
Chapter 29

Dragon Kingdom Capital

The capital of Dragon Kingdom was in great danger. The beastmen armies had launched a sige and the soldiers upon the walls had been fighting them for three days. The city was in a disaster state. Many civilians around the villages had taken shelter here. Many of them had encountered beastmen on their way here and had barely survived without losing a limb.

Since the day they got the news about the death of the queen, the situation had become more difficult. Many nobles had escaped to Empire or Slane Theocracy and let their subject without protection getting eaten by the beastmen hordes. The King never cared to come out from the castle and now when the city got surrounded by the beastmen army, no words or orders came out from the throne room.

The soldiers and adventurers had to fight with all their strength to stop the beasts climbing the walls. The beastmen grown in numbers everyday, but the humans were only losing fighting force and numbers of the wounded was growing.

The citizens prayed everyday for a miracle to happen and save them from the devils that wanted to get inside to eat them. But it seems the gods had forgotten that they exist. No help from the gods and no help from their fellow humans in other nations was coming for Dragon Kingdom.

They are nothing but meat shields.

The soldiers upon the walls had all desperate faces. It seemed the beastmen army was preparing to attack again now. There was not enough food to feed the civilians and the soldiers were even more hungry. Now they had to fight again against these monsters.

"Damn the King! Damn all those nobles!" shouted angrily a soldier while taking off his helmet.

"It's not the time for that now. We have to fight... to the end." said another soldier with a sorrowful expression.

What will King Oliver the coward do anyway. He will not change this battle nor the entire beastman invasion. Soon the Dragon Kingdom will be enveloped by the beast and the last human stronghold in this nation will fall.

The soldiers and the adventurers were tired, stresed, desperate like there was no more hope. The beastmen army now started to march in the direction of the walls and soldiers prepared their bows to shoot them.

Loren, a young archer that had trained just a short time in the camps of the army, observed the trees around. There was wind today but now the trees were moving like they were about to break away from the ground.

Then he turned his eyes upon the sky. A tiny shadow was coming, but it was getting bigger and bigger at any second that approaches.


"Eh, what is it Loren?" asked his fellow soldier.

Loren pointed his finger at the sky and shouted.


All the soldiers turned their eyes at the sky where Loren had pointed his finger. A large dragon with bluish dark scales was flying with an incredible speed and was heading at the beastmen army. If that dragon decide to attack the city, it's all over for them.

At the moment he was about to kiss the ground, the dragon released from his mouth purple fire upon the beastmen army. They screamed while being burned alive and the others spread like a swarm of spiders.

The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom just saw the inferno that was occuring in front of their eyes and hid behind the walls. The dragon went where most of the beastmen stood together and unleashed hell on them.

The battle now took another course and turned into a complete one-sided massacre.

The eagle eyes of Loren saw an army approaching from the north-west. The the soldiers saw the army to. They ambushed the beastmen army started to slaughter them all to the last one of them.

Those soldiers were not normal. No human had the strength to cut a beastman in pieces. The legions were coming all over the places letting no beasman to run away from the battlefield.

The dragon keeps burning everything on his way and the soldiers just observed with their eyes wided and about 15 minutes the land was covered with blood and the corpses of the beastmen army.

The dragon finished his massacre and landed to march with the legions. Now the soldiers upon the walls though that it was their turn to be destroyed because they saw undead creatures those knights were using as mounts. Creatures that hates the living. They don't know how to deal with them.

There was someone in front of the army riding a white horse. The soldiers upon the walls were surprised because they know who that person is.

"Open the gates now!"

The soldiers that were near the gate did not know what was happening outside, but they obeyed the order and begin to open the iron gates.

The people inside the castle saw her now. She had long brown hair and wore a white armor. Only a few times the citizens of this city had seen her with this appearance.

She was the Dark Scale Dragon Lord, Draudillon Oriculus.

"Q-Queen Draudillon?"

"Her Majesty is not dead?"

The expressions on their faces were like seeing a dead person coming back to life. It was really her. Than all the citizens stepped back because the large dragon got inside the city.

"The city is a bit… gloomy." said the dragon.

The people were afraid because more undead warriors were coming inside and their queen was not making any move.

"Citizens, I am Draudillon Oriculus, your former queen, and I have come to save you all from this catastrophe that has been killing us for decades.

The citizens wided their eyes and tears begin to fall. It was the real her and has arrived in their darkest hour. It was like from a Dragon Lord, she had turned into an angel that has come to save their lives.

Many Death Warriors went inside the city to put it under control. They brought inside wagons with plenty of food and that brighten the hearts of the citizens. They had been eating nothing but maggoty bread for many days. The citizens started to bow to Draudillon but she stopped them.

