
Chapter 10: Battle Conclusion

The moment Yujin's lower half hit the ground, three people took action. These three people were Minato, Tobirama, and Hiruzen. Though Orochimaru could no longer control them, three past Hokages still had the seals inside them that triggered whenever they were in danger. That function, combined with their own honed instincts, made them instantly know, that this newcomer, Hachiro Kishin, was extremely dangerous. So without wasting a second, they sprang into action.

Tobirama disappeared from his spot and appeared right above Hachiro. Kunai in hand, the Nidaime Hokage prepared to impale the Kishin right through the head. At the same time, Minato appeared directly in front of Hachiro, Rasengan ready to drive it through his chest. But, in an even greater speed than the two Hokages, Hachiro grabbed Tobirama's wrist with one hand and with the other, released a Makyu right at Minato's stomach, which expanded rapidly, vaporizing the Yellow Flash's entire body, leaving nothing left to regenerate. Hiruzen was just about to release a jutsu, when Hachiro effortlessly threw Tobirama towards his former student, causing the two to hit the ground hard. Without missing a beat, Hachiro pointed his index finger towards the down Tobirama and Hiruzen, and fired a powerful beam of natural energy. When the beam hit them, the two Hokages and building were completely obliterated.

"Granduncle!" Tsunade cried.

"Sensei!" Both Jiraiya and Kakashi yelled.

The Konoha Shinobi were shocked of what they witnessed. This sole person managed to send three of the four past Hokages, all of them regarded powerful shinobi, with ease. Worse off, many of them could feel the dark chakra radiating off of Hachiro, running over their bodies like a blanket. Though, not a single bit of it was comfortable, as they all felt exposed by Hachiro's power.

Suddenly, Hachiro was gone, to everyone's surprise. Then he reappeared right in front of Naruto, his left arm raised and posed to kill the Uzumaki. But, before he could, Jujiro acted.

"Meiton: Kokuso! (Dark Release: Black Spear)" He said as he formed a spear of darkness. With fast reflexes, Jujiro threw it right at Hachiro. However, all it did was make Hachiro shift his hand from impaling Naruto, to deflecting the attack. With a single chopping motion, Hachiro dispersed the chakra spear instantly. Then, Hachiro fired a sphere of condensed chakra, that struck Jujiro head on. The impact knocked the air of the Dark Release user and sent him flying.

"Jujiro!" Guren cried as she watched the man go flying…only to be grabbed by a giant hand coming out of the ground.

Soon the whole area began to shake, making everyone lose their balance. This caused Hachiro to shift his attention from Naruto, allowing the young Uzumaki to attack him with Sekirei. With a strong swing, Naruto tried to sever Hachiro's head. But the Kishin merely raised his left forearm and blocked the strike, shocking Naruto, as the red sword was not a weapon that could be blocked with a mere arm. Hachiro than fired another concussive blast right at Naruto's chest. The attack knocked out both Naruto and Kurama at the same time, sending them flying. Before the Konoha shinobi or the remaining Akatsuki could react, Naruto was caught by another giant hand.

Guren, seeing this, realized who it was that saved her two comrades. "Yujin-san…" She murmured.

Said person soon began coming out of the ground beside her, while at the same time unleashing a dozen more gigantic hands began appearing, all of them heading straight towards Hachiro. "Guren, I want you and the Ogre twins to get Jujiro-san and Naruto-sama out of here. I'll hold the Kishin off and rejoin you guys. By now, Sadahiko-sama's back-up seals will begin to activate." Yujin told the Crystal user. "Anyone here who is still breathing will be sealed up."

Understanding what Yujin was saying, Guren nodded before heading out towards the air ship. Behind her were Sayoku and Uyoku, the ogres holding the unconscious forms of Jujiro and Naruto respectively.

"Damn, the Kyuubi is getting away." Kisame cursed as he saw the three heading towards the city walls.

"Unfortunately, given the current situations, going after them is not the best course of action." An unknown voice said from behind the former Seven Swordsman. Spinning around, Kisame was surprised to see it was Tobi, whom he had not seen ever since they got passed Yujin. "For now it's best we retreat." Tobi added.

Before Kisame could question the usually idiotic Akatsuki member, he was sucked into a vortex created by Tobi. Once he had placed Kisame into his personal dimension, Tobi decided to recover the other surviving Akatsuki members. He'd had ordered Zetsu to split up, one following Madara, while the other went to get Konan and Nagato. He would need the Uzumaki to revive Madara from his Edo Tensei state.

No one seen to have noticed Kabuto escaping.

Meanwhile, Tsunade was already giving orders. "Everyone, head towards the beach west of here. A ship should be there to pick us up. Anyone who can still fight protect the medic and wounded. Jiraiya, you and I will guard the rear in case Hachiro decides to go after us." She said to her former teammate.

