
Chapter 82

The dangerous projectiles were falling upon the city ceaselessly. Countless of citizens and soldiers have died from the bombardment turning a large part of the capital into ruins.

Those things that let a large amount of smoke in the air went too far into the city and caught everyone in a deadly surprise, also they were not coming only from the front but from every direction.

The Nazar commanders had ordered their war machinery to spread on all edges and fire at will nonstop. A high building that had a tower with a giant clock got hit by those projectiles and the entire building crumbled, crushing all the people that were hiding inside.

Most of the soldiers had gone near the gate because the bombardment there stopped but something more dangerous was about to happen. The entire wall was shaking as if an earthquake was occurring.

"Sir what's going on?!" a soldier asked."

"I'm not sure, soldier, but it seems they are trying to break through by destroying the walls."

The giant gate moved a bit because it was hit by something on the other side of the wall. The soldiers out of surprise backed off because that sounded very different from that famous siege weapon.

"Are they using a battering ram?!"

The gate got hit again and it started to crack slowly every time it got hit. The soldiers did not stay idly and took the carriages and other heavy objects to block the gate as quickly as possible. As they worked, more and more soldiers were coming to face the enemy that was trying to get inside the city.

Again they noticed the gate was getting hit even faster and harder and they could see the light breaking through cracks. The soldiers had their spears ready, pointing them at the gate. After such a long destructive attack, they were tired with their faces covered in sweat and scared for their lives while the enemy was just about to get in.

They really wanted to drop their spear and just hide so they could survive and see their family later. Was it worth fighting for the Slane Theocracy right now? Absolutely not, if the enemy has managed to march through the Slane Theocracy's territory this far, the fate of this nation is on a thin thread.


A knight riding a warhorse arrived at the gate. He was a middle-aged man with grizzle short hair and held a broadsword on his right hand. His face did not show any sign of fear like the other commander.

"Sir Vinz, they are trying to break the gate with siege weapons!"

"We will not let the Nazarick hordes destroy this holy city! Get in the formation and be ready when the wave hits us!"

"Yes Sir!"

That was what they needed, strong words to increase the morale of the army in this dire situation. There will always be one person to keep the armies together because without a leader that gives orders is like walking blindly.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, a giant war troll was hitting the high gates with a hammer. The gate proved to be very durable and everyone could see the war troll was getting tired.

"Smash that damn gate, Martial Lord!"

The Nazars were cheering and waiting in eagerness for the gate to fall but still, nothing that Martial Lord landed did any damage except making it crack.

[Martial Art - SMASH] !

The Martial Lord activated a martial art to cause more damage but again the gate was able to handle even that strong blast.

"It's too damn strong!" the angry war troll shouted.

He has been able to meet and fight with powerful beings like the undead or demons but never in his life would have imagined that an object would be this damn durable.

"Alright, I get it, step away!"

Clementine approached the gate and the Martial Lord moved because he knew who this person was. She has a high rank in the hierarchy of the undead vampires. He could feel her tremendous vampiric aura that she was proud of.

"I always hated these gates."

Neia was observing the Blood Empress curiously because she was about to see another powerful being in action. She did not like this woman because of her behavior but she understands how her nature is. Clementine was like a free spirit or a spoiled child but when It comes time for battles, she was absolutely ruthless like a monster on a rampage.

"Knock, Knock!"

The defenders of the capital got shocked when a sound like an explosion echoed and the gates shattered to pieces flying high in different directions.

"The hell!?"

The powerful gate made a long time ago with the best material was not standing anymore proudly and left the great walls naked. The blast had caused dust to rise and covered the other side but that was the scary thing about the situation.

The soldiers were keeping their weapons tightly as the eyes of the enemy shone through the smoke.

"Be ready men! They are coming!"

The Nazars entered the city like a fury not caring what they would encounter because every human that held a weapon would be eliminated. The strong demihumans removed the blockade from their way and the first Nazar wave ran towards the human army.

"Kill those heathens!" shouted Vins pointing his sword at the enemy.

Sir Vinz was a few meters away from the front and was standing on the horse. The soldiers did not want him to die fast in their conflict so they had to do their best to protect him from any harm.

The first wave clashed with the Slane Theocracy forces. The impact was heavy as metal clashed against metal and the mixed army was pushing the protectors of the capital back.

"Hold those monsters back!"

