
Chapter 3: Sakura's Ceremony & Test of Teamwork

(Story Starts)

==Flashback Start - 6 Years ago==

After Naruto save Sakura from the bullies? Since she guide him to her room, it was his first time in her room for saving her life. After the delicious dinner Naruto made? Mebuki couldn't tell of how what kind of secret of Naruto's cooking. Its was a fascinating delicious of how Naruto made.

"Naruto, my boy. There is something want to discussed." Kizashi asked to Naruto, getting his attention.

"What is it, Haruno-san?" Naruto wondered.

"Please, Naruto. Call us Mebuki and Kizashi." Mebuki insisted. "There is something wrong with my daughter." That cause Naruto flinch about a sudden interest.

"What sort of problem?" Naruto asked curious.

"Well...when my little cherry was little? She was drawing weird symbols from her dreams? She was about when she was a child? She stealing things like food or medicine, she told us stealing is bad. So I said 'yes'." Mebuki explained. "She said that that girl she steals food or medicine is for her mommy? She got sick like she was before. And then when she saw another dream about the same girl is already grow up and kill people like ninjas do."

"And then in bed time? She was talking in sleeping say 'must...find...Shay'? We didn't know who is this 'Shay' person is? And even its our first time she speak a different language too." Kizashi explained that cause Naruto and Shay in mindscape eyes widen for his realizing.

'It can't be...is she...lad! Show them that stamp.' Shay thought in realizing.

'You sure?' Naruto said curious.

'I'm positive, lad, do it.' With cut his link and rook out his red ring and show them the stamp that cause the Harunos shocked in surprised disbelief for they recognized it.

"Where did you-" Kizashi is about to asked.

"I was about to tell you two of what cause your daughter to have those dreams..." Naruto stated. "She was dreaming about her past lives."

"Her past lives!?" Mebuki and Kizashi exclaimed getting Naruto a nod.

"Its like she was reborn by a another person from her dreams." Kizashi said. "Like she was reincarnated?"

"Yes, since I know how...or who." Naruto replied as he stood and said. "I will check your daughter see if I'm right." Getting a nod from Sakura's parents. As Naruto went to Sakura's room.

==At Sakura's Room==

With Naruto entered her room, his theory is correct? Her room is surrounded by few decorations with same symbol like Naruto has? Since he never thought that she was reincarnated. As Naruto saw Sakura drawing another one, as he went closer look which made his eyes widen. He recognized those drawing about a beautiful lady with brown eyes and hair.

Naruto starting to spoke in English. "So Sakura, this is the symbols your parents told me. And even those pictures." Which got her attention on her desk by turning to her head at Naruto.

"Naruto-kun... How do you know that language?" She asked surprised with English.

Naruto nodded his head knowing that he had found at last his fellow Assassin. "I learned that on my travels or my ancestors memories in the Caribbean. Sakura, or should I say Hope Jensen."

To say that she was speechless would be an understatement, she had never told anyone about those strange dreams or memories she had experienced and besides even her parents knows about it, "I thought they were just dreams, and what you mean your ancestors travel to the Caribbean I have never heard of such a place?"

"Maybe not in this world but it is real, like you had the spirit of the past life, now here I am." he said to her.

She was quite surprised by this revelation, "So that memory of my meeting the Death God was real, but there is still so much I do not know."

Naruto nodded about this. As for he declared. "Sakura-chan...will you became my apprentice that you have the spirit of Shay Cormac's lover." which made Sakura shocked about the same name.

"Cormac...as in..." Sakura is about said.

"Yes, Sakura-chan,,,I view Shay Cormac as my father? Since Minato didn't treat me and his wife Kushina the same results? And I also view Hope as my own mother as well, and even I had his spirit within me." Naruto explained, which made more stunning of Sakura. "And even you have the spirit of Hope as well." Which made Sakura blushed more, as she ran at him and gave him a hug, with the blond assassin return her hug.

Sakura said with happiness. "Naruto-kun...I'm so happy for this happening? When I had a dream about a black hooded man when Hope-san was killed...she saw his eyes with remorse and shame for what he had done...since I never know that was...since I heard were last word on her mouth..." As she is about finished her sentence.

"...Shay." Naruto finished, with a smile on his face. Along with Sakura sharing his smile, getting a nod from Sakura. As Naruto gave her another question. "So...you are going to be my girlfriend before the Academy?"

Which made Sakura blush more...since with a sudden question. Which she wants to, now gave him a replied an answer. "Sure, Naruto-kun...I will be your girlfriend, and your my boyfriend." Before they drift to each other other and kissed.

After the kiss, Naruto smiled at her. "We maybe young... So it's official?" He asked, getting a nod from Sakura. Getting a kiss on her forehead which made her sighed in satisfied.

Without notice...Mebuki and Kizashi saw a whole thing with they slowly open the door to see if they want a son like him, getting a giggle for sure.

"Can you believe it, Mebuki-chan...she had her own crush." Kizashi stated. "And first kiss."

Mebuki giggled. "I know...OH! I want a son-in-law, like him!"

"They maybe young...since its time to gave Naruto our answer." Kizashi said getting a nod from his wife.

==Flashback Ended==

Within 6 years Naruto trained Sakura in the Art of Assassin; before her parents accepted to trained her to be an Assassin; since its was a most task to be a stealth killer; since he taught her everything to be an Assassin. He taught her free-running, skills in swordsmanship since she didn't do anything for some reasons. She told him about she was pretend to be shy for a bit. He taught her medical ninjutsu, just in case. Since Sakura has an excellent chakra control after all, since she had the spirit of Hope after all. After Naruto trained her for years; she was completely curious if she will wielding hidden blades like Naruto does until her ceremony.

At the ruins of Masyaf? Since Naruto had recommended ruined towns or buildings that he had rebuild as training grounds for free-running; as since Naruto had Sakura ready to be a full-fledged Assassin.

Now suddenly...a loud excited yelled from the buildings.

"Come on Naruto, you have to catch me!"

"Sakura-chan! This wasn't what I had in mind for today's training-" Naruto was cut short as he narrowly dodged a rooftop clothesline and swung from a flag banner of some store in hopes to catch up with Sakura.

When he had taken her out training for some light running, he had no idea she would turn it into a parkour race. Sakura was already two buildings ahead of him when she hastily ordered him to catch her, and so the chase ensued.

Since Naruto wore his equipment on him at all times, he was significantly slower than Sakura who only wore the trainee robes that offered high mobility. Nonetheless, he wasn't about to be defeated by his student and picked up the pace. She was leaping over rooftops, along walls, swinging from bars, and jumping over obstacles in her way that made Naruto proud of what she had accomplished in such a short time.

'Reminds me of when father and the rest of my ancestors taught me..only this time I can do it with a girl I like. At least Sakura is enjoying herself.'

All the while during her run, Sakura was laughing and smiling as she ran to get away from her pursuer. In a way, it felt like her training was taking shape around her; before, she would never think she could move this fast or jump that high. The limitations that once kept her from pursuing her ninja dreams escaped her as she ran in the night by her robe's gray hood.

Her training with Naruto had been fruitful to say the least, as soon as Sakura arrived the Hidden Masyaf, they began her training. She would come to his compound everyday to read from the immense assassin archives, learning both history and and herbal alchemy from the tomes of knowledge. In the afternoons, Naruto would spar with her and teach her how to use various tools like the hidden blades or throwing knife.