"What about Naruto-kun?" Lee asked as he watched as the two ogres and Guren were heading in the opposite direction, one of them holding an unconscious Naruto.

"Given the current situation, we're in no shape to go after them. Right now we need to fall back and get to safety." Tsunade replied sternly.

Everyone nodded with her orders and immediately began to fall back. Hachiro paid them no mind, though his eyes wandered over towards Tsunade, as his main focus was the unconscious Uzumaki. When he tried to go after him, Hachiro was suddenly swarmed by dozens of hands of different sizes, coming out of the ground and buildings. They were all heading straight towards the Kishin, trying to block him off from escaping. Clapping his hands together, Hachiro muttered, "Youjutsu: Onibi Arashi (Demon Art: Demon Fire Storm)" A wave of dark purple flames erupted from Hachiro and struck the oncoming hands. In an instant, they were all incinerated without a trace.

Hachiro had little time to relax though, as the ground began to shake. Feeling a familiar chakra from underneath him, the Kishin immediately launched himself into the air, just as multiple golden chains erupted out from the ground. And it was not just the ground, from the walls and several buildings, more golden chains appeared, all of them heading straight for Hachiro. The others, who had successfully evacuated the city, watched in awe as thousands of chains began catching up to Hachiro. Eventually they reached him, and soon the chains began wrapping tightly around Hachiro's arms and legs.

"Where did those chains come from?" Sakura asked.

"They're probably seals Sadahiko placed in case Hachiro every got freed." Jiraiya theorized as he watched more chains heading towards the Kishin.

"Looks like they're holding him down." Choji commented, only for Shikamaru to shake his head.

"Somehow I doubt it. I may be no seal expert, but I don't think seals made years ago are going to be able to hold down a guy like that." The Nara said.

True enough, Hachiro eventually broke free of the chains binding him, ripping them off with ease. With a swing of his hand, he destroyed the remain chains. However, just as he was about to get moving again, Hachiro paused as he looked directly in front of him. The onlookers wondered why he stopped, only to find out shortly after. "You…" Hachiro murmured.

Floating in the air before him, radiating chakra, was none other than Sadahiko Uzumaki. Finally, after nearly a century, the two arch-enemies were now face-to-face once more. The Konoha shinobi could practically feel the tension in the air, and while logic dictated that they should continue on their way leaving the island, they couldn't help but stand still, waiting to see what happened next.

Back to Sadahiko and Hachiro, the two were looking at one another. For a while, neither of the two spoke, merely stared at each other in silence. As if they were measuring each other, taking in the changes that the years had done to the other. If there was any hostility between the two, they made no sign of it.

Finally, Sadahiko spoke. "It's been a while Hachiro. You've changed, your skin is all pale now. Didn't get enough sun?" The Uzumaki asked.

"You're one the talk." Hachiro replied calmly. "Sadahiko, you've gotten old."

"It seem we've both aged a bit, myself the most." Sadahiko mused. "Though I guess a hundred years can do that to someone." He added.

"So a century has past, has it?" Hachiro asked, Sadahiko nodding in response. "It felt like an eternity for me, being inside that seal."

"Mhm" Sadahiko mused. Silence reigned in once more. Then Sadahiko sighed before speaking up again. "Look, Hachiro. I know you just got of that seal and all, but…" Suddenly, a large golden hand made of chakra manifested around Sadahiki's right hand. A deadly look formed on his face. "It's time to kill you now."

Hachiro frowned as he readied himself. But Sadahiko moved quicker as he raised his arm. "Uzumaki Chop!" Sadahiko yelled as he swung the large chakra hand down onto Hachiro, delivering a brutal karate chop. The blow sent Hachiro crashing towards the city, knocking down several buildings as he skipped across the street like a pebble being tossed over water.

Sadahiko watched from above as the dust began to settle down. There, in the center of a large crater, was Hachiro lying on his back. Besides a bit of dirt, he seemed perfectly fine. In fact, he began to laugh a little.

"The Shinken (God's Fist), oh that takes me back. This feeling…this sensation, oh how I have missed it so." Hachiro mused as he slowly got up. "I want to feel it more, the adrenaline in me has begun again. Sadahiko, give me more!" Hachiro cried as he fired several bandages towards Sadahiko, all of them infused with natural energy.

"Hah!" Sadahiko cried as he unleashed a shockwave. It struck the oncoming bandages head on and stopped them in their tracks.

"Hoh…" Hachiro mused.

Sadahiko then followed it up by releasing a large chakra fist straight towards Hachiro. In response, the Kishin created a barrier of natural energy just as the attack neared him. The impact caused a shockwave that sent Hachiro skidding backwards a few feet. When he stopped, Hachiro raised both his hands towards Sadahiko, forming several Makyu around him before launching them straight towards Sadahiko. The Uzumaki just charged forward and effortlessly dodged the attacks. He formed another chakra fist and once he was close enough, slammed it against Hachiro.

