
Greed... is a terrible thing 2/2

Three Scythian Dracaena could be seen rummaging through the trash under a bridge.

"Tsch. Where are they?" said one of them with a heave reptilian accent.

"I don't know, we have been following their ssscent for two days now and here it issss the strongesssst." said another one

"Ssssilence you two, insssstead of getting distracted you should keep looking, oncccccce we catch their trail again we will follow them." said the last one.


The three dracaena raised their heads instantly, following the trajectory of the small object that fell near them. Their eyes caught two little girls peeking from above the bridge, looking directly at them. As soon as their eyes focused on the girls, the girls panicked and ran away.

"Let'sssss go!" said one of them, while the other two followed.

Because of their 'legs', which where both shaped like the body of a snake, they dracaena were faster than the two girls, closing the distance faster than expected.

"Let's hide here!" said one of the two blonde girls while pointing at an empty building, making the other girl nod. As soon as the two girls entered, they split, causing the three dracaena to look at each other before nodding. One of them decided to pursue the girl who went to the left while the other two went to the right.

After climbing around five floors of stairs, the dracaena that went to the left lost sight of the girl and, with an annoyed grumble, she started focusing on her other senses to track the little demigod.

Christina, who had just entered a small ventilation duct to loose the monster following her, decided to hurry up and head to the seventh floor as fast as possible, after all Annabeth had two monsters following her.

On the seventh floor, a small Annabeth could be seen holding a weird knife tightly. The two dracaena seeing this smiled.

"Hey there little demigod, how about you drop that sssspear point and let ussss eat you sssslowly." said one of them while chuckling.

"D-Don't come any closer!" said the terrified little girl. "I will stab you with this!"

"Kehehehe, that isss not a toy, how about you put it down and... die for ussss!" exclaimed the other dracaena while thrusting her own spear forward in the girls direction. Before the hit could land however, the ventilation duct above her fell down, partially crushing the monster. From inside the duct another small girl appeared, this one holding a hammer tightly.

Seeing her ally crushed, the remaining dracaena used her spear to stab the girl who just came out of the duct, however in doing so she lost focus of the girl with the spear pointed knife, who jumped in her direction and slashed her arm.

The dracaena moved backwards, creating distance between herself and the two girls who were now looking at them with seriousness in her face. "You little-" before it could finish however, the girl with the hammer rushed in her direction. Holding the spear with one hand was a bit troublesome, but nothing the dracaena couldn't handle, so she swung the spear in the direction the girl was coming from, forcing her to retreat. During this movement however, her body was unprotected, which the girl that had the knife took advantage of. Throwing the knife in an instant while aiming at the chest of the monster, Annabeth was hopping for her aim not to fail... this time it needed to be perfect!

The dracaena trying lifting her other arm to block the incoming knife, however her wounded lim b didn't listen to her. The monster could only widen her eyes as the knife she made fun of pierced her chest, making her drop to the ground dead.

"Good throw." said Christina proudly. "You definitely have more talent than me to be able to learn perfectly to do it so fast." continued Christina while moving in the direction of the Hal-crushed monster to make sure it was dead.

"Thanks, I learnt from the best." said Annabeth excited. "Also did you see my cut! I slashed were human tendons are according to the book we stole and it worked!" continued Annabeth while she went to pick up her knife from the corpse of the now dissolving monster.

"Yes, you did a good job with that as well." said Christina with a smile. "I knew getting that book would be useful, though I expected it would be more helpful to heal our wounds but whatever." after stabbing the claw of her hammer into the head of the crushed monster to make sure it wouldn't bother them again, Christina became serious. "Now we need to deal with th-" her words however were interrupted by a slash that she narrowly avoided by jumping to the left.

Between Annabeth and Christina appeared the remaining dracanae with an angry expression. "You little demigods..." she said while gritting her teeth. "I will skin you alive!" screamed the monster while thrusting her speed extremely fast in Christina's direction, cutting her cheek open and causing blood to leave the wound.

"Christina!" screamed Annabeth who despite being surprised by the sudden appearance of the monster was shocked to she her friend wounded so easily.

"You killed my little sisters, so now die!" said the angry dracaena while turning in Annabeth direction and pointing her spear at her. As she launched herself forward and was about to stab Annabeth, a hammer flew in her direction and hit her arm, causing her to groan in pain for a moment. Using this momentarily distraction, Annabeth slashed her knife forward, creating a cut on the hand of the monster.

"Arghh, you demigods and your celestial bronze... I will be sure to burn it with your corpses!" screamed the enraged monster while thrusting forward her spear, which she now her in one hand.

Annabeth jumped to the right before closing the distance with the monster. Moving her knife in towards the monster's chest, she stabbed it between the ribs, making the monster drop to it's knees in pain while looking at her with endless rage. Annabeth breathed in relief seeing the monster down, however she also lowered her guard and didn't see in time the green monster grabbing her spear from the floor and pushing it forward in her direction.

Watching the spear come at her, time slowed down for Annabeth. Knowing she was about to die, her shirt life passed through her eyes and the only thing that got stuck before the spear made it's way through her body was Christina's face when she met her, the brave smile she had while saving her life... Annabeth's eyes widened as she noticed it was not her life passing through her eyes, she could see Christina's face with a smile as she was being pushed out of the way by her. The spear made it's way through Christina's shoulder making Annabeth's eyes widen further.


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