And in the evenings, Naruto would rest with her inside the Masyaf Castle; there is old desk that belongs to the Mentor. Occasionally they would play a game of shogi or just talk; when he brought it anytime plus chess too. That's what Sakura loved the most, just staying close to Naruto. It didn't matter if they were training, walking down the street, or falling asleep next to one another; she only wanted him close to her.

"Hurry up!" She called to him, not even looking back to see him steadily catching up.

As she ran out of rooftops upon reaching the streets leading up to the village's West gate, Sakura hesitated only for a moment. That gave Naruto enough time to catch up and tackle her, forcing them both into a fall toward the ground. Within a moment, Naruto was holding Sakura like a princess and landed on the ground with a soft step.

"Baka! We could have fallen." Sakura berated him as he let her go.

"I thought I'd give you a little scare...I had it under control." He crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out in defiance, serving only to annoy the pink haired girl more.

"Hmph. I still won." She said, taking off her hood and letting her long hair flow.

Sakura wiped some sweat from her brow and looked at Naruto in amazement. How was he not dying in those heavy robes?

"I don't know how you wear something like this all day Naruto-kun. I'm sweating so much." Naruto made a face as if he didn't understand and shrugged.

"I guess you just get used to it, I feel fine." That statement didn't make Sakura feel any better but she let him have his opinion.

Naruto looked at the training Leap of Faith? Since only trainees can preforms it to practice, as Sakura tried it out, since he still remember at the time. This is were Sakura first tried the famous Leap of Faith.

==Flashback Started - 3 Years ago before Sakura became an Assassin Apprentice Novice==

A 10 year old Naruto had finally reached a viewpoint; he surveyed the area from it and made his decision. With Sakura. He still wearing his hoodie.

"Sakura-chan this is a bit early but because you have done so well I am going to give you the last lesson, after myself to leave this spot survey the area and mimic me." he said. And with that he jumped forward diving into a haystack.

Sakura was stunned at the beginning but then positioned herself on the edge of the viewpoint and surveyed the area; she noticed a haystack where Naruto landed and understood what she must do; closing her eyes, Sakura jumped forwards allowing air and gravity to carry her and her instincts to guide her body; she landed in the haystack just like they did.

"THAT WAS AWESOME, can we do that again?" was the first thing she said as she left the haystack to join her tutor.

"You do that next time...be sure keep practicing when I can see you." Naruto said. "After this...I will teach you about surviving."

==Flashback Ended==

With Sakura did completely her Leap of Faith training. And now she will be ready for her final trail.

"Well, now that your training is over with, you can do whatever Sakura. So I better get to the office to read more?" She sweat dropped as he began to walk off.

'What is with this guy sometimes..you'd figure he would want to hang out with a girl he obviously likes!'

'Well don't let him get away girl, go get his ass and take him out!' Inner Sakura cheered, hoping for a hands on approach.

"How about you want to hang out with me some more? Its still the middle of the night, too early to go home and read!" She shouted after him as he was walking away, making him turn around.

"Well..what do you want to do?" He asked, shrugging.

Sakura thought about it for a moment before snapping her fingers.

"Let's go out together and get some food! After your ceremony, tonight?" Naruto flinched, he didn't expect Sakura to want to go out with him.

Sure they had been getting along well and the training was great, but Naruto didn't know if she liked him that way or not. Maybe this was the sign he was waiting for, but wait, had he been waiting for this?

'Quit being an fool and just go. You know you like lass, there is no denying that.' Shay added in as he sensed the boy's pointless hesitation.

'Yeah..you're right Kyuubi.'

"O-okay Sakura-chan." Naruto walked back to join her and smiled when she smiled big and blushed.

'Hook. Line. And sinker!' Her Inner Self cheered, her first date with Naruto! After Outer-Sakura ceremony. As Naruto change is expression with a serious face.

"Sakura..." Naruto called.

"Yes?" Sakura responded.

"It's time..." Naruto announced.

Which made Sakura shocked of what he meant. "You mean..."

Naruto nodded.

==At the Assassin's High Balcony - Ceremony Tower==

On a high balcony, Sakura stood in front of a brazier, with Naruto across from her and 5 clones and one besides the braizer watching.

"Remember I explained to you about this creed?" Naruto asked, getting a nod from Sakura. "Can you tell me repeatly about what I explained to you about the three tenents?" Getting a nod from Sakura again.

Naruto clone #1 asked. "The first is what is 'Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent?'"

"It means; the first means that we must not kill any who are truly innocent, because if we do then there is no difference between us and the common murderer." Sakura answered.

"Good." Naruto clone #2 confirmed, before asking her the second. "And the second is 'Hide in plain sight?'"

Sakura answered. "It means we must blend into our surroundings, becoming part of the area and becoming overlooked is much easier rather than becoming completely unseen. Also using the crowd as a shadow and make himself or herself to reach your target."

"Very good." Naruto clone #3 replied, and asked her the last. "And what is final tenet of the Creed is 'Never compromised the Brotherhood?'"

"The final one is rather straightforward, if one of us is compromised and he leads our enemies to us then the order will fall, that is the reason only a mentor can recruit members, others in the order can point him towards people they find appropriate but only he can make that decision." Sakura answered.

"Good... In this modern ages, we are not so literal as your ancestors. But our seal is no less permanent." Naruto Clone #4 said.

"Out of the dark, you come into the light. From the light, you will return the dark." Arno proclaimed. before asking. "Are you prepared the eagle's path?"


As Naruto clone #5 from the brazier carrying a tray of a cup with a symbol of an Assassin. "Now drink...this will leads you to the path if you are become an Assassin." As Sakura hesitated to grab the cup in two hands and drink it, as the clone grab the cup and which made Sakura dizzy and hallucinating.

==Time Skipped - (AN: Think Arno drink drugs for seeing visions that he became an Assassin)==

As with the hallucinating effects is gone...now Naruto standing front of her.

"Good...you passed the test...now let's begin..." Original Naruto replied. As before begun the ceremony by raising both arms. "Laa shay'a waqi'un mutlaq bale kouloun moumkin." He pronounced. "These are the words spoken by our ancestors - that lay the heart of our creed."

"Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember…" Clone #1 said.

"Nothing is true." Sakura said.

"Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember…" Clone #2 said.

"Everything is permitted." Sakura replied.

"We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins." Clone #3 said.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." All Assassins unison.

"Now as a final act of commitment to the brotherhood, present your ring finger so you may be branded as one of us" Naruto said.

Sakura presented her ring finger and as Naruto #5 took the iron brand and pressed the heated iron stamp on its base; to her credit she held in her pain only closing her eyes and showing a grimace on her face. As he snapped his fingers as the clone #4 present the same uniform Naruto wears? The same uniform Naruto wears, not its the female version like Naruto's; now the color is dark red and white version of Naruto's uniform and also along with the hidden blades and a pendent with a red Assassin logo on it. (AN: Unlike the AC: Unity. I will arrange colors from the attire. And the pendent is like Shao Jun's.)

With Sakura take the robes then all the clones of Naruto disappeared with a poof of smoke and the original Naruto turn around for not allowed to gave Sakura a bad mood swing on him.

"Now follow me sister for the final part of your initiation." Naruto said as the two assassins jumped off following each other performing a leap of faith.

"As you have just finished your training, you will be awarded the rank of novice, meaning that you will be given easy missions and you may come with me or your comrades, to observe or help, on difficult ones, according to your performance you will be promoted." Naruto said.

