
Chapter 60 : Food War

Duri answered, "Yo."

Seven replied, "Imagine answering the phone."

"Imagine unblocking me just to call me."

"Shut up."

"What did you call me for?"

"I-I uh..wanted to let you know that there's a tournament coming up."


"And um.."

"And what?"

"It's a two vs two.."





"You wanna go onna tournament date with me. Simple."

"Dude…s-shuddap...Be my partner for the Hazmat tournament after school tournament."

"Why me? What about Nine? Did you ask her? She's like your best friend and all."

"Nine has somewhere to be after school. And I wanted to get in on this tournament as soon as possible before all the slots to compete are filled up."

"Oh. But you could've chose anyone else, why me?"

"You just wanna hear me talk good about you, don't you?"

"Yes. Is that wrong?"

"Not wrong, but conceited."

"I get that a lot. But um, yeah I will. I'll do the tournament tomorrow. You know it's crazy.."

"What is?"

"For years I wanted to participate in this world's tournaments. Ever since I was a child in the Shadow realm. Now it's finally happening. I get to crush more heads into the ground."

"You heard about earth and it's tournaments in the Shadow realm?"

"Duh. Almost every realm knows of earth. Mostly because everyone knows the Titans support this planet."

"Uh huh…what was it really like living there? Besides the fact that the guardians there turned you and those other kids thetr into killing machines."

"Shit. Um..well..we played tag and hide and seek a lot. We uh..pretended to be heroes at one point, roleplaying and fighting against the other kids who played as villains. We created our own little tournaments in the shadow forests, and we fought brutally. That was just a normal day for us. And we raced, and mostly trained. That's it. Oh and we had to cook our own food."

"You? Cooking? I wanna see that shit."

"What? You think I can't cook?"

"I don't think you can."

"Name anything I can cook it right now and bring it to you tomorrow."

"Not just me, bring it to the entire class. My judgement probably won't mean much to you, but the whole class judging..ah yeah, that's something else."

"You want me to bring food for the ENTIRE class?"

"Yes. Call me when you're done cooking so I can see it."

"F-fine! I'll do it right now!"

"Alrighty then. See ya. FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!"

"Too late. I know you're crazy about me."

"Not that far, brat."

"Hoh? What's that supposed to mean?"

The phone hung up, and Duri looked at the phone, saying, "No way she hung up on me. Should I call her again? Hell no. Hell no…hell no."

Standing at Duri's door was Marshy, and she was leaning against the wall.

Marshy was grinning, "Tee hee."

"Oh no Marshy please don't start.."


Duri stood out of the bed with his face red, replying, "I-I don't! I'm basically an assassin. I've fought the toughest warriors, and I've taken lives, there's no way someone as brutal as me would have f-feelings for anyone."

"Hmmm, that doesn't mean shit. I've gotten into the worst battles before, and I still had a crush on someone."

"Mind describing this man? Is it Xenon? You probably like Xenon. You two lovebirds are always together."

"Nope. Don't ever say that again. By the way, I heard you had to cook for the entire class."


"I had to be there in your first love moments."

"That..sounded..AWFUL. And yes, I am being challenged to cook for the entire class. Shit!"


"Seven didn't tell me what she wanted me to cook. I-I gotta call her back."

"No. Don't do that. You don't wanna make yourself seem like you're the clingy and cuck type. Be creative. What's the best thing you like to cook?"

"You should know, I cook it all the time."

"Not really. You cook a lot of different things. It's hard to keep track."

"Mm..I guess I could make Fugu, with some Kujira and Basashi."

"Ooo fancy. You get that from me."

"Do I?"

"Yes indeed."

"I'm surprised you didn't ask if I needed help cooking these things."

"This is your battle, Duri. I know I'm the best cook in the world, and everyone in your class would fawn over my abilities thinking you cooked a perfect meal. You're a good cook."

"Of course I am! I'm ready!"

Duri was about to leave, but Marshy stopped him, asking, "Are you finished with your homework?"

"Uh, yeah. I just need two more paragraphs."

"Take it with you. You're going to do your homework while cooking for your entire class!"



Marshy started doing chicken noises, moving her head and body and arms around like a chicken looking for food.

Duri got angry, saying, "Mother..stop it. I'm no chicken. I've fought the toughest of warriors."

"Y-you called me…mother.."