Right now there are no casualties on both sides which was a surprise after all that wrathful impact from the Nazars. It seemed the orders of the Sir Vins were able to put some pride, morale, and rage on the soldiers.

"Do not let them cling on you, kill them!"

Wild nature got into on a goblin once again and he jumped upon the head of the enemy but that was a really bad idea to take. From all those swords around him, one of them attacked and cut his long green left ear.


"Get the hell away from you bastard demihuman!"

The goblin soldier lost equilibrium and fell to the ground. A human soldier stepped on his hand so he wouldn't grab back his sword and the soldiers around him thrust the swords on his neck killing him instantly.

The goblin soldier was the first Nazar martyr for today and this death gave confidence to the protectors, hopes so they can win this war and start to fight against evil forces harder with all their strength.

"That's it, soldiers! Kill them all!"

The soldiers were able to win some ground back because the Nazars were not pushing them anymore but instead, it was the Slane Theocracy's army. Suddenly two heavy explosions destroyed two parts of the defensive wall massively.

After the destruction, a huge innumerable of enemies entered like a swarm invading the first line like a plague. This will truly make the situation even worse because they will spread in every corner of the city.


A young female warrior gave orders to the Nazars to turn back to the huge army that was like regrouping. The soldiers lined up and the confusing part was that the first line was made up of Bafolk that had huge shields and long spears.

This made the soldiers of the Slane Theocracy think about the first attack as if it was just a warm-up for a greater attack but their commander told them to stay strong together.

"Testudo Formation!"

The large bafolk regiment aligns their shields to form a packed formation covered with shields on the front and top. The humans were confused by this strange formation because even those soldiers in the back placed their shields on top.

"Move Forward!"

The large army began moving slowly towards the humans. It felt like a moving fortress and the humans had no idea in what way to attack them until Vinz gave an order.

"Attack them now, do not let those bastards come any closer!"


They just followed the order "attack" believing that this charge will push back the Nazar forces. The bafolk army stopped moving and continued to wait for the clash with the human charge.

Neia was standing behind the bafolk army ordering the army to stand in shield formation.

"Do not break the formation without an order. You can see this charge is a blind one because they have never seen this formation before and that is a plus for us. Give them nothing, but take from them everything!"


Hundreds of sharp swords landed and clashed against the shield wildly. The sound of metal hitting metal and the screams of the soldiers echoed in that area endlessly. But something was not going in the favor of the Slane Theocracy here.

The problem was that the soldier had not cut down any enemy soldier from the start of this attack till now and the shield formation was still not affected by the wrathful human attack.

And also the soldiers right now were in a really tight situation especially the frontal army where they were being squeezed by the rest of the army behind trying to push the enemy. Again they attacked the shield formation as hard as they could but they weren't even able to move them.

"These blockheads can't even find a way to break up the formation, they are not even trying."

Neia smirked at the incompetence of the human soldiers. As the strongest human nation, she was expecting a brutal clash but the inexperience was strong here. Either way, it was time to counter-attack them now.


The bafolk front gave a powerful impact and pushed the humans a meter away. The humans of the Slane Theocracy were stuck surprised by that sudden impact but nothing was over.

On their right hand, the bafolk held a long spear. The humans did not see that coming and their bodies were pierced by the sharp blade of hundreds of bafolk that stood on the front and those on the back.



Every human that got pierced let out sounds of pain and agony. The bafolk pulled their weapons and the unlucky soldiers fell dead on the ground.

"Testudo Formation!"

Neia ordered the same formation again while walking a few meters forward wining ground. It was a shock for the humans to catch up with that quick attack that came out of nowhere.

They heard the voice of their commander that ordered them to attack again harder, so again the large human army tried to push the enemy.

Meanwhile, upon a large building, Zesshi and Clementine were observing the battle that was unfolding below them.

"My my, what has happened with the glorious army of the Slane Theocracy. Looks like they have changed a lot these last years… for worse."

"Haha~ the best legions were destroyed by my master long ago. This new generation can't come close to their might. I mean, where are the magic casters to shoot and break up the enemy line? Seems like they have run out of good magic casters or cavalry."

"You are right, Clementine, it's like our old home has gotten sick from the long isolation. Well, It was meant to fall sooner or later… oh, another kill."