"Thank you Mentor. Now, would you like to come with me in order to celebrate?"

"Sure thing Sakura-chan," Naruto replied. "The sooner we finished our celebrate, the sooner for tomorrow's test. Before I will pleasant your assassin weapons in the armory which weapons you specialized to? While I was specialized with sword and dagger dual wield." Getting a nod from Sakura. With Sakura became the full-fledged Assassin; now its her own weapons with a specialized.

==At the Masyaf's Armory==

They went into a armory Sakura hadn't seen before, and her eyes widened in amazement. The room was like an armory, filled with swords and armor and so many different robes of an assassin. Naruto let go of her hand to go grab something and she could only stand in the doorway, overwhelmed. Along with a displayed of flintlocks and muskets for any different old designs. Since Naruto was completely manage to manufactured reversed engineering and re-create those guns after Naruto tested Edward's favorite flintlocks. And also she seeing injection sniper blowpipes from the hospital without a dot sight.

"Here it is. Sakura, come here." She looked at Naruto and saw him gestured pointing at something for her and quickly joined him.

"I want you to choose each of those weapons each will be your secondary weapon and range weapon, it will help you in the test." Upon realization of what it was, Sakura gasped. She saw a table filled with weapons; a jian or katana, tanto or knife and a longbow or rifle, a pistol or crossbow. It depends what weapons Assassin choose like sound and silent range weapons. But lastly a Hidden Guns and Phantom Blade; wrist crossbow.

"So, Sakura...what did you choose?" Naruto asked offered.

As Sakura rubbing her chin with a frowned with a sight of those weapons, as she turn her glance at Naruto. "Can you tell me each of range weapons will useful?" She asked.

"Why of course Sakura-chan." Naruto replied. "I will gave you an example each of them;

Both Pistols and Rifles were requires gunpowder to discharges the projectile range weapons; it takes a while to reload if you need to practice the fast reloading timing. And also the Hidden Gun is a quick reload. If you waste your time for having one shot only? Feel free to obtained additional one or four."

"Why four which makes it five?" Sakura wondered.

"Yup, many ranking officers were allows to carries 2 or more like Edward carries 4; two on his chest and two on his hips and his friend Thatch were carries multiple 5 pistols? Since it will be waste of time to reload." Naruto explained.

"I see,"

Naruto continue. "While the Crossbows were silent weapons? It take seconds to reload the bolt in one hand along with phantom blade. Minus the longbow, its because one arrow each target for hunting and kill targets."

"I see." Sakura understand, as she glance at the table, she made her choice as she went to the table and pick up a Jian sword? Its was similar lighter then Chokutou sword.

"Ah! Shao Jun's Jian." Naruto exclaimed, (AN: AC: Ember's Shao Jun's sword.)

"Shao Jun's Jian?" Sakura confused.

"Yes, Shao Jun was a Chinese Assassin before she was searching for my avo (ancestor) Ezio, when he was very old? Since he still had his strength for his last fight." Naruto explained.

"Ah! She is the female Assassin unlike the Kunoichi, right?" Sakura realized.

Naruto nod. "That's right, since Jun will honor her sword to you." As gesture at the sword to her.

"I see...so that explains the pendant and this sword were belongs to Shao Jun." Sakura stated. "Thank you, Naruto-kun."

"That's right, and anytime, now you can select the other weapons you want to wield?" Naruto said insisted.

As Sakura grab the sheath of the jian and sheathed and strapped on her back, now she will pick other weapons; which she went to the pick a embellished pistol with with a checkered hilt of leather. (AN: AC: Liberation - Aveline's Dueling Pistols.)

"I take this." Sakura showing the Dueling Pistols. Which made toss a holsters before catching it. (AN: Think both Conner's and Aveline's holsters.)

"You can carried it with care." Naruto said getting a nod from Sakura as she place two pistols in each sides and place it in the center of the table along with her sword. Next she will use a usual shinobi standards; she take two pair tantos as her own close combat; the design of the tanto is red cloth and black handle and tsuba is oval-shape.

"So you picked the pair of tantos...interesting." Naruto remarked.

"I know...I could use pair for close combat." Sakura reasoned getting a nod from Naruto that made him understand. As she place a pair besides the sword.

"So...what's next?" Naruto asked offered.

As Sakura was interesting for another long range weapon; since she take the injection sniper blowpipe what she got her attention of what she needs, as she turn her head at Naruto with a nod for she pick the right choice. Then she place it like the rest of her weapons. As Naruto went to the table and grab the sword and said. "I'll insert a holster on his sheath, that you can place the blowpipe." Getting a nod from Sakura. (AN: Inspired AC: Freedom Cry's Adewale's Blowpipe and Blunderbuss attach on his back.)

Now she went next for her hidden blade attachment. As she saw a two numerous of hidden blade attachments; a gun and crossbow. Since Naruto recreate the same Hidden Gun Ezio uses to modified with a second trigger like Leonardo De Vinci did; so the user can fired in one hand.

"I will take this one Naruto-kun." Sakura pointing at the hidden gun,

Naruto smiled as he went to the displayed and grab the hidden gun. "Gave me your left arm Sakura-chan." He told him, as she told and he manage to attach the gun to the wrist blade. When its done in few seconds and stated. "You need to keep your fingers away from the barrel Sakura-chan? Otherwise you will losing your fingers."

Sakura nod and replied.. "I will keep that in mind."

As withing few minutes for Sakura finished selecting her choice of weapons? Sakura will stick with shinobi standards and obtained some rope darts; 10 of them at least. With Sakura can trained those weapons with care; she can able to use the hidden gun wisely without burning her palm and shot herself in her fingers, then next his flintlock training, she was able to

"Good, tomorrow we'll bring few weapons and leaving firearms minus air rifle or blowpipe just in case." Naruto instructed. "We will prepared for now." Sakura nod, as she fixed her gear and then prepared to leave.

With Naruto and Sakura with her gear on her hands wrapping pack on her shoulder; now they are outside in the cave? Since the entrance is coated with High-Level Genjutsu; the cave is nothing but a normal mountain with few caves minus one Naruto was once entered Masyaf.

"So...shall we go?" Naruto offered raise his arm, getting Sakura a nod and hug her arm. And went on a date for some dinner before heading home.

==Next day==

Satsuki and Naruko arrived at the training ground 15 minutes early but made sure to eat breakfast. At exact 6:00 Kushina appeared in the twirl of leaves.

"Good you're all in time. Where are Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi?" Kushina asked when a puff of smoke appeared revealing Kakashi.

"Yo!" Kakashi greeted while Kushina looked at him with shock.

"Kakashi you're actually on time." Kushina said,

"Because sensei threatened that me if I was late he will burn my book." Kakashi said with a sigh while the girls snickered at this.

"Alright, since everyone's here let's get started." A voice said as everyone looked up at the tree and saw Naruto and Sakura looking at them, they then jumped down and landed in front of everyone and includes Sakura with her new wardrobe.

'Again he appeared out of nowhere even I didn't sense him a few seconds ago.' Kushina thought but quickly snapped out of her thoughts. As glance at Sakura wearing the same uniform as Naruto; also an unfamiliar sword strapped on her back on the right side along with a injection sniper blowpipe. 'Did Sakura wearing the same uniform as Naruto? Why is sochi is dating Sakura? I want to know when did Naruto was obsessed Sakura and trained her?'

