
Ch 1 After the end

Bright lights, a massive impact, and an ear-piercing screech.

These are the last things I remember before I died, at least that's what I think.

I've had a while to ponder about it because I've been falling through a black void for about 2 hours give or take.

Have you ever watched spy kids 2, it's like that, though I hope I'm on my way to heaven.

I'm not a bad guy but I have sinned before nothing crazy mind you just drugs plus I don't really believe in the Christian god anyway.

Now It's been about 3 hours longer, I'm getting pretty bored and I'm starting to get worried this is all there is.

I could easily go insane if this is my eternity and then suddenly it all goes white as my eyes adjust.

I find myself standing in a white void now.

In Front of me is a massive faceless woman in long grey flowing robes, where her face should have been there was only more of the white void I'm standing in.

Despite having no face she still had long straight ginger hair. Staring at her is kinda freaking me out.

" Sorry about that have you been waiting long ?" her voice was like a young girls voice had been pitched up but slowed down

" Only like 5 hours, I think. " I said quickly I'm not going make a fuss about it with god, man I don't even complain to the waiter when my food is cold.

"Right I'm just going to come out with it, I messed up and you are being sent to Super Hell." she blurted out quickly

I just stood there in shock, the fuck did she just say what even is Super Hell

" How the F- , how do you even mess up so badly ?" I shouted, even now I'm not going to curse at the god that could go badly

She replied "well when I was editing your life profile I was supposed to add negative 200 karma points for drug use but the button got stuck and added about 30 extra zeroes, I've just fixed that keyboard so it won't happen again thankfully ."

'Damn so it was drug use that got me in the end' I thought

"It's ok, I've had that problem too, guess we aren't so different after all, as long as we fix this mess no harm done" I stated calmly I'm not going to be a Karen in the afterlife. I'm a stoner so I've always been a go-with-the-flow type of person.

" I wish it was that simple, but the cosmic ink is already dry and I can't change it without breaking the timeline, but don't worry I've already come up with a plan that might work" she said each word dragging me deeper into despair

" I'm going to reincarnate you into another world with your memories so you can balance out your negative score" she stated and now my despair is gone, replaced by hope.

"That doesn't sound too bad, another go around doing good deeds could actually be fun" I said with a chuckle "You know that I think about it, it was a truck that hit me anyway."

As a nerdy lazy 20 something year old, I have read many web novels and fanfictions and I had always secretly hoped I'd get reincarnated at the end.

Also, she said another world so maybe I'll be sent to a fantasy world or even an anime world or something.

"Well because you have too many negative karma points a few good deeds aren't going to cut it, you're going to have to save half the universe to get enough points to undo my mistake" she said clearly leading somewhere

"Ok, I think I'm picking up what you're laying down. I'm going to the MCU to stop Thanos it can't be that hard." I know the MCU pretty well and could probably beat him just by telling stronger people what to do and what not to do.

Or I could just follow the 12 step guide to omnipotence by Bakkughan. Also If I fail the avengers will just undo it anyway.

She moved her arms to her hips and said " Well it's not quite MCU more like MCU+, one of the differences is that the 50% snapped away contains 95% of the world's heroes making it a permanent disaster. That's why if you prevent it you'll get enough points to avoid Super Hell and get to Heaven"

"Well, to be honest, I haven't read many comics but as long as the skeleton of the world is MCU I think I can do this" I said there are so many serums that I think I could get myself to at least Captain America levels of strength.

"Also since you've been so cooperative about everything I'll give you a gamer system to up your success chance good luck because if you die before you succeed I Can't help you anymore" she said coldly

Instantly a massive smile lit up my face " This is going to be easy with a gamer system I'll practically be a god by the end of this thanks so much"

" Don't thank me just yet this is going to be harder than you can ever imagine."

With that everything went black again.


End of chapter note

Thanks for reading so much. I will practically be doing copy paste till chap 13 than continue with my own fic...

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