
Chapter 25

Katze Plains, 1 year later

A platoon with undead warrior and archers were patrolling an area that was close with the Dragon Kingdom border. They numbered 70 and was composed with Death Warriors, Death Knights, and Silver Skeletons that were equipped with leather armor and longbows.

The platoon was lead by a lvl 100 undead being. He was 2 metres tall and wore a black full plate armor with sharp spikes that had the skull of dragon on his right shoulder. His species was called Undead Lieutenant. He did not have flash or skin but his helmet was in the form of a skull with horns. They all were riding on Soul Eaters but his mount was a black demonic horse with two horns on its head.

"Those beastman heathens are not passing the border this time, Sir Hunyad."

Spoke the Crypt Lord that was the vice captain.

"Their activities have become somewhat frequent." said Hunyad

The Beastmen army was having trouble with the fortresses in the north east of the Dragon Kingdom. Sometimes they passed the border of the Empire and to go back in the Dragon Kingdom to attack the villages in surprise. But lately the have begun to pass the border of Katze Plains and the undead army had to deal with them at the border.

The undead warriors massacred their armies really easily, but they have become annoying because the beastmen warriors don't give up. But they always fell in despair when they see a Soul Eater. It made the undead warriors a bit confused because when they run, they start to scream "Soul Eaters! Soul Eaters!"

"You are right, Sir Hunyad. We have to propose to our Lord that we should invade the Dragon Kingdom and after that, we start the advance inside the Beastmen Kingdom territory, to go deeper in the south east of the continent." said the Crypt Lord.

The invasion of the Dragon Kingdom will be quick, because their armies were tired with the attack from the beastmen army on the east. They won't even dare to resist against the armies of Nazarick that numbered millions.

"No, that will be too hasty, vice captain. Our attention is at the Re Estize Kingdom and the Baharuth Empire. Well, the Empire is not a problem anymore, and our brothers are dealing with the beastmen that pass in their border. The Dragon Kingdom is not even in the plans of Lord Ainz." said Hunyad.

Some Pale Riders were given order to protect the villages of the Empire from the beastmen hordes. The clash between them happens only in the shadows away from the knights of the Empire.

"I see. I just thought that the east is just filled with demihuman tribes, and it will be very easy for us to invade them."

"I understand, but we don't really know what lies in the far east, that's why our Lord is being cautious."


Hunyad turned his skull and saw a Silver Skeleton. He pointed his finger at some other undead warriors that were coming at their direction slowly. There were 60 of them and were led by a Death Emperor.

His high was the same as Hunyad. He wore a dark-silver full plate armor and had the form of a dragon crawling on it. He also had a skull as a helmet with sharp horns around on his head. On his right side was a Nazgul and on his left side was a Death Cavalier. Both the platoons approached to greet each other.

"Hello Hunyad! How goes the patrolling?" greeted and asked the Death Emperor.

"It's nothing today, Kastriot. Very calm. What about you?"

"We encountered a clan of vampires that were migrating here. I told them the way to the city. Later we encountered a group of humans." said Kastriot.

"Oh, what did you do with them?" asked Hunyad.

"We killed them. They were from the Slane Theocracy, and worshipers of a weird cult. They had brought with them some elven slaves and a bunch of human children to sacrifice them." said Kastriot.

"Damn, you are lucky. What did you do with the elves and the human children?" asked Hunyad with curiosity.

"We sent the elves to the city to give them something to eat. They were really hungry, I think they will be sent to Carne Fortress later. And about the children… I'm glad they had their eyes covered. The Pale Riders sent them inside the border of the Slane Theocracy."

"You should have given them a painless death, Kastriot."

"They are just children, they know nothing. And I don't prefer to kill children. It's not the way of a warrior." said Kastriot.

"Oh, now I understand, my brother."

Of course they were undead and they will kill every living being they see in the border. But their warrior pride won't allow them to slay innocent children. They can kill them without remorse only if the Supreme Being order them to do it.

Suddenly a young thunder dragon landed near the two platoons. The dragons of different age, now wore armor. The Sorcerer King ordered this because the dragons will be more protected if they fight with dangerous flying monsters.

"What's the matter, young dragon?" asked Kastriot.

"My lord, there are two hundred beastmen that passed the border and are chasing a carriage that is being protected by 80 human soldiers." reported the young thunder dragon.

The largest number of the beastmen that has passed the border before was 130, but two hundred was new, and then there was that carriage with the humans soldiers.

"Lead us to them, young one!" said Kastriot.

"Yes, my Lord!" the thunder dragon open his wings and rose in the air.

"Let's go!"

"Move! Move! Move!" shouted Hunyad.

The two platoons began to ride with their Soul Eaters like a storm to the location where the enemy was, led by Kastriot and Hunyad.

After some minutes, the two platoon reached the location where the enemy that has passed the border was. All of them stayed hidden behind some huge rocks upon a cliff to not be seen.