Naruko saw the same uniform like Naruto's before pointing at her uniform and said. "Sakura, is that..."

"Yup, Naruto did gave me that uniform of his. As a gift." Sakura replied. "And also his weapons he made. Since I only bring few; like my sword, pair of tanto and blowpipe." Which made everyone shocked in surprised of how Sakura brought few which made Satsuki and Naruko jealous.

"IT'S NOT FAIR FOREHEAD!" Satsuki yelled.

"YEAH! I WANT THOSE WEAPONS TOO!" Naruko yelled curious.

Naruto took something on his back and took out a spare rope dart glancing at Satsuki. "Satsuki, catch!" As he toss it to Satsuki before she catches it, getting a pout from Naruko for its unfair. "It will be useful for sure."

"Thanks, Naruto-kun." Satsuki replied, getting more jealous from Naruko, when she was about to yelled again, Kushina interrupted.

"Alright let's get the test started." Kushina said getting everyone attention. "Kakashi."

Kakashi nodded at her and revealed three bells in front of them then set a clock on top of the wooden post.

"Now the objective of the test is to get the bells from us before the time limit is over,I'll warn you come at us with the intent to killing or you won't get the bells from us got it?" Kushina said and the genins nodded at her.

"Oh yeah the one who couldn't get a bell will be returned to the academy." Kakashi said making the girls eyes widen while Naruto eyes slightly narrowed.

"Alright everyone ready?" Kushina said and the genins nodded at her. Before Naruto and Sakura pull on their hoods on their heads since they are prepared for stealth.

"BEGIN!" The genins spread out and hide from the jounins sight.

'The girls hid their selves well while…wait a minute! Where is Naruto and Sakura's chakra signatures? What the hell? Why I can't detect Naruto or Sakura's chakra at all, it's like he disappeared!' Kushina said and Kakashi looked Kushina expression and knew in what she was thinking.

'So she noticed that Naruto's or Sakura's chakra is completely gone like it vanished into the thin air.' Kakashi thought.

"Um Kushina-senpai how good is Naruto?" Kakashi asked and pang of guilt hit Kushina.

"I don't know me or Minato-kun never trained him." Kushina stated sadly and Kakashi eye widen.

'Damn me! I shouldn't not refused in the first place.' Kakashi thought before asking. "What about Sakura?"

Kushina frowned and said. "I heard humors that she and Naruto never seen or heard in the village? I asked Mebuki-chan for answers? Turns out she went training with Naruto before he came to their house."

"I see..." Kakashi replied as he will use his 'look underneath, underneath'. 'So...what cause Naruto can able to hide his chakra signatures during my employees told me we couldn't lift a finger while using the sensory jutsu to where did he hide? They tried to follow him when they lost sight of him through the crowd.' He thought. 'Although...now here in this test.'

==With Naruto==

Naruto was far away from the training ground and he was in standing in the branch of the tallest tree and was using Eagle Pulse to his eyes to see Kushina and Kakashi. Thank Arno for have the ability to allowing him to hear conversations far away with perfect clarity once he achieved a high enough vantage point and focused in on the locations. Since Ezio Mastered his Eagle Vision during his travels in Masyaf and Turkey in Constantinople.

'Alright our main objective is to use get the bells but one of us will return to the academy, but I never heard of an incomplete team before unless…The bells are just a distraction to keep us from knowing the real meaning of the test but what is it?' Naruto thought then he scan around and saw the hiding spots of his teammates but all of them are separated then his eyes widen in shock in realization.

'TEAMWORK! They wanted us to work together to get the bells!' Naruto thought happily as he solved the true meaning of the test then did a hand sign.

'Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone).' Naruto thought then 3 clones appeared behind him. He looks at his clones and said. "You two tell the girls the true meaning of the test and tell them to meet up with me until the third clone is done. And I'll contact Sakura-chan to met up with me." Naruto whispered as turn his third clone. "Distract them." Getting a nod from the third clone.

==With Kushina and Kakashi==

Before the test starts; when Kushina or Kakashi didn't detect Naruto's or Sakura's chakra signatures? Since Naruto made a special seals to prevents high level sensors or doujotsu user unable to find them. Suddenly a cry of a eagle came from nowhere.

"Is that eagle?" Kushina asked.

"I think it is? Where did it came from?" Kakashi wondered, now there is another eagle cry, they need to figured it out where did those eagle came from within seconds and realized. "Wait a minute...those eagles never came here? It must been someone use a Look Out call."

"Look Out Call?" Kushina confused.

"I've one before in the bandit camp? I heard bird call came from the forest." Kakashi explained. "I've notice that someone called their comrades in the camp see if they have company? Since one of my members on the team found one. And he was a look out too. I notice that Naruto or Sakura must it used the same one before, and with the chakra signatures of theirs were undetected to where to pin-point their location."

"That's right...since you two were learned to sense chakra signatures while I was completely undetected." Which made the jonins saw Hooded Naruto (clone) appeared out in the forest.

"Anyways," Naruto said before disappearing in a Flash step.

"What the-?" Kakashi and Kushina said before looking up to see Naruto with one leg raised vertically in the air.

'That looks like-' Kushina is about finished her sentence from the attack unlike Tsuande.

"Might of the Bear!" Naruto yelled in English as he brought his leg down on Kakashi, before Kushina jumped back, causing a huge crater in the process.

"Holy crap!" Satsuki and Naruko thought to themselves, with their jaws on the floor, as they witnessed the immense power Naruto or her brother had just displayed.

'When did he learned Tsunade-baachan's strength?' Naruko thought.

When the dust settled, Naruto stood over a log that was broken in half.

"A Kawarimi no jutsu (Substitute). This guy is quick on his feet," Naruto said as he looked around for his sensei before turn his glance at Kushina.

'I have to admit I wasn't expecting that from him. I guess thank sensei for not allowed to he read a book at the same time with him on my heels,' Kakashi thought to himself as he hid in the tree from his student; he stared at Naruto face-to-face with Kushina.

Kushina couldn't believe Naruto did use chakra enhanced strength like Tsunade's? Turns out she didn't sensing a chakra coating on his feet. She was completely confused of how Naruto can use something like that? Before Naruto is in the air? He use a jutsu with a strange language he spoken. As she said. "Sochi...when did you learned Tsuande's strength?"

Naruto remain silent with no answer. As he answer with English. "You want to know...you need to find out." Which made Kushina confused.

"What...what did you say?" Kushina confused.

"Here I come!"

Naruto rushed forward and Kushina moved to meet him. Dodging his first strike, Kushina retaliated with a closed fist to his jaw. Kushina was taken aback when Naruto, instead of dodging it like he had expected him to, open fisted it side-ward.

'That's a completely different style of fighting.'

Kakashi saw it and thought of that the same thing. 'Those Taijutsu stance is...is flow like water.' As he is about to use his Sharingan, it turns out his eyes widen that his body was covered in blurry. 'My sharingan cannot followed his movements...he must've place a seal to prevents sharingan to see it.'

It was true. It almost felt as if, Naruto was like…'water', and as Kushina observed his movements as they fought, she could sense a rare fluidity in her sons's punches and kicks.

Looking at the boy, one would think heavy punches and kicks, and a style that relied more on power. However, that was completely proven wrong, as it was evident from the way the boy fought. His punches were more like 'jabs',quick and fast. Another thing Kakashi noted was that Naruto favored neither hand. In fact, though he knew Naruto was right-handed from the way he had fought initially, he could no longer make it out now.