The bafolk push them again with their shields and the sharp spears pierced through armor and flesh. The humans fell like flies one by one and their dead bodies were trampled by the other soldiers that continued fighting.


The nazars shouted every time they launched an attack at the enemy. There were also dwarves on the frontline. They were equipped with advanced weapons that were called crossbows.

Every time when the shield wall opens, the dwarves shoot the humans. There was no need to find a target because anywhere that arrow went, it would kill or wound someone badly.

The human soldiers noticed that this wild tactic was getting them killed in great numbers and they haven't been able to kill at least one single bafolk.

Sir Vinz! Sir, our men are dying!"

"Continue the attack!"

"But, but we can't breach that wall of shields sir, it's too strong."

"Damn it, if we had magic casters here, the situation would have been different."

Vins grabbed the spear from his man and rode towards the enemy. The soldiers saw the captain riding like a storm and quickly opened a path for his horse.

"Take this, you damn bastards!" he yelled.

The spear flew very fast but that was all. That thing didn't do anything to break the shield wall but it raised the morale a bit because when a high person does something heroic it will always have a positive effect on his followers.

"Fight for our fallen brothers!"


The attack started again but now even more wildly. Still, it was not good enough to break the enemy lines.

"That boosted their morale, huh! Not bad but it's time to end this skirmish."

Neia ordered some space and she jumped up on the shield wall with a bow and arrow. She noticed the human commander and she pointed the arrow in his direction. Even Vins saw the woman that he was a target but it was too late to avoid the danger.

The arrow loses from Neia's bow and it went straight in Vinz direction. The soldiers were in shock when the arrow pierced his eye and fell from the horse.

"Oh, she killed the brave knight, hahaha!" laughed Clementine.

The soldiers ran to take his body away from the street but the Nazars spread like a swarm of spiders and started to kill the humans. It was a troubling moment for the humans when they saw the nazars taking ground kill after kill.

From the left and the right showed up trolls and ogres with huge maces and axes. Of course, these huge monsters took more attention and it scared the humans to the core.

"WATCH OUT! WATCH OUT!" screamed one of them.

With a single heavy swing of their weapon, many human bodies went flying in different directions. One troll hit a human with a mace and instantly his body was turned into chunks of meat not even recognizing who this person could be if someone would try to look for his body. One ogre crushed the human skull but two arrows pierced his eyes and fell dead on the ground.

All the races joined the fight and the battle became even more intense. An all-out conflict has begun in every street and alley. The cries of war, pain, and agony were heard all over the city as the fresh blood was spilled wildly like a river.

Neia walked on the road in the middle of a battlefield without caring that someone would attack her or anything. Everyone had one or two or three opponents that had to deal with and the Nazars were swarming all over the place like a colony of ants.

"These are the enemies of my king. Such maggots wanted to attack the holy land but worry not my lord, I swear that will clean this realm from this filth.

Madeye the executor had the blood of the enemy on her face. Human soldiers charged at her while screaming but Neia was simply too strong for these soldiers. Her sharp blade that had taken the lives of many people cut the heads of these weaklings in an instant.

"Kill them all!"

The rain of the bombardment had quietened down when the land attack started but those projectiles he'd left scorched land and hundreds of buildings were on fire. No one had time to help anyone from this hell.

The remaining soldiers ran towards the enemy that was eating the city inch by inch like the flames that burned Rome.

Neia's comrades fought near her and even protected her back from the sneaky attacks. The catgirl Çikly had a very flexible body and one might think they had advantages against her but the body disappeared from the enemy blade just to appear behind them.

"Nya, what's wrong pretty boy? Are you tired, kuhuhu!" the catgirl mocked the knight of the Slane Theocracy.

"Do not underestimate me, you damn beast!"

"Oh, how can you call such a cute girl like me a beast, you are so mean, nya."


The men aimed to cut her head but the cute cat girl dogged the attack and what surprised the human was that she started to jump multiple times and it felt like he was looking at her afterimages. It was a tremendous speed that simply human eyes can not follow.

"What the hell?! Is this all that you can do? Jumping like a grasshopper won't be enough to…"

The human stopped mocking his enemy as he felt something on his back. He looked at his chest and saw a tip of a blade that had appeared. It was covered in blood and the man started to understand the situation but it was too late now.

