
Chapter 6

After heading out from the city of Re-Lytos, Ainz and Blue Rose needed at last three hours to reach the capital. The girls kept talking about what will they do when they reach the capital. Lakyus said that she will go and meet with the princess, Gagaran wanted just to drink something and find a virgin boy, the twins will go and find another job.

On the other hand, Ainz was just staying calm, whenever the girls asked him something, he just responded with an "umu". Since they left the city, the short masked girl has been staring at him the whole time, her face that couldn't be seen, was always in his direction. Ainz did not understand what's up with her, so he just kept his eyes on the horizon.

"Hey, It looks like we reached the village of Sutton." said Tina while pointing at the direction of the village.

There were villagers working in the fields, little kids just running and playing together. The village was far bigger than Carne, that's what Ainz thought, years later might be turned into a town. There were houses everywhere, small and bigger. Some had their roof with tile, some with a thin rock in the form of a tile, and many others that seem to be poor had their roof with straw.

The children kept running after the adventurers and watch them with sparkling eyes, especially Aniz. They hold sticks like swords and dreams to become adventurers to slay evil monsters that want to hurt the innocent villagers.

They entered the village but the villagers weren't around. It seems they were gathered in the center of the village. Ainz heard some strange sound and the villagers were clapping. Ainz and Blue Rose reached the center of the village and what they saw was that the villagers were having some kind of a festival.

There were young villagers dancing together and some others were making music with flute and other kinds of instruments. Ainz remembered seeing these kinds of scenes in many medieval documentaries and even in YGGDRASIL before he and his friends were ready to destroy the village and take their resources. Because many villages or cities were under the protection of a guild, Ainz and his comrades destroyed the entire city to lure out the players and then later to PK them to take their items.

The villagers open the path for the adventurers, the village girls were looking at Ainz with flushed faces, and other girls were chatting with Blue Rose.

"My, that man must be really handsome under that hamlet." said one of the girls while looking at the dark warrior.

"He must be strong too, with all that big armor." said another girl.

"Would you bear his children?" asked another girl.

"Of course."

"I'll do everything for a man like him, fufu."

Of course, the females of this world will choose a strong male to protect them. The child that they will bore will be strong too.

Evileye came closer to Ainz that was watching the villagers dancing together.

"Hey Momon would you like to dance with me?" asked Evileye with an excited voice.

"Me dancing? Hell nah!"

"Uuh, no sorry, I uhh, I'm not good at dancing, I'm sorry." said Aniz.

"Ah, o-okay."

Ainz was now bored watching this festival and just moved on, leaving Blue Rose chatting with the other girls. He walked through the village, there were no villagers here so he just looked around to see something interesting. But suddenly he heard something. He was an undead so he had a hearing far more superior than the humans.

He heard screams of a young woman and the cries of a child. He ran fast to the direction where the screams were coming from.

An old house was surrounded with the armored man on horses, they were all watching a man that was lying on the ground with a girl. The girl was trying to protect herself but the fat man didn't let her. There were two other men that we're holding another girl that was crying for help.

"Please let me go, let my sister go, please!" the girl begged.

The fat man didn't care, he was breathing hard because the girl was trying to resist.

"Hahaha, you have no more money to pay the taxes, so you should pay them with your body hahaha." said the fat man while laughing.

"Please let me go, let me go, please HELP!" the girl screamed for someone to help her.

"Don't hurt my sister you bastard!" screamed the younger sister.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, there is nobody here bitch, scream as much as you like iiieehehehe."

He took a dagger and tried to cut her clothes. The girl was still trying to resist but the fat man was holding both of her hands.

"I have been waiting for this moment since the time your stupid parents died bitch." he said while smiling sadistically.

"No, please NOOO!" the poor girl kept begging for mercy.

The other guards were watching this scene with excitement, there was not a tiny bit of mercy in their eyes. They know this very well, that when their master is done with her, they will all rape the girl and when all this is over, their master will just sell her to the criminal organization of the Eight Fingers. They have done this many times before.

Suddenly a dark figure passed through them slowly. They turned their head quickly, they didn't even hear him approaching from behind.

"Oi, where did you.."

The dark warrior approached behind the fat man that was still trying to cut the clothes of the young girl. A great shadow covered him, the fat man found it strange, and he turned his head. The person that was looking down on him was wearing full plate armor and he had two great swords behind his back. The fat man looked at him with wonder and asked…

"Who are you…"

Out of know were, he was kicked in the face by the iron foot of the dark warrior. He was sent flying and later he bounced on the ground because of his fat body. His face was covered in blood and many of his teeth were broken. The guard's eyes widened and quickly went to help their master, even the two guards that were holding the little sister.

The girl was looking at the warrior with tears in her eyes. Finally, someone came to help her from these monsters. The dark warrior landed her a hand.