Dodging, an incoming uppercut, Kushina backed up slightly and countered with a lower left kick. Again, instead of dodging, he palmed it to a different angle.

"Is that all, Kushina?" That cringes Kushina for Naruto calling her name.

"Don't count on it."

Kushina decided to crank the speed up slightly. Naruto seemed to react positively, and adjusted very quickly.

"Doesn't seem like you can attack 'now', does it, Sochi?"

Naruto was fending off almost all of Kushina's attacks, and subsequently this meant that Kushina was not giving him the luxury of time to counter.

"Don't count on it."

To Kushina's surprise, Naruto suddenly leapt up, deciding to try an aerial route.

'Not going to work.'

That attack would have caught even a High-level jonin off-guard, but Kushina had already switched his gait.

Naruto's advance was stopped when Kushina's fist made contact with Naruto's pectoral. That was when Kushina received his first big surprise of the day.

Naruto had apparently anticipated that one, and had angled her chest the moment he saw Kushina's arm shooting forward. Due to the angle, Naruto was pushed towards the left in mid-air, and had relied on that push.

From the side, Naruto reached out his arm. It was still too far away to make real contact.

What Kushina had never counted on was a 'blade' appearing from Naruto's wrist. That cause Kushina's eyes widen didn't expecting a blade came out in his wrist.



Naruto wedged the blade on the shoulder of Kushina's green flak jacket, above the flesh, helping him pivot off it, and extend his leg to make solid contact, from Kushina's right.

Kushina recoiled as his leg hit her face and the impact threw him backward. Kakashi saw it that Naruto had a blade came out on his wrist along with Naruto and Satsuki saw it of they're wondering where did Naruto get those.

"Didn't see THAT coming, did ya'?"

Kushina stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Huh. I see. A blade, hidden in your left wrist. Ingenious. Your fighting style itself, is one I have rarely seen. I wonder where you got that blade?"

"Oh, this?"

Standing a few feet apart, Naruto extended the blade and held it up to the sunlight. "And as the matter the fact...there is another one." As he descend a second hidden blade which made Kushina more surprising.

Kushina observed the blade closely. The material looked completely unfamiliar. It was certainly not made in the Leaf Village, that was for sure. He would need to ask about that later.

With Kakashi? He couldn't believe Naruto can upper-handed Kushina with a blades on his both wrist. Since how did Naruto obtained those blades. When when did Naruto did made those too?

==With Satsuki==

In his hiding spot, Satsuki was completely unnerved at the way Naruto had just maneuvered. The fighting style, the way he had fended off their sensei's attacks, and most of all, the hidden weapon had completely thrown him off track.

'Where? Where did he learn that? During the sparing match? His skills is Jonin as well, but this is…'

==With Naruko==

Naruko had her jaws wide open.

'When did Nii-san upper handed Kaa-san? But how? What is that weapon he just used?'

She had seen a lot of spars, some even between chuunin. Among their whole batch.

But what she had just seen amazed her to no end. her brother's speed could rival her father's, and his technique was...well…just WHAT was it?

==With Naruto and Kushina minus Kakashi is still hiding==

"Is that all?"

Kushina knew the question was futile. She was sure her son had more up his sleeve; since she notice a 'rifle' on his back wasn't used yet. A nagging feeling told him that he was about to receive his biggest surprise yet.

"You really think that?"

Sure enough, Naruto suddenly formed the 'ram' seal.

With a puff of smoke, four other Naruto's appeared, all identical.

'I see. He plans to incorporate Bunshin with his attacks.'

"Ready? HERE I COME!"

As the five Naruto's charged, Kushina is on her defensive stand before Kakashi appeared with a sighed. They didn't really expect the four young students to get the point of this test. In fact, they felt he'd be greatly surprised if they even stopped to think of the true nature of this test.

As the Naruto's drew closer, Kakashi could easily make out which the actual Naruto was. The boy left quite a lot of clues behind in 'this' certain style of attack.

They suddenly jumped in different directions. Two clones appeared on their left with their wrist blades, and one on their right, while two attacked head-on.

'An impressive strategy. He's cut off all routes of escape, with minimal use of clones. However, the main flaw lies in the fact that I am aware of the true caster of the jutsu.'

And so, quicker than he let on, Kakashi and Kushina lunged forward, and when Kakashi connected square on Naruto's stomach.

However, Kakashi never expected the boy to 'counter'. The problem was, 'he' didn't.

His clone did.

With a dull 'thunk', the three clones on his sides all connected, and Kakashi was thrown back again. As Kushina drew sword with the clone drew dual weapons; a sword and a parring dagger.

'A duel wield combo.' Kushina thought.

As Naruto swing his sword with Kushina deflected, and then he prepared to stab her with the dagger forces Kushina jumped back, with Kushina counted and swing her sword at him, before Naruto (clone) deflect her attack with the dagger, then parry in the side and counter with his sword. As she jumped in the sides before the blade hits her.

Kushina was completely disbelief of how Naruto's swords were fast and powerful with both weapons wielding in each hand. She analysed Naruto's capabilities since he hold a sword on the right hand for slash, thrust, block and deflect, and the left hand is dagger allows to also slash, parry, stab and counter. Since that kenjutsu is completely unfamiliar then the rest of the kenjutsu; she was completely under disadvantage from the sword and dagger combo. She still didn't know more about Naruto's skills to being a prodigy without herself and Minato; its like the bonding is breaking apart.

With Kakashi and the clones when he got knocked backwards.

"Ha! You fell for it! These clones aren't what they look like."

"Indeed they aren't."

Kakashi slowly straightened himself, and shook his neck.

'Extremely impressive for a genin. But a Kage Bunshin. I need to inquire where he learnt that jutsu. I'm almost sure its forbidden.'

"Meet my new jutsu!" thus crying, Naruto formed the seal once again. This time, when the smoke cleared, Kakashi thought he could see a minimum of fifteen clones.


With Naruto (clone) and Kushina. Within a minutes when Kushina was completely upper-handed Naruto with his sword and dagger combo. Due of slashes, blocks, parries, counters were completely overwhelmed. As the clone saw Kakashi wipe out his clones. As Kushina got the opportunity to strike until she saw Naruto whispered with Japanese. 'Phase 1 completely.' With his sentence is finished he disappeared with a poof of smoke causing the red-haired realized, as she turn to Kakashi were he saw fighting the clones.

"Kakashi! it was a diversion!" Which cause Kakashi's eyes widen.

"He was about weaken us from the attacks." Kakashi stated, which made Kushina nod.

"Alright, 6-12 formation." Kushina ordered, as they on front and back formation with her sword on the defensive stand while Kakashi pulled his kunai.

==With Naruko==

Naruko was currently hiding in the bushes and was thinking of ways in getting the bells, since before she saw Naruto upper-handed her mother and Kakashi with blades came out in their wrist, sword and dagger combo for its unfamiliar kenjutsu-style since she never thought Naruto can use dual wield before, until she felt something on her shoulder. She turns around and saw her brother looking at her.

"Onii-chan!" Naruko said happily and 'Naruto' shook his head.

"No I'm only a clone." the clone said and Naruko just nodded at him.

"Why did onii-chan send a clone?" Naruko asked.

"He told me to tell you the true meaning of the test." The clone said and Naruko eyes widened in hearing this and asked what it is.