While shivering he turned his head and the cute cat girl smiled with a sadistic expression at him. "It's enough to kill you, human…"

"YoU… daMn…

Those were the last words that heard as the soul left his body forever. With attacks like that one, Çikly went on a killing spree cleaning the streets from the large numbers of the human soldiers.

She stopped for a moment but a human just came out of nowhere and was about to attack her on the back but that human's hopes to kill the humanoid were in vain when a hammer crushed his entire body on the ground.

"Panda boy there was no need to do that."

"Just stay alive, damn it." the beastman shouted as he crushed another human with his hammer.

"Nya, he is not fun at all, I guess he wants to return back home to his mama."

For someone like Panda boy, war was a bad thing that must be avoided at all cost but he is fighting here human supremacists that would not spare his life if he was at their mercy.

He couldn't believe it, that a fat fool like him, who spent his whole day inside the house to be participating in this field of carnage. It's like he had jumped into another reality where he is living as he imagined to become.

His dream was to become a proud warrior of his tribe but his people were mostly barbaric and too stupid to understand chivalry. Getting conquered by a powerful civilization and getting pushed by his father to become a warrior was not bad after all.

But wars he is participating in were not like he imagined them to be. Simply put, everyone turned into a barbaric that wanted to slaughter the enemy, and Panda boy has to do that too.

His animalistic senses allowed him to turn into a wrathful beast just like every demihuman on this battlefield.

He noticed a human that looked like he was fed up with this war and wanted to surrender. Usually, those who surrender must be spared but the plan of this war said otherwise. He must not show mercy upon those that still wore armor or held a weapon.

Panda boy walked to him and lifted his war hammer. The human also lifted both his hands making signs that he surrendered.


"Sorry mate but this is not your lucky day."


The war hammer blasted his body and the force of that attack caused a large hole in a building where he could see a battle on the other side of the block.

The battle was turning into a really cataclysmic level. Both sides were tearing each other apart. There was so much hatred here especially when nazar elves confronted the humans that enslaved them years ago.

There was no exchange of words but only screaming and yelling like mad dogs. The brutality kept going on and on and the newly arrived Lakyus couldn't believe that such carnage was occurring in the middle of the once peaceful streets of the grand capital Kami Miyako.

"By the gods, this is horrible!"

Two days ago this city was normal and the citizens were doing their everyday work but now the city has a hellish image with all the destroyed old buildings and the dead bodies lying around.

For Lakyus, this was her first time witnessing such a brutal battle. On the other hand, Remedios was not shocked as her dear friend because she has participated in many large-scale battles against the demihuman tribes since she was a young teenager.

But this battle was way more different than any other battle that she had seen. The enemies were not just a bunch of angry animals that wanted to eat humans but it was a perfect regular army armed to the teeth.

"Let's go!"

Remedios ran like a wrathful wind to help her fellow humans and Lakyus followed her as fast as possible. The paladin was on a higher level and her speed can not be reached by mere soldiers.

Her first target was an orc. The demihuman was about to kill his opponent but in an instant, his body was sliced into two pieces. His blood fell upon the face of the poor human soldier that was absolutely terrified.

A hand reached him and he saw the person who saved his life.

"Are you okay? Can you stand?"

She was the female paladin Remedios Custodio. He couldn't believe that such a famous figure would save a poor soldier like him.

"Yes ma'am! Thank you for saving my life!"

"Right, now I have to remove all these bastards from the streets!"

The nazars that were fighting in this area noticed the body of the dead orc and that was not a good sign. They gathered there in great numbers and were ready to attack

"Oy, oy, isn't she that damn bitch from the old kingdom! Y'all remember her?"

"Holy shit, it's really her."

"But I thought she was living in the Sorcerer Kingdom."

"So she deserted…"

"Fuck you, bastards!"

Remedios was disgusted by their conversation, thinking of her as a traitor. She was never loyal to the undead king and never swore any fake allegiance. She was only loyal to Calca but that woman was not a holy queen right now. Her most important mission is to rise once again the might of the Holy Kingdom with Calca as the Holy Queen.

But her mission was just a dream that she believed so much to turn into reality. Calca was just a queen on paper. She does not know if her long-lost queen could be married now or the Sorcerer King might have claimed her body.

The Slane Theocracy was the only nation with ideas that she embraced, to ensure human supremacy and kill heretics and monsters.

"Kill her!"

That nazar horde ran like wild beasts at Remedios in every direction.