"Don't be afraid young miss, I'm here to help you." said the dark warrior with a kind voice that might belong to merciful noble.

Her turquoise eyes were full of tears "Thank you! Thank you for saving me and my sister!" she said while hugging her sister tight.

The guards managed to raise their master on his feet. His face was really a mess and it was bloated from the powerful kick.

"Young master, we must send you to a priest to heal you." said one of the guards.

The fat man opened his eyes and turned them to the dark warrior that had kicked him.

"You… You bastard… You dare to attack me, don't you know who I am?" shouted the fat man that was spitting blood from his mouth and nose.

"A fat pig." said the dark warrior.

The fat man couldn't believe what the dark warrior called him. He, the son of noble to be treated like this was unforgivable. He will do everything to execute the one who disrespect him and the one who attacks him.

"Guards, kill him, kill that bastard NOW!" he shouted.

The guards took out their swords but they were hesitating to go and attack the warrior. The reason why was because this warrior was an adventurer and they know very well how strong an adventurer was compared to simply guards, but their master didn't care, he was to blind from the hatred.

"Young master, he is an adventurer." said one of the guards.

"I don't give a crap, I want his head now and after that, we all will have fun with that bitch hahaha." he said while looking with a sadist's face at the girl.

The two sisters were hugging each other tight from fear and were looking at the dark warrior.

The guards now we're all evilly smiling and didn't care anymore what the warrior was. They all went to attack him and the moment they were about to impale the dark warrior with their sword, they all find themselves flying in the air like their master a moment ago. Anyone of them had a broken bone because of the harsh fall. When they wake up, they will have really bad pain.

The fat man couldn't believe what just happened. All his guards were on the ground unconscious and he was alone with nobody to protect him. The dark warrior was coming at him slowly. He wanted to run as fast as he can but his body hurts.

"St-Stay away from me y- you m- monster." he said with a terrified voice.

He took out his sword and pointed at the dark warrior, his entire body was shaking from fear, so was his sword. He tried to stab him but the warrior grabbed his sword with his hand and broke it like a porcelain jar. The fat man was shocked by this, he didn't believe this warrior was a human.

"M-Monster!" that was the only word that came out from his mouth.

The dark warrior grabbed his arm and began to tighten it. It was starting to hurt.

"I am a monster that is trying to save a girl from a disgusting fat monster." said the warrior with a terrifying voice.

"Y-You bastard release me now, get away from me, AAAAHHH! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!."

The fat man was screaming wildly.

"Yeah, that's right, scream pig."


He screamed and cried from the pain and with a "crack" his hand broke. He had intense pain and his legs couldn't hold him anymore. The only reason he was staying on his feet was that the dark warrior was holding him.

Ainz took from his back one of his great swords and put it near the throat of the fat man. This fat bastard really disgusted him, he was unworthy to live.

"Momon please stop!"

Ainz turned him to the direction where the voice was coming from, and it was Lakyus with the other girls. They were all shocked by what has just happened here.

"And why should I stop Lakyus? Why should I have mercy for this fat fuck that was trying to rape an innocent girl?" said the dark warrior that was looking at the disgusting fat pig.

"Momon, I understand but you should not kill him because he is the son of Marquis Iblue." said Lakyus.

"Yeah, so what?"

"Because it will anger the king and guild will have consequences." said Lakyus.

Ainz looked at the fat pig, he really wanted to kill him but he pushed him on the ground. He turned and approached the two sisters, he took them a bit far so Blue Rose will not hear him.

"Young miss, what is your name?" asked Ainz while patting her back.

"Tu-Tuareninya, my lord." she replied.

"Well Tuareninya, do you have another place to live? I'm asking this because these bastards might come again for revenge."

N-No, I live alone with my sister." she said with tears in her eyes.

Ainz took from his inventory a pouch with gold coins and a horn.

"My lord this…"

"Young miss, you must not stay here, take them and this horn is an item that can summon a small army of goblins that will protect you and your sister. You must go to Carne Village.

Ainz approached her ear and whispered to her.

"Tell them that Ainz Ooal Gown sent you there."

Ainz took a horse that belonged to one of the guards and gave it to Tuareninya. He helped her and her sister to hop on the horse.

"Remember what I told you and stay out of the road."

"You have done so much for us, my lord. Thank you very much!" she bowed deeply

"Thank you very much!" thanked the little sister.

"It's okay, now go!"

Ainz approached the Blue Rose that were watching him with wonder.

"Umm, Momon where are those girls going." asked Evileye.

"Far away from here" replied the dark warrior.

He passed thru the girls and summoned his golem warhorse. He didn't want to stay anymore in this stupid village.

"Let's go."

"Ye-Yeah sure."

Well damn...

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