"No, do not thank me. All the praises should go to his Majesty, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown. If it wasn't for his brave warriors, I would have been dead. From now on we are all citizens of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick."

The citizens did not mind the changes. If they will not experience anymore the nightmare of the Beastman invasion, they will accept Ainz Ooal Gown with their arms open.


The human soldiers stood straight when they heard Draudillon.

"Led the knight of his Majesty to capture the nobles."

"They are all inside the palace, Lady Draudillon. None of them had gone outside for days" said one of the soldiers.

"Is that so? Well, that's perfect. Count Argoros, thank you."

"No, don't say that. We are comrades and serve the same lord. Now 15.000 Death Warriors will stay here to get things done. Me and General Esrald will remove the beastman hordes from this territory and take over the Beatman Kingdom."

"Vey good then, I wish you a good day, Count Argoros."


The undead dragon nodded and flight to the sky. Draudillon with her Death Warriors rode to the Dragon Palace to capture the fake king and the nobles that had infected this city. She was not anymore that weak woman with that childish form.

Now she was strong and finally proud, and all this thanks to Sorcerer King. She had seen Ainz when he went to see his citizens. He cared about them and they all loved him. All those undead citizens had the same story like the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom. They were hunted by monsters, humans or demihuman. She was surprised that Ainz did not go on purging humanity for what they did to his fellow undead. But no. He thinks that there is still good in this world, and he will build that perfect world.

Seeing Ainz doing all these miracles made Draudillion to have feelings for him, but she was not sure about that. He has Zesshi as a wife and Vrakulina as a concubine. But, one day. One day she will tell him her feelings.

Draudillon went inside the palace with the Death Warriors and checked many rooms till they reached the throne room, but there was no one there.

She saw a maid and asked. "Where are they? Oliver and the nobles?"

She was confused and surprised seeing the former queen alive but she was scared from those undead warriors.

"The-They are eating?" the maid bowed deeply.

Draudillon know where to go. She was born here and Oliver took it as his home. This now belong only to Ainz and no one else. She braced her sword tight. Draudillon wanted to kill him.

She reached the door. Voices, laughter and toasts could be heard. She moved and ordered two Death Warrior to open the door.

The two undead warriors, opened the door roughly and went inside. The nobles quickly got up from their chairs with their mouth still with oil from the chicken they were eating. They were watching around the soldiers that has sudden enter inside and interrupted their dinner.

"What do you think you are doing you fools?" shouted Oliver.

The mysterious warriors did not say anything.

"Who gave you order to interrupt my dinner with the nobles?

The nobles saw them with their heads high, but none of them were asking "Are these knights even ours?" They just felt bad about their chicken being cooled.

"It was me?"

The woman in armor entered inside the room. The eyes of nobles went wide open from the shock. It was her. The woman that they thought for dead, Draudillon Oriculus. They did not know what to say. It was unbelievable for someone like her to survive in that cursed land.

"You...you can't be… you supposed to be dead!" said Oliver shocked.

"Surprise." said Draudillon.

"No… you are not anymore the queen of this nation. I am King Oliver! Guards arrest her!"

None of them were moving. Oliver was confused at the beginning but now he understood that these soldiers were not part of his guards. He had never seen before that dark armor. A chill was crawling behind his back and sweat was beginning to show up on his forehead.

"Death Warriors, capture these nobles!"

With the command of Draudillon, the Death Warriors grabbed the nobles like sacs. Their screams echoed through the hallways of the palace. All the nobles will taste the beautiful land of Katze Plains and also the deep dungeons of the Supreme Castle.

King Oliver was making steps backs slowly and Draudillon with a Death Warrior were approaching closely.

Li-Listen, I-I'm really sorry. Here, take the crown your Majesty. It has always belonged to you. Please forgive me! I will help you rebuild your Kingdom, m-my queen!

Oliver's body was shivering from terror. He took the crown from the head and reached out his hands to give it to Draudillon. He was so afraid to be dragged like a rag by the warrior so he hoped to find a bit of kindness from the queen.

Draudillon was simply disgusted by this fool. She turned her back and saw the sword on her belt. She was thinking of using it but this was given to her by Ainz himself. She did not want to dirty it with the blood of this scumbag.

The Death Warrior showed her his gothic long sword. He was telling her to use his sword.

Draudillon grabbed the weapon of the Death Warrior and with a slash she cut the head of Oliver. It fell on the floor with the crown and the rest of the body after that. The blood spread around the room like a river.

This was the first person she had killed, and it felt good because this person was nothing but a low life form.

"Good job." praised the Death Warrior.

"Thank you."

Draudillon returned the sword to the undead warrior. That was far heavier than her sword given by Ainz. He then took the body and the head leaving Dradillon alone.

"This land is ready in your service your Majesty, hmhm."

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