Marshy's face and smile lit up, and Duri said, "Ah shit."

Marshy put Duri in a headlock, and started rubbing her fist in his head.

"I knew you were gonna say it one of these days!"

Duri answered, "Heh?! I'll take it back!"

"Don't! I'll kill you!"

"Your threats are invalid!"

(3 minutes later)

Duri was in the kitchen, with all of his cooking supplies in front of him.

Duri had a cooking hat on, and a cooking apron on his body.

Duri said, "This is gonna be easy."

Marshy was sitting at the table with a plate and fork in front of her.

Duri asked her, "Um, what are you doing?"

Marshy answered, "I'm gonna taste test your creation. Because I have sensitive taste buds. So I taste and smell and hear shit better than any animal slash canine on this planet."

"Ha! Fine then!"

There was a knock on the door, and Marshy said, "Oop. I'll get it."

"You do that."

Duri started opening everything he needed, and then he immediately looked up at the door. 

Walking through the door were Hosts Xenon, Tetsuya, Kedarah, Sith, Hanako, and Chaos.

Duri's eyes were wide open and his jaw dropped.

Xenon was smoking a cigarette, saying, "So what's the brat cookin'?"

Marshy snatched the cigarette away from Xenon, and said, "Fugu, Kujira, and Basashi."

"Tch. Lame. Let's see if it's worth me coming all the way over here in the middle of the night."

"You had nothing better to do than be lazy and smoke your cigarettes."

"You must've known me all my life."

Duri was speechless, he was slightly pointing at them, stuttering, "W-W-Wh-Wha-th-th-the-f-fu-fuck."

Tetsuya said, "Hmph. I am prepared to consume the cookings of the young lad."

Kedarah smiled, "Yay! I was so happy when Marshy demanded and forced us to be your taste testers!"

Marshy punched Kedarah in the back of the head, "I didn't force you!"

Kedarah smiled, "Owww. I get to taste the food first!"

Kedarah ran forward, but Hanako and Marshy held her back.

Hanako said, "Ruthless behavior."

Sith pulled out two machetes, grinning menacingly, "Oi, Duri. Need help shredding anything? Keh..kehh..keh..kehh.."

Duri replied, "If I say no, I feel like your crazy ass will go berserk. Sure thing, bud."

"Good choice..hehe..hehe…"

Chaos was looking at the special weapons in Marshy's living room, and he said, "What happens if I touch this weapon that says do not touch?"

Marshy said to him, "You'd die."

Chaos stared at Marshy, and Marshy stared at him back. 

Marshy says, "Chaos. Don't you dare.."

Chaos answered, "Don't I dare what?"

"I'm warning you."

"I'm not doing anything."

"You're looking at me like a sad puppy wanting to do something he can't do."

"I'm not doing anything."

"Chaos stop playing with me-."

Chaos touched the weapon he wasn't supposed to touch, and he still looked at Marshy with a straight face.

Duri and all the Hosts then looked at Chaos. It was silent, and then blue flames covered Chaos's body.

Chaos started screaming, running around in circles.

"Get this off me! Get this off me! Get this off me!"

Xenon said, "Imagine."

Kedarah laughed, "Haha! Chaos is on fire! Such pretty colors!"

Hanako said to Kedarah, "Of course you would laugh at that."

"Me? YOU need to laugh more! Come on, it's fun!"




"Pretty please?"


Marshy slightly tapped her hand on Chaos's shoulder, and the fire dissolved with a large wind shooting around him.

Chaos was shaking, saying, "That fire wasn't even hot! Shit was…cold! Cold!"

"Told you not to touch it!"

Duri watched all of this, thinking, 'I'm seeing a different side of the Hosts. Should I be honored? Or should I come to the realization that they're all crazy?'

[Seven's house]

[Seven's room]

Seven got out of her bed, stretching and yawning, as she heard a creak near her door.

Seven stopped for a second, and then she sighed, "Are you kidding me?"

Her mother and father, Hinata and Zaiyen burst through the door, rolling into the room with glowing red and blue rifles with smoke coming out the front.

Hinata said, "Room clear."

Zaiyen responded, "Yokai. Checking the closets and bathroom."

"Yokai. Checking the drawers and under the bed."

Hinata and Zaiyen started searching through everything, and Seven stood there in the middle of the floor with a straight face.

She asked, "This is why I should've locked my door. What..in the world are you two doing?"