Kastriot and Hunyad saw that the battle hasn't started yet. The beastmen had surrounded the human soldiers. They were protecting the carriage at all cost

"That looks like a royal carriage, don't you think?" spoke Hunyad.

"It really does look like that, but anyway, Hunyad you must go to the other side and surround all of them."

Another squad of Death Knights and Death Warriors that were led by a Nazgul arrived to the battle that was about to start.

"Sir, on of the Wraiths informed us about the beastmen horde." spoke the Nazgul.

"I'm glad you you arrived lieutenant. We are planning to surround them. If they drop their weapons and have no will to fight, do not kill them." ordered the Death Emperor.

"Yes Sir!"

"Hunyad, let's go."

"Yes, my brother!"

"Soldiers, do not fear!"

A man called Ian that was the commander, shouted to give courage to his men. The human soldiers that were equipped with long spears and shields, had surrounded the carriage to protect it from the beastmen forces.

The beastmen horde was composed by Lionmen, Gatopardmen, Hyenamen and Leopardmen. All these beastmen, were one of the fastest species in the Beastman Kingdom, especially the Leopardmen. That was the reason why they reached the human soldiers so fast.

Long time ago, the Eight Greed Kings destroyed many of their tribes, pushing them deep in the south east, and the humans took the chance to colonise the territory that today is called Dragon Kingdom.

For hundreds of years these demihuman, had fought against each other for territory and food. In the beastman region, never had passed a peaceful day. The bloodiest war that has ever occurred in this region, was the war between the Lionmen and the Tigermen tribes against the Werebears and the Minotaur tribes.

But the beastmen stopped their war between each other when the true enemy appeared out of nowhere. They were just three of them that had the shape of a horse. These monsters that hate all the living beings, stormed inside of one of the greatest cities of the beastman region and slaughtered everyone there, consuming the souls of every beastmen that lived inside that city.

No beastman approaches that city anymore. The legend says that they can still hear the screams of the citizens that lived there.

The beastmen tribes forgot about their enmity and united with each other, forming the Beastman Kingdom. The Lion King, ordered to destroy the Dragon Kingdom, and take back the territory that once belonged to them.

They captured humans for food, but there were also beastmen that did not eat human meat or the others that didn't eat meat at all, so they captured the humans as slaves to work on the fields. Later they began to trade human slaves, with the Orc Nation, and the Troll Kingdom.

The two hundred beastmen, were ordered to attack a village and had to pass inside the Katze Plains, they saw the humans soldiers and decided to follow and kill them. But the human soldiers distinguished them and started to ride fast, and caused the beastmen to enter deep in the territory that belonged to no living being.

Of course, the horses that the humans soldiers rides were fast, but not as fast as the Leoparmen. They were the ones that blocked the path of the human soldiers.

"You have nowhere to run." shouted the leader that was a lionman.

The human soldiers, had tightened their spears and shields, and were ready to die, because inside that carriage, was a very important person that must be protected at all cost, or the Dragon Kingdom will fall once and for all.

"Oh, so we have some warriors here! Too bad, they will become our dinner, hehehehe!"

The hyenaman, laughed sadistically, and the disgusting juice started to fall from his mouth. The hyenamen were good scouts, but their laugh, annoyed everyone that was around them, that's why nobody befriended with them.

"Fool! We can not eat here. It's too dangerous to stay in this cursed place. This land, belong to the non living, just like the Silent City." shouted the gatopardman.

"Fine, fine, but no one will stop me to take, at least one of their legs, hehehehe."

For the beastmen, his laugh was annoying, but it sent chills to the human soldiers.

"Warriors, ADVANCE!" shouted the lionman.

The beastmen started to move slowly, because they did not want to be impaled by the long spears. Most of the beastmen were equipped with swords that were made by humans. They obtained these weapons when they pillaged the cities of the Dragon Kingdom. But the leader had a giant black axe that was a magic weapon.

Only the hyenamen had sadist faces, because they will fest with human meat tonight, but the others had a serious expression and the reason was this place. Many of their brothers had disappeared when they step on this cursed land. Sure, they can easily destroy an army of skeletons and zombies, but there must be something powerful in this land that caused the disappearance of their brothers, they can fill it in their fur.

"Prepare to fight, men!" shouted Ian.

Ian had never fought beastmen in direct fight, but only in the walls of the fortresses. The beastmen, had powerful bodies and can kill ten human soldiers single-handedly, but they were not invincible. His brave soldiers can do this. They can fulfill their mission.

"Come to me dinner! Come to me!" said the hyenaman with joy as he approaches.

One leopardman, started to run fast at the humans, so they can have the attention at him, and to cause them to break their line, but-


All the beastmen stopped their advance and stared at the leopardman that stopped suddenly. The young beastman, spilled fresh blood from his mouth. The reason was because, an arrow had pierced his body. The young leopardman, fell lifeless on the ground.

"Who did that?!" shouted the lionman.

Immediately the beastmen looked around to find the one who shot the arrow, but what they saw was something terrifying.