"The bells are an only distraction to the real meaning of the test. Since the clone diversion on Kushina or Kakashi to have time to weaken their states. We need teamwork so we need the others to pass the test." The clone explained and Naruko nodded at them.

"Follow me so we can meet with boss and the others." The clone said as jump away from the bushes and headed towards the real Naruto with Naruko following him.

==With Naruto==

Naruto was patiently waiting for the girls to arrive then a minute has passed and the girls arrived with his clones. Minus Sakura? Since she got her signal to get here.

"Looks like everyone here." Naruto said then he dispelled the clones.

"So what's the plan Naruto-kun?" Satsuki asked.

"Yeah Naruto-kun those two won't go easy on us we need to come up with plan to get the bells." Sakura said.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan I got a plan." Naruto said and everyone leaned over to listen to the plan.

"Here's what we are going to do…"

==With Kushina and Kakashi==

"5 minutes has passed, since the clone of Naruto attack us with full force and each of girls has attacked us yet, maybe they figured out the test." Kakashi stated when suddenly a barrage of kunai attack them up front and Kushina and Kakashi deflected the attacks.

'A surprise attack?' Kushina thought when she suddenly sensed another chakra coming towards her she turns around with her katana ready.


Kushina was surprised to see Naruko attack her with Katana in her hand then suddenly Sakura came out of the bushes and throws a barrage of unfamiliar throwing knifes towards her and Kakashi. With the rosette draw her sword; causing the red-haired and copy cat saw that sword is double edge and similar then a chokutou. The two jounin jump high in the air to avoid it and Sakura followed Kushina in the air once again both of them clashes with their swords; while Naruko attack her too. Kakashi was about to help Kushina when he heard a voice.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Grand Fireball)" A voice shouted and Kakashi look from where it was coming from and saw Satsuki,then Satsuki spit a huge fireball at Kakashi quickly use Body Replacement Jutsu and switch his self with a log.

'That was a close call, but I got to say they have a good teamwork.' Kakashi thought who was hiding in the bushes when he used Body Replacement Jutsu. But before could continue his thoughts he suddenly black out the last thing he saw was a blond hair before he lost consciousness.

==Moments later==

Kakashi started to wake up and found himself tied up. He tried to use Body Replacement Jutsu to get out of the ropes but something was blocking his chakra.

"So you're awake now." A voice said and something walks out from the shadow and reveals to be Naruto holding a his air rifle on his shoulder.

"Naruto?" Kakashi said in surprised and Naruto just smirked at him.

"Surprised that you can't use any chakra sensei? Well it was really simple really I just made a seal in the ropes so that anyone who got caught in the ropes won't be able to use any chakra until I release the seal." Naruto explained and Kakashi just look at him with wide eyes and couldn't help but be amazed at hearing this, then he heard sound of bells and saw that Naruto had one of the bells in his hand.

"Now I'm gonna make you our hostage in exchange of the bells." Naruto stated.

"What do you mea-" Kakashi didn't finish as he felt a poke on his right shoulder by a swoosh sound it turns out it was a dart on his bicep, which it came from Naruto's new weapon in one hand; then he was knockout by Naruto again by a shot on his right bicep on his rifle.

==With Kushina and the genins==

Kushina was currently fighting the 3 genin girls and so far she was impressed by their teamwork.

'These girls have shown great teamwork so far but where is Naruto?' Kushina thought as she landed on the lake of training grounds then she immediately snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Satsuki attack her with barrage of fireballs. Kushina immediately made bunch of hand seals.

"Suiton: Suijinheki! (Water Release: Water Encampment Wall)" Kushina shouted and immediately the water rises in front of her and extinguished the fireballs. The three genins were now looking at the red hair woman with calculating eyes.

"Naruko how much longer?" Satsuki asked before Naruko could respond she felt a chakra pulse send to her. She looks at the small seal in her wrist that Naruto drew to her and saw it glow blue.

"About now!" Naruko said then Naruto appeared in front of them and everyone was surprised when they saw Kakashi (who was unconscious) with him with a rifle on his hand.

"Sorry I'm late everyone." Naruto said then he faced Kushina then his expression turned cold and descend his hidden blade at the unconscious sliver hair jounin neck and Kushina was surprised at this.

"Give me the bells sensei before I slit his throat." Naruto said coldly and that sends shiver to everyone spine. Kushina looks at Naruto eyes and only saw they didn't held any emotion at all and he doesn't look like that he was bluffing. Until she heard a click and turn her head and saw Sakura holding a strange tube mounted her wrist.

Kushina stared at him for several seconds before she sighed in defeat and reached for the bells, before she could throw it at him they heard the alarm ringing. The genins groaned in annoyance while Kushina sighed in relief before looking at them with a grinning face.

"Looks like it over." Kushina said and the genin just had depressed look on their face except for Naruto or Sakura who just sighed in disappointed for not finishing the task in time.

As she saw Naruto turn his head at Sakura with another strange language he spoke. "Sakura-chan. Phase 2 completely, and move to phase 3." Getting Sakura nod for confirm.

"Right, Naruto-kun." Sakura replied. "This is the most interesting part." Which made the girls plus Kushina surprised for both Naruto or Sakura spoke another language, communicate and understand their language.

==Near the wooden posts==

Now Kushina and Kakashi (who just woke up) were facing the four genins (when Naruto and Sakura remove their hoods).

"Well you all failed to get the bells well except for Naruto of course." Kakashi said.

"Not exactly~" Naruto said everyone looks at him confused then they saw he had a smirked on his face. He pulls out three bells and everyone was looks at him shocked especially the two jounins. Kushina look at her ninja pouch to find the bells but couldn't find it.

"How did you-"

"While you had your guard down when we were heading here I used a shadow clone and henge them into bells and used replacement jutsu. This was only my back up plan when you are not going to give the bells when I had Kakashi hostage. I already prepared the clones that were changed into bells before I faced you." Naruto stated and everyone could help but to be shock and amazed at this.

"Okay since you have the bells Naruto who are going gives the other two?" Kakashi asked and Naruto just threw the 3 bells towards the girls and they managed catch. Everyone was surprised by his actions except for the two jounins who were observing his actions with calculating eyes.

"They can have the bell, besides the true meaning of the test is teamwork anyway. The bells were only distractions for us to prevent from seeing what the real meaning of test is." Naruto explained.

"He's right Onii-chan told us about the test and came up with the plan. I never knew that Kakashi-sensei would easily catch off guard." Naruko said and the female genins giggle while Kakashi had depressed look on his face.

"Besides I have another back plan if Kakashi wants me back to the academy." Naruto said and everyone looked at him confused until he pulls out something from his pocket. The girls eyes widen in shock while Kakashi had a horror look on his face. In Naruto hand was the Icha Icha book that Kakashi was reading and was a limited edition with autograph sign by Jiraya himself.

"I can always burn this as a pay back and go to his apartment and burn rest of the books." Naruto explained and Kakashi immediately went on his knees and started to beg Naruto not to burn his book.

"Please Naruto don't burn it." Kakashi pleaded and bowing his head to the ground which was really pathetic. Naruto thought it was funny and decided to play with him.

"Hey you said if I didn't have a bell that I would go back to the academy so consider this as a payback beside I'm sure majority of female population will be happy that the book is destroyed anyway." Naruto said as he few hand signs and spit a small fireball towards one of the wooden post and it started to burn. Naruto started to put the book near the burning wooden log.