The Kishin's feet dug into the ground as he tried hold the large fist back, but was clearly losing. But suddenly he smirked, which caught Sadahiko's attention. Instinctively, the Uzumaki looked behind him and saw the Makyus he had avoided were homing in on him now. Shifting his attention, Sadahiko created another chakra hand from his left arm and tried deflect the attacks. Though he managed to stop the Makyus from reaching him, the explosions upon impact distracted Sadahiko, giving Hachiro a chance to escape.

"Oh no you don't!" Sadahiko yelled as he fired several chakra chains at Hachiro. They managed to wrap around his leg and with a strong pull, slammed the Kishin back to the ground. Sadahiko took to the air again and once he was high enough, performed a thrust move. From his palm, he fired a large chakra hand straight towards Hachiro. With no time to create a proper defense, Hachiro was forced to endure the attack. The attack created a deep crater in the ground, but Hachiro remained unharmed.

He raised his hands again, and they suddenly began to glow brightly, channeling the natural energy in the air near Sadahiko. Sensing danger, the Uzumaki instinctively created two chakra shields as the around him suddenly exploded.

When the smoke died down, Sadahiko was shown to be okay. However, he had no time to relax as Hachiro suddenly appeared through the smoke, propelling straight towards Sadahiko. "Die!" Hachiro said as he summoned a ball of demonic chakra from his mouth.

"You first!" Sadahiko roared back as he constructed another chakra barrier. The two collided, Hachiro's attack and Sadahiko's defense contesting against one another. The two remained like that for a few moments before Hachiro eventually overpowered Sadahiko's barrier. The Uzumaki just barely got out of the way and avoid having his body torn to shreds by Hachiro's attack. Said Kishin kept flying forward, heading towards the border of the island.

"You're not getting away from me!" Sadahiko yelled as he took off after Hachiro. He knew that if Hachiro got out of the barrier that surrounded the island, then there would be nothing Sadahiko could do to stop him. So with that thought, Sadahiko generated another large chakra hand and headed towards Hachiro. Anticipating this, Hachiro turned his head to the right and fired a powerful Makyu…straight towards the floating fortress, or Unyielding Will as it was called, as it prepared to take off.

"Shit!" Sadahiko cursed. He could tell that Makyu had enough power to destroy the floating sky fortress. However, even though Sadahiko could stop it, that also meant letting Hachiro escape. On the other hand, he could most certainly catch Hachiro, but then the others would be killed the moment that attack hit.

The choice wasn't difficult.

Giving the Kishin one last glare, Sadahiko turned around and flew at blinding speed, trying to get in between the Makyu and the Rising Tide. "Kyojin no Ote! (Large Hands of the Giant)!" Sadahiko formed a pair of large chakra hands over his owns. Raising them forward, Sadahiko stopped the Makyu. After a brief struggle, Sadahiko began to squeeze down and compress the orb with his chakra hands, before eventually negating it.

Once it was gone, Sadahiko dispersed the chakra hands before checking on the Rising Tide. The large mobile fortress had already taken off from the ground and was preparing to leave the island. Turning his head, Sadahiko saw no sign of Hachiro, meaning that the Kishin had escaped. "Damn it all." Sadahiko muttered as he lowered himself down to the ground.

Coming out of the earth was Yujin. "Sadahiko-sama, are you all right?" Yujin asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Yujin." Sadahiko replied with a sigh. "How are the others?" The elder Uzumaki asked.

"There were all aboard the Unyielding Will and got away safely, though my clone mentioned Naruto-sama and Jujiro-sama suffered some injuries. Some of my clones also managed to capture Pain's original body as well as a Ame Kunoichi who was with him. And Sadahiko-sama, Pain's DNA…it matches Fuso-sama's." Yujin reported.

Sadahiko's body went rigid, but it was brief as he recollected himself. "I see…And what about the intruders?"

"All of Konoha's forces managed to escape unharmed, though several showed serious injuries. Three of the Akatsuki members escaped, and excluding their leader and the kunoichi, Uchiha Itachi was among their casualties. Also Orochimaru was killed by Itachi, but his subordinate managed to escape. The original brought aboard the Uzumaki who was with him, and the Kishin descendant onto the fortress."

Sadahiko nodded. "Good. Yujin, have a clone keep an eye on the status on the five villages, another to let Toshiue know what is going on, and one more to try and track Hachiro's movements." Sadahiko ordered.

Yujin bowed. "Understood, Sadahiko-sama." Yujin said before he dispersed into particles.

Watching Yujin leave, the elder Uzumaki faced the sky, a distant look in his eyes. "Things are going to get rough."