[ Martial Art - Flow Acceleration ] !

Remedios' speed increased so insanely that her afterimages were seen everywhere. All of them knew about this martial art but this was like an advanced one. It reminded these demihumans that she was the same horrifying monster that put on the blade of her holy sword thousands of males, females, and children.

"What the hell!"

Not even one second and the heads of the demihumans were sliced from their shoulders. Even the walls around her were shaken by this insane speed.

Lakyus also was stunned by that show of massacre but she continued to run forward to stop the nazar invasion of this neighborhood.

"Great job Remedios, let's go!"


The female duo went on killing every enemy they encountered and saved many more that were on the brink of death. The most disturbing thing they one their way were the dead bodies of the innocent civilians that had no way to protect themselves from those monsters.

This vile act feeds even more hatred than they actually had against the Sorcerer Kingdom. At least the civilians must have been spared but no, their fate is the same as the fate of the soldiers.

"Fucking bastards, they have no shame!" exploded Remedios.

"This awful action must be stopped right now! Do the cardinals even know what is happening here? Innocent people are dying for god's sake!"

The number of the victims here was not a joke. These citizens were not killed in a fight but they were captured and executed because all of them had throats sliced with knives.

"Those rotten people are more afraid of losing their own life. This might be the reason why the scriptures are being held at the cathedral."

"No, they can't do such a thing to them. We can't let the cathedrals be the last stand in this city. If we let them reach the cathedrals all those people hiding in there will…

Remedios had great respect for the old cardinals of the Slane Theocracy but such a plan to use the soldiers and the civilians as nothing but meat shields was not a very human way. It's like they were desperate to lose so much and gain a little. But what was that little thing? Something that will save humanity…

Remedios's brain was not very smart to understand such a plan. It might be the best for the cardinals but in her mind, this was absolutely awful.

"They are coming in our direction, Remedios!"

"Let them come! I'll take down all of them myself."

"Careful for what you wish, Remedios. We have been taking down just foot soldiers and I won't be surprised if we encounter someone of a higher caliber."

Large numbers of nazars were running in this area. It was very easy when there wasn't any soldier to defend it with his life but they noticed the two female warriors standing alarmed by their presence.

As they approached, they also noticed many of their fellow comrades were lying dead on the ground. They turned their attention to the two females. With blood on their armor and weapon, It was obvious that these two were the ones that killed them.

"You two did this?!" shouted a bafolk.

"And they did that!"

Remedios pointed her finger at the dead civilians.

"Who the fuck cares! WRAAAAGHHH!"

The wild bafolk ran and tried to kill Remedios with his spear but she cut the part of the sharp blade. Her body rolled very fast like a tornado and the bafolk raised his shield to block the attack but the human female did not give him any time and she cut his head just like she did with his comrades.

"Watch out!"

Lakyus ran at her side and blocked an arrow that came from the roof of a building on the left side. On top of the roof was a dwarf holding a crossbow and was aiming again at them.

Remedios ran again and she kicked the wall of the building. That powerful kick shook the entire building and the dwarf couldn't hold his balance. But from the harsh bombardment this area has taken, the buildings here were weak and might crumble at any moment so did this building.

The walls fell and the nazars that were below the building got crushed beneath the ruins.

"Why you…"

One of the nazars attacked Remedios trying to cut her head but she dodged the attack. Remedios wanted to kill this soldier right now but she saw that the nazar was a human female with short black hair.

She tried to attack her again but Remedios hit the sword so hard that it broke into pieces. Then she grabbed the young nazar by the neck and angrily stared at her. The human girl's eyes did not look scared but she was desperately trying to find a way to save herself from the crazy woman.

"The hell are you doing here?!" Remedios screamed. "Why are you doing this, why are you killing your own kind?!"

"I don't give a damn if you are human or a monster. The enemies of the Sorcerer Kingdom must die!"


Remedios was about to kill the girl but Lakyus stopped her. "Remedios don't do it!"

This little diversion gave enough time for the nazar girl to pull out her dagger.


The holy paladin felt the pain coming from her stomach. She released the girl and put her hand on the wound to stop the bleeding. A small weapon like that would never have a chance to penetrate her armor but that dagger was made with some special material to cut through armor without breaking a sweat.

The girl picked up her sword and raised it high. "Now die with this damned city!" But her amazing bravery was short because her chest got pierced by two of Lakyus's floating swords and the danger was gone for now.

