation."Sarcos smiled."Who knows, maybe it will be not even needed." he added. "You with Tyrell will start easing her first. Watch your tiger or I will kill him. I want no marks on what is mine!" he said seriously.

"Why don't you do it first..."Sharchan asked suspiciously.

"I will for sure...but I have some work to do first..."Sarcos noted thinking and then he decided.

"As you both were staring at me for a while, you must notice the blue sparkles in my eyes." he looked at them.

"Sure, it must be your new powers, no?" Sharchan asked carefully.

"Yes, I acquired an entity called Crystal Pincer, we are stuck together," Sarcos grinned. "But do not worry, I will keep him only till I kill Darren's King. I promised him help to find his Queen and get him out."

"Sure, we are always at your service."Sharchan nodded. "We are ready to help you with anything."

"We are family after all."Tyrell nodded eagerly."So how long are you staying?"

"Till tomorrow. I will spend the night with my Queen, she must surely miss me a lot."Sarcos smiled.

"Sure, "Tyrell nodded.

"I will be back in two days again to pick Sienna. I will keep her in Sand City for the Red Moon. Just in case. The Darren's King will be hibernating till spring. Then I will go to kill him with his rebels."Sarcos noted."So for now Tyrell will be responsible for the Queen. Make her busy with something. Show her around more, visit your family...anything safe." the strong scorpion added.

"What about me?"Sharchan hissed with furrowed brows.

"You need to go hibernate," Sarcos nodded and picked a smallish green glass bottle from his neverending pockets. It had a little golden snake winding around its cup.

" Take this. I made you a potion which will shorten your hibernation for one month only."Sarcos nodded.

"Don't you have one to stop it altogether?" Sharchan asked curiously as he took the bottle.

"I do, but you are not strong enough to withstand it. I told you to level up more!"Sarcos hissed."You are lazy and now the security of my Queen will be not so good as I want it while I work!"Sarcos grimaced his handsome face.

"You have Marco, no?"Sharchan grinned satirically.

"Yes, I do, but he is not sneaky enough!" Sarcos nodded. "I like the way you think."

"Thank you." Sharchan murmured biting his lips."Sarcos surely did not like the way I thought before, so it must be that Crystal Pincer talking." he thought in panic.

"Go hibernate now."Sarcos said to Sharchan coldly." The storm is coming and I do not want you to fall asleep on the midway.

"Sure. "Sharchan nodded. He hid the bottle in his pocket and went to faraway Sienna.

Thank you for your lovely comments. You keep me going...xxx

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