It had been three days since the Recovery Team plus Tsunade and the Hokage Guard Platoon had returned after the disastrous mission. Despite the failure, there was a sense of relief that no one had been killed, though Sai had not gone back with them, confirmed as a spy for ROOT from what they figure. Several of the shinobi had sustained serious injuries, but none life threatening, though a few would have to remain in the hospital for a decent amount of time. Currently Tsunade and Jiraiya were in the Hokage's office, discussing other related events.

"My contacts so far have had no word about Hachiro's sightings. However, I got word from them that the Hozuki Castle was attacked recently, and that the secret Box of Ultimate Bliss, which was hidden underneath the castle, was taken." Jiraiya stated.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at that. "Box of Ultimate Bliss? Isn't that some myth of an object that grants the person a wish?" She asked.

"The part about granting wishes is, but Bunta told me that is contains a demon called Satori. Apparently during the attack, the intruder consumed Satori and stole its power. Since it was a demon, my only guess was that the attacker was Hachiro." Jiraiya commented.

"Why would he consume a demon?" Tsunade wondered.

"Who knows. Perhaps to recharge his powers? Being sealed for over a century probably drained most of his chakra." Jiraiya theorized. "Anyway, the only survivors were a Kumo-nin undercover there, and Kusa Shinobi by the name of Ryuzetsu. She apparently has gone to track down the figure but what I hear there is not much luck."

Tsunade hummed. "We should probably send word to the other villages of Hachiro's existence. As well as increase border patrol."

"You sure letting the other villages know about him is a good idea hime? Might make you seem weak in some people's eyes?" Jiraiya said.

"Both my grandparents and granduncle were very specific when they told me stories about the Kishin Clan, and how close they were to conquering the Elemental Nations, the threat they presented. Plus, we've seen firsthand of Hachiro dispatching three past Hokages with ease. Even if this does make me look weak to the eyes of politics and other villages, it's better to just ignore the possible horror unleashed upon us."

Jiraiya nodded in agreement. Now was not the time to let pride get in the way of what was important. "Speaking of threats." Jiraiya said, changing the topic. "I've confirmed that Orochimaru is indeed dead, however Kabuto apparently has escaped and has gone off the charts. Akatsuki so far has made no movements since the whole fiasco on the Island of the War Gods. But I have noticed movements near Uzu no Kuni though information appears scarce. I haven't had any luck on tracking that floating fortress of Naruto's either."

"Well that's one thorn out of the way." Tsunade huffed. "And speaking of thorns, what about Danzo?"

"Gone. The ANBU team and I stormed his base that I managed to locate but we could find no trace of Danzo or his ROOT operatives. Maybe he got wind he'd been compromised and decided to high-tail it out of Konoha." Jiraiya answered. "We're still digging for anything useful that might have been left behind. We do have some names of Danzo's contacts and some hideouts of his though." He added as he handed Tsunade a scroll.

"I'll have ANBU teams dispatched to check out those locations, hopefully we can find something useful." Tsunade said as she took the scroll from Jiraiya. "In the meantime, we'll-"

Suddenly the door to the office opened, Shizune coming through. She seemed rather disheveled, no doubt from aiding Tsunade and the other medic-nin in treating the recovery team. "Tsunade-sama, envoys from Kumogakure have shown up. They have a message for you from the Raikage." Shizune reported.

Tsunade groan as she massaged her temple, before signaling to Shizune to let them in. As the convoy from Kumo entered her office, Tsunade could only wonder what else will happen after today.

(Unknown Location)

Standing on top of a cliff edge, looking over the ocean, Hachiro Kishin kept his gaze on the water below. He was still wearing his bandages from before, but he appeared less pale, and seemed healthier after absorbing Satori's chakra. He had a distant look in his eyes, but that did not mean his senses had dull.

"Show yourself" Hachiro demanded, turning his head towards the shadows of a nearby tree. He was emitting some of his chakra to show he meant business.

A few seconds later, a figure appeared, as if coming out of the shadows. The person was a male of average height and thin build. He had long silver hair that went past his shoulders and green eyes. He wore a calf-length black trench coat, with grey fur running down his collars, with a black belt with a golden buckle that had a five-pointed star emblazoned on it. The rest of his attire consisted of black trousers and black sandals. Over all of this, he wore an ankle-length black hooded cloak. He had a calm and emotionless expression on his face, despite being in the presence of Hachiro.

Immediately the man got to one knee and kneeled before the Kishin. "It has been a long time, your Majesty." The man said respectfully.

Hachiro raised an eyebrow before finally recognizing the kneeling person. "Menseki…It's been a while. Is the clan doing well?" Hachiro asked.

"They eagerly await your return, your Majesty." Menseki said.

Hachiro nodded. "Then let us not keep them waiting." He replied as he walked over towards Menseki. The two Kishins walked into the shadows and a second later they melded with it before disappearing completely. Neither of them noticed Yujin's head sticking out slightly from a nearby rock, before disappearing.