[Heal] !

"Please forgive me, I had no idea…"

"It's alright Lakyus, It was my fault, I should have killed her right away. At least I'm lucky to have someone like you to heal my wound and... my mistake."

Lakyus hugged her and Remedios was filled with a warm feeling like never before. This holy priestess of the Water God had slowly taken her heart completely to a point that Remedios had stopped to think about her beloved queen Calca.

But it was such a tragedy, such a warm feeling to be in such a horrible time where they were fighting for survival. Just why should this happen now?

"The wound is healed perfectly, let's move now, Remedios."

Lakyus helped the paladin to get on her feet and started moving forward to the next battle but Remedios wasn't following.

"Remedios, is something wrong?"

The paladin looked around for a moment and then turned her eyes to Lakyus looking at her with a sad, tired expression. It's like all that rage to kill the enemy from before disappeared.

"How… Why…" she was trying to find the right words to express her feelings. "We are in a dead end Lakyus… those bastards will continue to show up and just like you said, other stronger lackeys will show up too. It will be a never ending fight and we won't last forever."

Actually, those kinds of words should be said by Lakyus, that's why she was looking confused. Remedios was never seen or heard spitting facts that she will fail in the end. It's like that stabbing brought a new and smarter Remedios.

"But Remedios, aren't we supposed to die for these people? It is obvious that death will be our end."

"More than half of this nation is dead, the same with this city. Is it worthy to die for it? The people of the Holy Kingdom that I protected so much turned against me, my dear queen and my only sister abandoned me as if they never knew that I exist… I cared so much about them and they still didn't care about me and it might happen again with these people here because they are faithful to the cardinals and if the cardinals call us demons so will the people."


"We are on the same boat Lakyus, you lost your friends just like I lost mine. We don't know what we are fighting for at this point. They will kill us, walk over us or eat us and our bodies won't even be recognized anymore…

Every word that she said was the sad, dark truth. If they follow this path, it will simply lead both of them to their demise. They are living in an era where the world is changing like never before. These bloody wars will just become history in the future or the Sorcerer King will simply wipe out everything that happened here and make it as if nothing happened. It was a fucked up end and even Lakyus knew it…

"I don't want to do this anymore Lakyus, I can't do it." The hard head woman was dropping real tears of depression, this just felt so unreal and out of character.

Lakyus went and hugged Remedios again very tight and stayed like that for a short moment so Remedios will feel better. Lakyus felt ashamed of how she treated and thought of her in the past. Remedios was a misunderstood person that cared so much about the people that she holds so dear.

The priestess and the paladin stared at each other and let the soul speak for them. Remedios brought her lips closer so did Lakyus. At this moment their feelings were very strong and even this terrible environment couldn't bring them back to reality but this feeling was not going to last long.

As Remedios was enjoying this moment, all of sudden the weight of Lakyus's body disappeared from her arms. Of course, she noticed this very quickly because she did not feel Lakyus's sweet lips anymore.

"What the… Where… Lakyus! Lakyus!" LAKYUS!"

What just happened? This question screamed inside her head and millions of others after that. Again she started crying and screaming for her first ever girlfriend that she made.

"Lakyus where did you go?!"

She looked around desperately like a kid in the park that had lost her mother. Something must have happened that caused their separation. A strong nazar might have used a teleportation spell sending Lakyus to a different area.

Another person arrived at this place. The person climbed the rubble of the destroyed building and showed up on the other side. This person noticed the woman crying and also Remedios.



Both of them spoke at the same time. Remedios had a little story with this person and her family and never thought that would encounter the daughter of the Braja family.

"Well, isn't this a small world we live in, Remedios Custodio? Imagine if lady Calca saw her holy paladin fighting by the side of her old enemy."

"Don't you dare to mention the name of lady Calaca you damn brat! Where is Lakyus?! Where is she?!"

"Dead I guess."

This enraged her even more and the girl didn't even care who she was messing with. Remedios always remembered Neia as a shy fragile girl that barely could lift a sword and she was nothing like her parents. To think that the wonderful moment she was having with Lakyus got blocked by this girl with weird eyes was unbearable.

What with the anger Remedios? Seems like I interrupted an entertaining moment here."

Neia noticed all the dead nazars that got horribly slain by Remedis's sword. This scene was not very pleasant, she did not like it at all.