Zaiyen answered, "We heard the voice..of a MALE."

Hinata agreed, "We are here to eliminate him."

Seven said, "Mom. Dad. I was on the phone. Please leave now."

Seven was pushing her parents out of her room, and Hinata asked, "Who is it? Is it that Duri kid?"

Zaiyen gasped, "No it can't be! Our daughter cannot be talking to the son of our rival: Host Marshy!"


Seven finally got them out, saying, "So even if he was in my room, you would shoot him on sight?"

Her parents replied, "Yes!"

"Funny. It's not like magic bullets would do anything to him anyway. HE'S THE ANGEL TITAN."

Zaiyen replied, "And we will protect you if he goes rogue again. He tried to kill you one time!"

Seven answered, "I can most definitely handle myself. And even though Duri attacked us, that's not him. He's still getting used to his Titan self. You'll grow to like him..eventually..slowly maybe."

[Back Marshy and Duri's house]

Minutes later, all the Hosts were sitting at the table, but Hosts Sith was in the kitchen with Duri.

Duri was throwing raw meat at Sith, and Sith was quickly slicing them up with his blades, letting them fall on pans.

Duri said to Sith, "Oi, make sure my shit doesn't fall on the floor!"

"Shut it, brat! And keep throwing the victims at me!"

"You're insane! More insane than Ren-Ren!"

"Take that back!"

"No! Psycho!"

At the table, Hanako and Marshy were holding Kedarah back because she wanted to spoil Duri.

Tetsuya said, "It's good to see Duri like this, even after what happened."

Marshy answered, "Yeah. I can tell it still bothers him. Every time he hears something about the exams, he gets timid. He tries to hide it, but it's noticeable."

"How did he react when he found out you were his mother?"

"He told me that he had suspicion that I was his real mother. It's crazy. The first time I met him years ago, that little brat stole my bagels from me, argued with me, and saved my life all in the same day. I remember it like it was yesterday."

Xenon was chewing a toothpick, and he said, "Taking care of Duri, softened you up, Marshy."

"Hah. Maybe it did. I'm kinda glad-."

"But..there is still some of the old Marshy in you."

"Oh really? How would you describe the old me?"

Kedarah exclaimed with excitement, "Angry!"

Tetsuya confirmed, "Brave."

Hanako said, "Focused."

Chaos said, "Describe the old you? Oo that's tough. Oh there it is. Yeah, you were pretty tough."

Xenon said, "Annoying."

Marshy threw a cup of water at Xenon, but Xenon stopped it in motion with his finger, keeping the water and cup from falling over.

Xenon chuckled, "Just checking how short your fuse has gotten over the years."

Marshy stood there for a second, and then she began laughing. Some of the Hosts were surprised that Marshy was laughing as hard as she was. Laughing hard was rare with her.

Duri and Sith even looked over there.

Duri thinks, 'She's laughing way too hard. It's scary.'

Then, all the other Hosts started laughing.

Duri didn't laugh, he was surprised to see a different side of the Hosts. 

'Maybe they're not so bad after all. I think. I don't fucking know. I'm still keeping my eye on them.'

For the next 25 minutes, all the Hosts were laughing and talking at the table. But Hanako gave no reaction to anything.

Duri could sense the tranquil activity from their table, thinking again, 'So they actually get along with each other. And Host Hanako, she never talks much. What's her damn story? Probably a story about her avenging her loved one and going to kill a bunch of assassins and take down the monstrous boss who ordered the hit. I'm pretty sure all of these Hosts have badass backstories.'

Duri looked back at the food he was cooking, with fresh steam blowing through the kitchen. It smelled amazing.

Duri kept stirring, burning, rinsing, and flipping the Fugu and the other dishes he was making. And he did this for another 10 minutes.

After, Duri was done.

He was holding plates of food, all on his arm. 

Duri said, "Pucker up, bastards. I poured my heart and soul into these plates."

Xenon said, "About time. I was getting the urge to smoke another cigarette."

Marshy said to Xenon, "Shut up."

Duri handed everyone their plates, and when Duri handed Xenon his plate, Duri whispered, "I poisoned yours by the way."

Xenon answered, "It better be the bleach otherwise I don't want it."


Everyone said, "Thank you!"

Duri bowed slightly with a grin, "Don't care. Eat it and tell me how it tastes."