Hundreds of armored beings, were coming from every direction towards the beastmen. The beastmen did not panic immediately. They quickly formed a wall that they have learned from the human tactics to face the enemy that was coming at a tremendous speed. The humans can block the charge of a beastmen army like that, but if the beastmen that had stronger bodies then a human, use this tactic, then they can hold the enemy even better.

"Hold brothers!" shouted the leader.

Most of them started to shiver, when they saw the skeletal horses, but still they stayed to fight with their brothers. The land was shaking beneath their feet.

One of the armored beings that was equipped with a gothic bastard longsword, jumped from his Soul Eater and fell in front of the beastmen wall. With just one slash, the aromed being killed five beastmen. This frighted all the beatmen around. They broke the wall and started to run like true animals, because using that tactic against these beings was a foolish idea.

The Soul Eaters reached them, the Death Knights and the Death Warriors started slaye them one by one. The Silver Skeletons were shooting arrows upon their Soul Eaters and the frightened beastmen fell like flies. Those beastmen that fell on the ground but were still alive, were crushed beneath the powerful hooves of the Soul Eaters.

All the beastmen, and the human soldiers were surrounded by the undead warriors. There was no safe path for them to run away, and their souls shattered when they saw two armored dragons landing on the ground.

One by one, the beastmen dropped their weapons. They did not know if these undead warriors will have mercy for them, but they did not have the balls to fight anymore, not with those two armored dragons that were ready to attack them.

The human soldiers, started to drop their spears and shields on the ground. Ian was not good with this, but he understands the dangerous situation they are in. First he had to deal with beastmen monsters, but now in front of them had appeared monstrosities that are beyond his imagination.

The undead warriors dropped from their Soul Eaters, and walked toward the mortals. All of them were shivering in fear, because they thought that this was the end, and the undead warriors will massacre every single one of them.

"Sit down." spoke the Death Warrior.

"...Wh-What?" confused a gatopardman asked.

"Sit down, NOW! On your knees, you ball of hair!" shouted the Death Warrior.

"All of you, on your knees now!" shouted a Death Knight.

All the beastmen obeyed, and fell on their knees. The undead warriors, ordered them to put their hands behind their heads. They disarmed them all.

"You are no better humans. On your knees!" shouted a Silver Skeleton while directing their bows at the humans.

The human soldiers did the same thing as the beastmen did. The undead warriors, took all their weapons and dropped them on the pile of the beastmen weapons.

"Wh-Who are you?" asked Ian.

"Shut your mouth mortal, or I will shut it for you!"

From the threats of the Death Warrior, Ian lowered his head. It was dangerous to reason with them. They haven't controlled the carriage yet, that what worried him the most. He saw from afar that a group of undead with extraordinary body armor were approaching. Ian thought that the robed undead that had a crown upon his skull was their lord, but it did not seem like that.

They dismounted from their demonic horses and Soul Eaters, and started to approach where mortal prisoners were being held. A Death Warrior gave the axe that belonged the lionman leader, to the crowned undead.

The undead that had a dark silver body armor started to approach the carriage. The other one went to the beastmen.

"Why did y'all come here?" asked Hunyad that was near a hyenaman.

Ma-Master Skeleton, we apologi-

The head of the hyenaman flight on the air. When it fell, it hit the shoulder of his fellow hyenaman. He pushed himself away from the head of his fellow while screaming.

"On your knees, scumbag."

The Death Knight, raised and sent him back again to where the lifeless body of his fellow hyenaman was.

Hunyad had cut the head of the beastman in an instant, and the other didn't understand how that happened.

"That is not how you address someone who has your life in his hands."

Hunyad gave the sword to a Silver Skeleton to clean it from the filthy blood of the hyenaman then return it back to his liege. The beastmen around, felt terrified by this being that will slay anyone that does not address him in the right way.

Kastriot was approaching the carriage with the Nazgul and the Death Cavalier behind his back. It was weird that the one that was inside hasn't step outside.

Suddenly, a human that was on his knees, quickly rose and run at the carriage and opened his arms like it was protecting it from Kastriot and his vassals.

"Please, leave us go!"

"Get this out of my sight."

"Get back here you wimp! Who told you to run?"

The Death Warrior captured him and sent him back to other prisoners.

As Kastriot walked toward the carriage, the door opened. The Nazgul and the Death Cavalier had their swords ready to attack anyone who came out from that carriage, but Kastriot lifted his hand for them to stop. What showed up was…

"A child…"

It confused Kastriot and his vassals, because who would be such a fool to brough their children here in this place. The child had long brown hair and was wearing a luxurious dress that gives the aura of a royal.

"Why is that man not coming out?" asked Kastriot with a normal voice.

He can see the legs of another person inside the carriage. He wanted to beat him for letting a child to come out first.

"He-He killed himself, because he was afraid that the beastmen will eat him alive." said the young girl.

"And who are you?" asked Kastriot.

"My name is Draudillon Oriculus, the Dark Scale Dragon Lord. I am the queen of the Dragon Kingdom."

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