"You know… you will pay for what you have done."

"The stupid brat of Baraja is trying to scare me with such empty threats? Does your father know what you are doing here? Does he know how many innocent people his daughter has murdered today, huh?"

"Father is proud of his daughter fighting for her country but what I do here stays here. Your pathetic alliance ends today and the whole Theocracy shall vanish from this earth. What will you do now paladin of white?"

"Where the hell does she get this confidence?!"

She knows that Neia is still a teenage girl compared to Remedios who was a veteran of many bloody wars. If she has soldiers around, that would be understandable but she was here all alone beyond the enemy line.

But Remedios didn't care about this girl. Right now, the only person she worried about was her lover Lakyus. She just has to eliminate her and start looking for the priestess so they can get out of this city.

"I might feel bad because I'm about to kill the daughter of an old friend but I'm not at fault here because it is you who is asking to die!"

Remedios took a quick long step and launched herself at Neia. She reached the top of the ruined building very fast and there she clashed with Neia's sword. The clash between them was destructive for the area around them and caused many buildings to collapse like sandcastles.

"This brat blocked my attack… No this can't be true?"

Neia was trying with all her might to hold the hurricane that was Remedios. She was pushing so hard to make Neia kneel. The nazar captain started to lose against Remedios's heavy pressure but gave her an opportunity.

Neia hit hard Remedios's knee and the paladin lost her balance making her fall on her knees. It was such a hard kick that felt like was broken. Neia got up and grabbed Remedios by the hair, the paladin suddenly saw the knee armor smashing her face.

"Fuck, it hurts… this brat!"

Remedio used slashing skills to cut both of her legs but Neia jumped fast and this again wasn't good for Remedios. The paladin was double kicked on the face again, and this time she was thrown off the ruins of the building.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Just what the fuck happened to me?!"

With all this pain, it felt like she was going to lose in a fight with this girl. Remedios got up and spit out a tooth from her mouth and while looking at Neia's face, she turned her deformed noose at the right place.

There was a lot of blood coming out of her nose but she did not care how much blood she would lose.

"Good, good, very good Baraja!"

This woman was so pissed that a white aura was surrounding her body.

[ Martial Art - Flow Acceleration ]

Remedios disappeared leaving behind her an explosion of dust and her after images. Neia acted fast and activated her martial art…

[ Martial Art - Fortress ]

The two of them clashed once again and this time an even greater explosion was caused which drew the attention of the other nazars that were fighting near this area. A powerful explosion this far would be caused by a projectile like a katyusha but the launching of those projectiles needed to stop when the army broke through the walls.

So this meant...

[ Martial Art - Body Strengthening ]

Neia's body crashed on the wall but she was saved by the effect of the martial art. Right now she was fighting an absolute madwoman that was running to her like a wild beast.

"You fucking brat!"

[ Martial Art - Pace of the Wind ]

When Neia took a step, her movements were faster than usual but this wasn't enough to dodge Remedios sword. The holy sword almost cut her left cheek if Neia couldn't block it.

[ Martial Art - Physical Boost ]

Neia fought back and pushed the holy sword low on the ground. Remedios only had her attention on her sword so Neia kicked her on the chest pushing the paladin a few meters away. Again Neia survived the attack of this mad beast.

"Hah, hah, hah, hah!"

Both of them were breathing uncontrollably because of the use of many martial arts mainly from Neia and she had to use them against such an opponent.

"A brat like you giving me such pain… I remember you as the little girl of Baraja."

"Are you done with the past now?"

"I've been training my whole life to get this strong but you… the hell did you do?"


"That's not simple, you brat! It needs absolute dedication for many years to reach the realm of heroes!"

"That's not a problem for me or for me because you know, there are people who spent all their life training and reaching nothing. That's your limit, it is what it is, the world is not fair to some people."

"Yeah… the world wasn't fair with the innocent people of that town that you executed."

"Said by the famous paladin that murdered demihuman children. Don't try to play smart here Remedios, I can go all day talking about the atrocities that you have committed in the name of justice."

"We are not the same!"

"We are all flesh and blood Remedios…"


Remedios blasted from the ground with an uncontrollable rage heading towards Neia. Her words were so poisonous and she couldn't resist the urge to purge such a blasphemous woman.

[ Martial Art - Piercing Strike ] "I will send that head to your father!"

