
Chapter 76

Slane Theocracy border…

The sun had set and the people of the Grad had gone inside their homes after a long working day. Grad was a frontier large town surrounded by walls and it was located in the southwest of the Slane Theocracy very near the border with the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick.

These last years the town's economy had gone very low. Back in the days, Grad was known for the slave market that increased the revenues of the townsfolk. All the people that live here had elf slaves that were used for all kinds of things like working in the fields, mines, brothels.

Only the mayor of the town possessed at least four hundred slaves. Life back then was very easy, because of the slaves, everything could be achieved. The pocks of the people were filled with money.

At that time there were made a lot of festivals like putting the elf slaves in a fight with each other to death like in the arena of the Baharuth Empire. It was fun to watch those filthy long-eared creatures fighting.

They did not mind if they lost some elves because every week, new wagons with elf prisoners reached the town that's why life for these townsfolk was great.

The streets of the town were bright because of the [Continual Light] and upon the walls were the soldiers guarding the town against any possible threat.

Four soldiers were standing at the front wall, They were waiting for the soldiers that have been patrolling the border to return.

"Aren't they a little late? What's taking them so long?" said one of them.

"I don't really know, usually they should be inside the town by now."

The wall guards observed the front but the night didn't let their vision to reach very far even with the brightness from the full moon.

"These damn trees!"

This town had a problem with the number of trees that were all over the place. They reached the border with the elves. The weird thing is that these trees grew very fast and high like someone is feeding them very well.

The people of Grad Town didn't know anything about this mystery but they believed that this phenomenon is connected with the grand elves forest. In the past, there were no humans settlements here, and this area was a dense forest where elves lived.

But times changed with the coming of the great gods and that was the time when humans started to thrive and spread to create their own nation. The wood elves went deeper in the forest leaving the area alone to get conquered by humans and so at that, the town of Grad was born.

"Oi, will any of you go to war with the undead nation? I heard that my unit will march north."


"Nothing arrived for my unit."

"Really? Then you are a lucky bastard, friend."

"I don't know, man, maybe it will arrive tomorrow. It's too soon and hasty to say, "I'm lucky"."

"I guess, you're right then."

Almost all the soldiers that guard cities, towns, and villages will be deployed to Kami Miyako. Only a handful of lucky soldiers will stay to control the city.

"Is any of you excited to fight the Nazarick Kingdom?"

That was a question that most of the soldiers wanted to avoid.

"I don't know!"

"I'm kinda scared, but I believe that fear will disappear when we face the enemy."

The commanders always tried to fill the soldiers with great morals but the deep truth is that all of them were scared but couldn't express themselves out loud.

"Worry not, we are going to win this war and make sure not to die."


"Don't you wanna lay your hands on some elf sluts again?"


The soldiers reacted in surprise.

"Ah, it's been so long that I haven't tasted an elf!"

"Oh man, don't make me remember those good old days."

"Damn that Sorcerer King, taking away our elf slaves."

That was a grey day for not only the Grad Town but the whole state of the Slane Theocracy. The people were so angry about their slaves that were taken from them and set free.

It was unexpected how the cardinals did this. There were so many workshops and grand farms that were closed because of the absence of the elf slaves. It was truly a disaster for those owners that had made a living with slaves.

But the cardinals were very harsh when they saw that the people were growing mad. It was needed the use of the knights to bring normality again in the cities of the Slane Theocracy.

They had to be used without the elf slaves but the poverty was skyscraping and many citizens couldn't earn enough money to pay the taxes. Slavery returned again, but this time it fell upon the humans.

Those who were not able to pay taxes were forced to work in the fields and mines. The once holy nation was slowly turning into a second Re-Estize. The cardinals hated this, but they had no other choice but to use humans as slaves.

This human dominance has gone too far and it has become ridiculous. Someone needs to end this foolishness once and for all…

"Hmm, do you hear that?"

The soldiers heard the clatter of hoofs and they were riding towards the town. An expression of relief was on the soldiers.


"Ya late ya damn fools."

One of them let out sounds of whistlings.

But something was not right and one of the soldiers walked forward a bit to the edge of the wall so he might see more clearly. There should be eight soldiers but the sounds of hoofs sounded greater like an army of knights approaching.

"Hm, what is it, Peter?"

"Close the gates…"

"What did you say?"