Kedarah smiled, "Time to eat!"

Tetsuya said, "Time to consume. Thank you for this food."

Everyone started to eat, and their utensils clanged on the plates. Sith was eating with his hands by the way, eating like a monster.

He said, "Wait a minute.."

Duri looked at him, with full focus.

'He's gonna say it's good. I already know. If Marshy loves my food, then this crazy bastard has to like it.'

Sith said, "This…is amazing!"

Duri chuckled, "Hmph. Of course it is."

Tetsuya said, "This meal is astonishing. The detail and flavor within the Basashi is intriguing. Very nicely done, Duri."

Duri replied, "Thank you."

Chao said, "More..more…I need more!"

Kedarah said, "Duriiii! This is great!!!"

She tried to go give Duri a hug, but Marshy and Hanako held her down back in her chair again.

Hanako's face was red, and she was wiping her mouth with a napkin, and she said, "I..usually don't find anything good tasting. But this is…satisfactory. Thank you."

Duri answered, "No probs."

Xenon finished his plate, and everyone looked at him. He stood up out of his chair, and started walking towards Duri.

Duri was on guard immediately.

Xenon grabbed Duri's collar, and pulled him close, saying, "Oi..make..me…more. Now."

Duri grabbed Xenon's collar, and dragged him close, replying, "FU-UCK no."

"Do it or I'll splatter you all over the walls."

"Does it hurt to ask?"

"It does."

Duri and Xenon let go of each other, and Duri said, "If I have some leftovers after I feed the cafeteria then you can have some."

All the Hosts asked, "The cafeteria?"

Marshy asked, "Duri, I thought you were just doing your class?"

Duri replied, "Well Duri changed his mind. If you guys like the perfect dish I've created, then everyone else should like it."

Tetsuya commented, "Expanding to greater horizons and audiences…acceptable and elegant indeed."

Duri pointed at Tetsuya, "See? This guy gets it."

Marshy smiled, "Okay. Show them all what you've got."

"Oh I will."

Chaos asked Duri, "I know this like, completely off topic, but are you competing in the power tournament tomorrow after school?"

Duri asked, "What made you ask that?"

"Seven signed you and her up for jt."

"That bastard.."

The Hosts laughed, and it made Duri grin a little. Duri put his grin away, covering his mouth, thinking, 'Why the hell did I laugh at that?'

[The next day]

[Duri's school]

[Sensei Kei's class]

Seven, Tek, Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Espen, Nine, Shiryu, and the rest of the classmates were sitting in their seats, taking notes as Kei was teaching world history.

After a few seconds of boring talk, Duri walked into the classroom, and he had dark bags under his eyes. He looked tired.

Kei stopped talking, and everyone looked at Duri.

Kei asked Duri, "Annnd where have you been?"

Duri responded, "I…stayed up all night training."

"Why? Nevermind don't answer tha-."

"Too much…cooking tried to make me soft..I've been slacking…anyway."

"Right. Right. Do you have a tardy note?"

Duri threw Kei a yellow piece of paper balled up, and Kei caught it.

Kazuma said, "Hey, Duri!"

Duri answered, "Sup.

Some random classmates were trying to talk to Duri, but Duri ignored them.

Duri was too tired to respond to anything.

Duri sat down in his chair between Tek and Seven.

Seven asked Duri, "Aww, you actually cooked."

Duri answered, "I'm…no wuss. A challenge is a challenge…you are all going to like..my cooking.."

"I'm picky ya know. I might not like it."

"I don't care…you're gonna like it. And I know..for a fact…I cook better..than chain boy over here.."

Tek looked at Duri, replying, "Tch. You wish."

Tek stood up, and said to Sensei Kei, "Let me use the restroom."

Kei replied, "Go ahead."

Tek walked away from his desk, and left the classroom.

After a few minutes, Kei said to everybody, "Okay! Since we're on the topic of explorers, get with your groups and discuss what you are going to do for the scene presentation. You have 30 minutes to do so."

Everyone began to talk amongst each other, and Duri sluggishly looked at Seven.

Duri asked, "I have..an idea."

Seven answered, "If it's about murder.."

"No..it's not."

"Gimme a hint."


"Haha, forget I asked. What we need is inspiration."


"Like you, I don't wanna lose to anyone in this class. If we are doing this project, we are going all the way with it."

"...What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see."