Neia was sure this time the attack might take her life so she had to move quickly to save herself from this woman.

[ Martial Art - Ability Boost - Body Strengthening - Flow Acceleration ]

Great energy filled Neia's body and she was able to see Remedios movement more clearly. As the sword went down to cut her head in half, the martial arts helped Neia escape the danger zone.

"Jumping like a baboon again?! Is this how you fight, brat?!"

The nazar captain didn't answer her vulgar questions but started to run towards Remedios. This was was a stupid thing to do after knowing what her enemy was capable to do, even Remedios was confused a bit but it must be her ego that made her advance.

Neia was in her range and it was the best moment to crush her…

[ Martial Art - Heavy Blow ]

The holy sword went down and on Neia's shoulder. There wasn't any reaction to block that attract so Remedios made it sure to be an instant death blow where she won't be able to rise again.

The sword hit Neia's shoulder but instead of blood flowing up, her whole body exploded and the area was covered by a thick white cloud. Remedios realized that this was a trick and continued to look around for her.

"What the hell just happened? I saw the blade cutting her body in half, this is not normal!"

A dark shadow started to take the form of a humanoid being on her left side and Remedios noticed this strange thing. She thought that Neia was about to attack her in surprise again.


And it was true, Neia appeared from the white cloud and let out a warcry but that attack was stuped when Remedios has seen through her plan.

[ Martial Art - Piercing Strike ]

The holy swrod pierced through Neia's chest and her war cry ended there. This was the plan to trick her enemy but it failed miserably that it brought an end to her life. Such failure brought the smile of victory to Remedios.

"I win, brat."

But still, something was not right here. The blade was still in her chest where the heart is but there was no blood coming out. Remedios was confused but she thought her blood was leaking behind the dark armor and she couldn't see it.

"You retard…"

Remedios was caught in shock when she heard that voice again. Neia was smiling while having a damn sword in her chest. Remedios was shaking as she thought that Neia wasn't a human from the beginning. She remembered how many monsters with human forms lived in the Sorcerer Kingdom so it wasn't a surprise if Neia was turned like them.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

[ Martial Art - Full Throttle ]

Neia that was in front of Remedios disappeared like a bad image in TV and another Neia appeared right in the middle. Blood started to flow from her arm like a river

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" the paladin screamed in pain.

The holy sword that she was supposed to protect fell on the ground with her arm. Remedios backed off holding what was left so she won't lose gallons of blood which would give her a painful death.

"Guhhh… Aghhh! What the fuck?! What the fuck have you done to me?!"

"The [Cloud Field] and the [Clone Strike] works very well after all, especially against opponents like you Remedios."

"Da-Damn you!"

She still had strength even without her right arm. She can just grab her holy sword and fight to escape. That way she will find Lakyus so she can fully restore her lost arm again.

"Not so fast paladin!"

Her whole body fell on the ground become someone else pushed her and didn't let her get up on her feet.

"It's been a long time since our last battle paladin of white."

Remedios turned her head to see who this person was. The first thing she saw were the hooves of a demihuman. Without even looking at his face, Remedios understood who was he.


"Hahahaha, to think that a young girl would beat the greatest human paladin, I still can't believe what my own eyes saw. Truly a masterful battle, young captain. You are the pride of the Nazar Army."


Remedios continued to scream in agony to dropping ugly words. Her end means the end of her girlfriend Lakuys too. The loss of blood was weakening her body and her head felt dizzy.

"I don't deserve this!" she started to cry. It was the only thing she could do. Without knowing if Lakyus is dead it just felt wrong to die.

"I want to see them again! My country...my queen… my sister… my love. God, please give me strength, I can't die here in a place like this!"

It was a pity to see such a famous figure laying half dead on the ground crying like a kid.

"This is where your actions led you, Remedios. Instead of living a peaceful life in the Sorcerer Kingdom with your beloved queen, you decided to fight against the kingdom that saved the lives of our people. You could have become a living legend but here you are crying for your life, such a tragic end for someone like you."

Neia lifted Remedios head to see her face and what she saw was a person full of repentance. Neia hated that baby face she was making so it was time to end this.

"Goodbye Remedios and may your soul rest in peace."

"I'm sorry Lakyus…"

The life of the great holy paladin of the Roble Holy Kingdom ended in the ruins of Kami Miyako.

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