The other soldiers noticed riders coming out of the forest. Many of them had torches and the soldiers were able to see the forms of the riders. Almost all of them wore dark plate armor and lethal armor but that wasn't the worst problem here…

"Tho-Those ears!"


The soldier ran to inform the soldiers that were near the gate.

"Close them! Close the gates now!"

"Wh-Why?! What about the others?"

"The elves are invading us! Close the damn gates now!"

The soldiers looked at him with a surprise for a moment and then quickly turned toward the gates. The soldier saw for himself an army of riders coming towards the town.

"Quickly, cut the rope!"

The soldier hit the rope with the sword and the portcullis gate fell. But it looks like the riders won't be stopped by this.

"We must call the archers and the magic casters now!"

But it was too late about that… One of the riders pointed his staff in the direction of the gates and from the was unleashed a glowing ball the flew towards the gates.

"Shit, It's a fireball spell! Get away from the gate!" he shouted in panic.

The fireball spell was faster and it made an impact with the gate.


The iron gate was utterly shattered by the impact and blew away all the soldiers that were around the gate at that moment.

"Sent the alarm... Argh..."

All the soldiers upon the wall were hit by arrows leaving the frontal wall without protection.

The people of the town went out of their houses to see what was happening with all this ruckus. Those who had their houses near the gate were confused by all the black smoke that showing up and also the dead soldiers around it.

"H-Hey, let's go help them!"

The group of people walked toward the gate to see and help them but they stopped when other soldiers riding horses came inside the town all of sudden. A man of the town was shot with an arrow and his body fell lifeless upon the ground.

"What the…"

"Oh my god!"

The people got shocked by this terrible moment and realized that this was an attack.

"Run! Run!"

The townsfolk turned and ran like rabbits but the enemy was faster than any of them. Arrows flew from bows and hit all the people that were standing in the ridder's path.

"We are under attack! We are under attack!"

Screams and cries were heard all over the place. The enemies unmounted and drew their swords. They removed their helmets so all the humans could see the faces of the enemies.


"We have come to pay you back for all what you have done to us!"

"Kill them all!" the elves shouted.

The Nazar elves started to slaughter the townsfolk with an absolute wrath. These humans were weak and could not fight back so they were an easy prey. The Nazar elves threw their torches on the houses and the fire started to rise.

They had no mercy at all because many of them have been here in the past as slaves. The people of Grad Town has treated them all like garbage. Now it's time for revenge and the elves have been waiting for this moment with eagerness.

The military camp was outside the cap on the east side. The soldiers there were sleeping and only two of them were standing upon the wood towers.

It needs to be destroyed immediately. The elves had brought upon the hill a scorpion ballista in the direction of the military camp.

"Bring the projectile, hurry!"

The elves pulled the string and the ratchet locked it. The arrow was put carefully there and the elves backed away from it.

"With what was that javelin enchanted with?"

"With a 7th tire magic."

The elf pulled the trigger and the javelin flew like a thunder. The tower guards had just noticed the fire appearing in the surrounding villages but the javelin reached the camp and that's when hell was unleashed.

The javelin exploded and a column of fire enveloped the camp burning all the soldiers that were sleeping inside.


Some soldiers ran out engulfed in flames while screaming. It was a horrifying sight. Those soldiers just ran like crazy begging for help but there wasn't anyone there at the moment because the Nazar elves had targeted the military first.

Back in the town, the massacre was reaching high casualties. The elves went everywhere to kill humans and burned buildings.

"Wait, wait! Stop this!"

The man that said that was shot directly in the eye ending his life terribly. This was the fate for any of these people that have treated them badly for all of those years.

Many young women were pulled and dragged out of the houses. Some of them were stabbed and some others were dragged into dark places to just get raped by elves.

"Stop! Please mercy!"

"I remember you whipping our people you bitch!"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

"Get pregnant bitch!"

"Nooooo I don't want it!"

The elves continued to rape her just like the humans did with the elf females in the past. Well, it was expected when a city gets conquered, the young women are a target for lustful invaders.

Usually, the elves are not this horrible but their history with the Slane Theocracy goes very deep. The luckiest ones here were the children, they were taken out of the town so they would have no idea about the destruction of Grad.

Without the protection of the army, Grad town has fallen completely into the hands of the Sorcerer Kingdom and the higher-ups of the state had no idea about this surprise invasion.