"Say bye bye to your book Kakashi." Naruto said.

"Alright! You pass the test! Now please return my book please!" Kakashi pleaded and Naruto looks at Kushina and she nodded at him. Naruto gives back the book and in one swipe Kakashi happily hugged his book and Naruto just shook his head.

"Well I'm to say that you all pass, and I have to say Naruto-kun your planning was brilliant. You told the girls to distract us using their teamwork so that we would completely focus on them until one of us had our guard down and use the one you knock out as a hostage." Kushina said and Naruto just nodded at him.

"But the more embarrassing part is that Kakashi was easily knocked out by a genin." Naruto added and all the girls giggle while Kakashi had depressed look on his face and sending glare at Naruto who completely ignored it. Kushina claps her hand to get everyone attention.

"Alright everyone I would like to congratulate you all for a job well done. You all were able to retrieve the bells and you used to teamwork to get it." Kushina said.

"But remember these words 'Those who break the rules are trash but those you leave their comrades are worse than trash' take this words to the heart." Kakashi added and the genins nodded but they didn't notice that Naruto had a small smile on his face in hearing those words. He liked Kakashi principles and agreed with them.

"Alright team 7 is now an official team! We are going to start to take missions and begin training now as a leaf genin. That's all. Dismissed!" Kushina said, then she and Kakashi disappeared. Naruto sighs and was about to leave the training ground when suddenly Sakura clungs to his arm.

"Come on Naruto-kun let's celebrate!" Sakura chirped happily. Satsuki and Naruko glared at Sakura and suddenly they also clung into Naruto. Satsuki was around his other arm while Naruko was clinging from behind.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH NARUTO-KUN!" Satsuki shouted and Naruto was surprised at this.

"Yeah Onii-chan is going to celebrate with me." Naruko declared and the three glares at each other and sparks were flying around them while Naruto…

Was crying anime tears because of his luck with the women around him and he decided he had enough.

He poof of smoke surrounded him and suddenly was replaced with a log. All the girls around him were shock was just transpired then soon the girls started to blame each other.

"This is your fault!"

"My fault?!"

"Yeah because of you he's gone damn it! I need to find Naruto-kun!"

"Not that I find onii-chan first!"

Soon the girls split up and Naruto appears from the bushes and sighs in relief.

"You can come out now, Sakura-chan!" Naruto said as turn his head up and saw a shadowing figuring in the air, since he a tint of pink before he lands tackles him with a sweat tone. "I got you, Na-ru-to-kun." She said kissed him before Naruto return his kiss.

As they parted with Naruto said. "So did you got them away?"

Sakura giggled. "Yup, since those two are really completely troublesome since I knew you are about to use the substitute to them, so I create my own shadow clone to distract them." As they stood up and Naruto replied.

"Yup, and good job, but no offense to you when Naruko or Satsuki were troublesome...Come on better get some eat before they'll come back." Getting a nod from Sakura, as they headed to small restaurant to eat (a certain Nara sneezed).

==At the hokage tower==

"Team 1 failed..."

"Team 2 failed..."

"Team 3 failed..."

"Team 4 failed..."

"Team 5 failed..."

"Team 6 failed..."

Minato sighs as he listened to the jounin reports. Each team failed and he was frustrated he really needs to change the system of the academy. Suddenly the door opened and reveals to be Kushina and Kakashi as they entered the room.

"Sorry that we're late Minato-kun I test had taken longer than I suspected." Kushina said and Minato nodded and sends a smile to Kushina hoping to hear good news.

"Alright everyone please continue your report." Minato said.

"Team 7 passed with flying colors." Kushina said with grin on her face with Kakashi nodding in agreement. Every Jounin was surprised in hearing this because usually Kakashi fails every team that was assign to him while Minato was happy in hearing some good news.

"Can you explain to us Kushina-chan?" Minato asked happily and Kushina started to detail about the test and as she continued to explain the test everyone in the room was surprised on how Naruto's plan worked very well, and also found it very funny that Kakashi who was A-rank shinobi was easily knocked out by a genin which made Kakashi depressed and finally much to most women happiness and the horror of the males that Naruto threatened Kakashi to burn the orange book. And follow with Naruto's unfamiliar wrist blades is completely new for arsenals, and includes new weapons were build by Naruto.

"Well, okay, thank you Kushina-chan." Minato said and Kushina nodded at him.

"Team 8 passed they have good teamwork but needs more work." Kurenai said.

"Team 10 passed they are like their fathers but I need to work on Ino though since she a bit a fangirl towards your son Hokage-sama." Asuma explained and Minato nodded in understanding then dismissed the meeting and the Jonins left leaving only Kushina and Minato.

"Our son is greater than we thought I never knew that he made a devious plan." Minato said and Kushina nodded in agreement.

"I hope that I would at least make him opened up to me, at least make him feel that we are family to him." Kushina said and Minato nodded in agreement and the two parents decided to think of plan to make Naruto feel a part of their family and ask for his forgiveness.

==Three Months later==

Three months has passed and team 7 had been doing missions or the genins called 'chores' (minus Naruto or Sakura wasn't complained) and they hated it especially capturing the Tora the cat who was the a hell cat for every genin ninja of Konoha except for Naruto for some reason Tora liked Naruto.

During those months team 7 was being trained to get stronger. Kushina was training them individually while Kakashi trains them on teamwork and chakra exercises but Naruto or Sakura already knows those exercises so he uses a blood clone to send the clone during team training and meeting while he train on his own at the forest of death along with Sakura as well.

Also while training in the forest of death; Naruto met Anko again but the snake woman didn't attack him again and also Sakura, but instead talk to him, which made Naruto feel suspicious at first but in the end the two became friends and the often sparred and opened up to each other.

Naruto was surprised that Anko was being shunned and hated by the village because she was the former apprentice of the snake sannin of Konoha, Orochimaru. Naruto also found the cursed seal that was located on her neck then soon he started to do his research on how to remove.

Now team 7 is standing in front of the hokage tower with Tora who was in Naruto hand and was purring in his touch.

"Alright, catching Tora the cat is complete." Kushina said and Iruka asked Naruto hand Tora over to him and the blond complied and gave the cat to Iruka then Iruka put it back to its cage. Before given a final pat rubbing his head gently.

"Alright now you can choose the following missions. Taking the Inuzuka dogs for a walk, helping an old lady or fixing th-"

"TOU-SAN CAN YOU GIVE ANY BETTER MISSION WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR THREE MONTHS! CAN WE GET A BETTER MISSION?!" Naruko whined and the two genin girls nodded in agreement while the jounins just sighs in annoyance and Naruto just completely ignored the situation as he continues to read a book about Fuinjutsu in his hand while Sakura reading Naruto's new novel...'The Adventure Seas of Edward Kenway'; its about Edwards life as a Privateer and a pirate assassin.

"Naruko! You've just been a genin for 3 months and you don't enough experience yet!" Iruka shouted and Until Minato decided to cut in.

"Calm down Iruka, how about we let their jounin instructor decided if they are ready for higher mission. How about Kushina-chan? Are they ready for a higher mission?" Minato asked and Kushina nodded at him.

"I think they are ready, me and Kakashi have been training these kids hard so I think they deserve a C-rank mission." Kushina stated and Minato turns his attention to Kakashi.