Joker arrived inside the town where he was born.

"Home sweet home."

No, this was definitely not the home that he ever wished to be. These streets, these buildings, he remembered all of it.

In the past, he was dragged in these streets while being whipped by the servants of the master, but now he was walking through a town in flames and the devils that were the humans, were taking back the pain they caused to the elves long ago.

"Oi Joker, you're late, the fun is almost over."

"It's not a problem."

Joker saw a group of elves coming towards him. They were holding a middle-aged human. The look in the eyes of Joker changed when he saw that disgusting man. The elves threw him before Joker.

"Well hello, there master."

The human that wore fancy robes was actually the mayor of this town. He heard the word "master" and lifted his head.

"Remember me."

"N-No..." he spoke with a shaky voice.

"Of course not, I was just a simple slave."

Joker punched the mayor in the face causing blood to come out from his nose.

The mayor realized that these elves might be the same elves that worked in his fields. That was the most terrifying thing because these elves hid a terrible desire for revenge.

"The world is not that big master and here we meet up again... for the last time."

"Damn you elves, you won't get away with this!" he spoke with an angry tone. He did not want to accept to be dominated by the ones he called slaves.

"Hoh, the human still got guts."

"Not for long, bring four horses here."

The elves brought four strong horses, they tied each of the mayor's arms and legs with long ropes on the horses.

"Wha-What are you trying to do?!"

"Taking out the trash. Hit em!"

The elves hit the back of the horses and they started to move. Tow of them was pulling the arms and the other two were pulling the legs.

"What the… Gyyyaaaahhh!"

Now he realized in what situation he was. He started to feel pain as the bones were being forcibly disconnected slowly.

"Sto-Stop! AAAAAhHHHgggHHHH! gHADS!"

"I can't understand you, dear master. Maybe you should clean your throat."

The other elves watching this laughed at the suffering of the mayor. They decided to hit the horses harder.


Every part of the body hurt like hell. The muscles were being detached and the body of the human was able to resist anymore. The elves continued to hit the horses and they pulled the mayor until all his limbs were separated from the body. The disgusting parts were his guts that fell on the ground still warm.

The mayor didn't stay alive for long enough. That little amount of life he had, the elves made it even more terrible when they threw his body inside a house that was on fire.

Joker looked at this macabre without feeling anything. This is the great feeling when you kill the people that made your life hell. No remorse, just like her…

"We are done with this cursed town."

Joker hop on the horse and went out of Grad town. Outside was another great army of elves marching to the next town and villages. This was the first victory that marks the beginning of the end for the state of the Slane Theocracy.

Other elves stood in the town to continue with complete destruction of the Grad town. The elves entered inside the houses and slew the survivors and put everything on fire. They were simply following the plan and that was the Carthage Operation.


The room where the Platinum Dragon Lord ley was silent but the only sound that one can hear was the hard breathing of the dragon lord. Tsaindorcus Vaision and Rigrit Bers Caurauwas were observing the Mirror of Remote Viewing with absolute shock.

"How did this happen?!"

They really had no idea about this surprise attack that came from the Nazarick side. The whole territory of the Argland has turned into nothing but destruction. It looked like hundreds of islands were floating everywhere.

"It seems like we have underrated the power of the Sorcerer King." said Rigrit.

"What in the world was that monster?!"

"A subordinate of Ainz Ooal Gown, I guess."

"A monster like that?! How can that thing even be controlled in the first place?! It's impossible Rigrit!

The mighty dragon lord has lost his cool and did not want to accept this unimaginable power coming from the Nazarick Kingdom.

"So who then? Who is attacking us?"

"How should I know? Monsters happen to aper unexpectedly but this thing has never been seen before even for me."

Tsar has so many questions and he didn't know where to start. Firstly, why did this monster attack Argland?

"No Tsar, I'm sure that thing works for the Sorcerer King. You saw how those Sky Guardians attacked after the fall of the city."

Tsar continued looking at the mirror. "This is very bad…" Could the Sorcerer King know about his plans? That was very hard to imagine. He tried to make sure to hide this plan at the perfect moment but luck was not on his side.

Terrible thoughts were on the mind of the Platinum Dragon Lord that made him hit the floor cracking it.

"Damn You, Sorcerer King!"

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