"How about you Kakashi what do you think?" Minato asked and all he received was a nod from the mask jounin.

"Very well team 7 are going to take a C-rank mission bring in the client." Minato said. Moments later a man who was drunk entered the room.

"Is this all you got as my bodyguards? A three spoiled princess and a scarecrow. The only decent ones are the lady with red hair and the kid with blond hair." The man said.

"SCREW YOU OLD MAN YOUR HEAD IS MINE!" Naruko shouted as she was about to attack the old man but Naruto grabbed her collar from behind to restrain Naruko.

"Naruko you can't kill the client it's bad for business." Kakashi scolded her and Naruko puffed her cheeks and grumble some words.

"But that doesn't mean that you can't kill him after the mission." Naruto just added. The old man turned pale while Naruko frown turned to a sadistic smile. When he noticed the crest on Naruto's belt and then said "they look promising." Which made both Naruto and Sakura noticed the reason for his change in behavior and decided to talk to him in detail about it. Along with Kakashi, Minato and Kushina notice with behavior all sudden, he notice the symbol on Naruto's chest it looks strange.

"Okay that's enough we'll meet at village within two hours. So pack your things that you'll be all needing for at least 3 weeks." Kushina said and the genins nodded at her.

"Good Dismissed!" Kushina said and Naruto and Sakura wen to window and preforms a leap of faith followed with Sakura until Minato stood and ran to the window along with Kushina saw at the ground and saw Naruto or Sakura disappeared like a ghost again. "I still don't know how did Naruto or Sakura do that!"

"Nor do I." Minato replied, as he turn his head at Tazuna, and went to the client. "Tazuna, care to tell us what this is about?" He asked. With Kushina or Kakashi were curious.

"Well, Hokage-sama. Truth to be told. I am a bridge builder and a friend of the Order, I was going to ask for the help of one of the brotherhoods but the Rafiq in Nami, was taken out, I don't think it was intentional but with no way to contact the brotherhood I decided to take this matter to the Konoha" Tazuna stated.

"Brotherhood?" Kakashi said.


"Yes...the legendary Assassin Order here in Konoha? I did not know that brat is also an Assassin." Tazuna stated which made everyone eyes widen for a sudden information.

"Sochi is an ASSASSIN!" Kushina exclaimed fearful? Since she read a histories about the Assassins were been extinct for millions of years during the war against the Assassins and the Templars? Its like the Senju and Madara Clan Wars when Konohagakure is founded. They never thought Naruto is now an Assassin.

"Yes, since the brat is an Assassin. And that means I will have business with him." Tazuna said, as he leaves leaving Kushina and Minato alone before the others like Kakashi left to prepared to departure.

"Why Naruto never told us he is an Assassin." Minato and Kushina said unison.

==With Naruto==

As Naruto is full prepared in Masyaf without leaving a trail behind; with his sword and dagger strapped on his hips, and the two pistols on the right side holster along with the hip pouch on besides the holster. With the air rifle strapped on his back, as he fixing his hidden blades is completely secured and strapped less tightly. Now he had storage scrolls; different bombs, food and supplies on the pouch as well along with throwing knifes and rope darts. Then he places berserk and sleep darts on each pouches in the belt pouches and also ammunition and gunpowder as well. That includes Shrapnel and Sleep Grenades from the launcher and smoke, poison and stun bombs.

'You ready, lad.' Shay said.

'Yes, father...I'm ready.'

==With Sakura==

At the Haruno residence; Sakura strapped her sword on his back on the right side along with the blowpipe; with both pistols on both sides and two tantous underneath the sword holsters. Also Sakura do the same thing like Naruto about Sleep and berserk darts, smoke, stun and shrapnel bombs too. In her pouches she carries storage scrolls when Naruto taught her basic fuinjutsu and tools she needs is kunais, throwing knifes and rope darts and shurikens will be place in the holster on her left leg. Since her parents were surprised about those weapons she uses.

As she view herself in the mirror. 'Shannaro! I'm look good.'

'Shannaro! It better girl!' Inner Sakura said. As she prepared to leave for the departure on the mission.

==Time Skip==

Naruto was first to arrive at the village. For the past hour he was practicing his eagle vision and other... 'new'... offensive techniques that he learned from Hagoromo and he was happy that he was still able to get the hang of it. Naruto was leaning of the wall with arms crossed and waited for his team to arrive.

"Onii-chan!/Naruto-kun!" Voices called and Naruto look at his right and saw his entire team walking towards him with Kushina but Naruto was surprised to see the person with them. It was Mikoto Uchiha who was wearing a Jounin uniform and has hair ponytailed like Kushina.

"Uchiha-sama, why are you joining us?" Naruto asked. Even Naruto trust her he doesn't truly trust her completely since she was one of the people who ignored Naruto when he asked her for some shinobi training since she was his mother best friend after all.

"Naruto-kun, just call me Mikoto." Mikoto said with smile on her face.

"Just answer the question Uchiha-sama." Naruto said with annoyed tone and everyone was surprised on how he response to her.

"Naruto don't answer Mikoto-chan like that!" Kushina scolded at him and Naruto just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Whatever." Naruto said and look around and notice that Kakashi and the client were missing.

"Where's Hatake and the old man." Naruto asked and nobody answered him. He let out a sigh and made clone and whispered something to the clone before the clone put on his hood and suddenly vanished.

"Naruto-kun, what did you told to the clone?" Sakura asked as she adjusted her hidden blades on her each sleeves which made Naruko or Satsuki frown for want those blades too. Since the girls went to the black smith of constructed the same blades; since acquires a similar then 'Hidden Kunai Mechanism'. Turns out many blacksmiths needs some schematics to how to build a wrist blade before.

"Just wait." Naruto said and few minutes later they heard a girly scream.

"What the hell is that?" Naruko asked and was about to run from where it was coming from when suddenly Naruto stops her by grabbing her shoulder. Naruko turns around and see Naruto was looking at her.

"Just wait." Naruto said and several seconds later they saw the clone dragging Kakashi and the client towards them.

"Did you burn the book?" Naruto asked and the clone raised an eyebrow at him.

"You all heard the scream right?" The clone asked and everyone nodded at him.

"It's because I saw these two drinking in the local bar so I did what my boss told me to do, I burned his precious Icha-Icha book right in front of Kakashi and he screamed like girl then I knocked the two out and drag their asses here." The clone said before he disappeared in poof of smoke and Naruto received all the clone memory and couldn't help but smirk. Several seconds later Kakashi started to wake up.

"What happen?" Kakashi said as he sat up and look around and saw he was outside and the team was looking at him but his eyes landed on Naruto and glared at him.

"NARUTO, WHY WHY WHY DID YOU BURN MY BOOK!?" Kakashi demanded and Naruto just shrugged at him.

"I don't know I just wanted you to see you miserable since you're not taking our first C-rank mission seriously. You're just lucky that didn't burn your whole collection." Naruto said and Kakashi glared at him and resisted the urge to strangle the blond because Kushina, Mikoto and the others girls will kill him if they saw him strangling him then the old drank started to wake up.

"What happened?" The client asked as he found himself outside the bar and was near the village gate.

"My son dragged you and Kakashi here Tazuna-san so we can start with the mission." Kushina said and Tazuna nodded at her and stands up.

"Is everyone here?" Kushina asked and everyone nodded at her.

"Okay let's begin the mission!" Kushina said and everyone soon they left the village to begin the mission.

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