(Lunch time)


All the students were laughing and talking with each other, the commotion was louder than car speakers.

"Did all of you hear that Duri is cooking for us?"

"Hell yeah! I can't wait!"

"How did he even get permission to feed us?!"

"He got permission from the headmaster."

"Makes sense."

Seven, Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Espen, Nine, and Shiryu sat at a table together, waiting for Duri to bring out the food.

Seven: "Let's see what he's made of us. Besides blood and guts and all that. And darkness."

Nine: "If this is good, I'm gonna dash around and steal everyone's plate! Haha!"

Kazuma: "I bet Duri can cook as well as he fights! I can't wait!"

Ren-Ren: "I must take notes. If this dish is good…I'm stealing the recipe so I can please my evil subordinates..hehe..hehe..hehe.."

Espen: "I shall not judge Duri's food until I have tasted it. My feelings are neutral. He is indeed capable of a lot of things, but cooking is advanced."

Shiryu: "Oi..I..need some food. Very hungry right now…"

Jiyu: "I-I didn't know D-Duri could co-cook. He's v-very versatile, it's-it's endearing."

Everyone continued to chatter, and then after a few minutes, Duri started walking into the cafeteria, and all the cafeteria cooks were pushing out carts of the same dish Duri had made for the Hosts last night.

Everyone said, "Oooooo."

"It smells good!"

"And it looks good!"

"I get first dibs!"

"No! I do!"

Duri said to the entire cafeteria, "Seven eats first. She has challenged me. I will show her my capabilities. You think I can only fight? You'd be dead wrong."

One of the cafeteria ladies handed Seven the plate of food, and she wasted no time digging in. She stuck her fork in the food, and began to eat. 

Everyone watched her reaction, and Seven said, "Mm…Mhm. So like..it's actually..nasty. NASTY AS HELL."

Duri said, "What?!"

Seven replied, "Yes."

Seven looked away, thinking, 'Oh my goodness..this is so good. Fuck. Duri is making me like his ass even more.'

Seven looked back at Duri, saying, "Do a better job."

Duri smirked, "Oh yeah?"


"Why is your face red?"

"It's not!"

Then, everyone else in the cafeteria tried the dish, and they loved it.

"This is great!"

"I want more!"

"Seconds please!"


Kazuma: "This is sooooo damn good! Oh no, I cursed."

Nine: "That's it! I'm stealing everyone's plates!"

Shiryu: "Now this…is food..I want apple juice.."

Ren-Ren: "My suspicions were correct. Time to steal this recipe. Oi, Duri, how did you make this meal?!"

Jiyu: "This tastes b-better than I e-expected.."

Seven watched everyone eat, thinking, 'Man. I really want some more. I have to sneak it. I told Duri his food was nasty because I didn't wanna look like a thirsty harpy.'

Espen asks Seven, "If you want seconds, just ask."

"Stop reading my mind!" Seven scoffed.

Duri heard all of the compliments, and grinned.

'This is natural. Of course they love it. As expected.'

Just then, Tek walked into the cafeteria, and he was using his chains to pull in large carts of seasoned Wagyu, Kobe beef.

Everyone gasped, and Tek said, "I left class for a few hours to prepare these consumables. Eat it. And compare it with Duri's food. And show that mine is superior."

Duri said with a grin, "Not happening. They're gonna vomit your meal up on the floor."

Tek replies, "Let's see."

Duri sweated, as Tek was handing people plates of Wagyu with his chains. Some of the students took them, and ate them. 

They said:

"Tek is amazing too!"

"His dish is just as good as Duri's!"

"He can really cook!"

"Tek is perfect!"

Duri heard these compliments they were giving Tek, and he clenched his fists.

Duri said, "Oh yeah? Let me try it! Give it here!"

Tek replied, "And let me try yours, fool!"

Duri and Tek tossed their own plates of food at each other, and they munched down on it, looking at each other at the same time.

They both thought at the same time, 'It's actually good!'

Duri and Tek spit the food out, saying at the same time, "It's disgusting!"

Duri and Tek then looked at each other with malice, and everyone could feel the tension.

They stood there for a few more seconds, and then they threw food at each other.

They both dodged it, and they started using other peoples food to throw at each other 

Duri climbed on tables, saying, "I'm better than you! I'm a better cook! Put me on TV!"

Tek answered, "You heard them! They said mine was amazing!"

"Your dish tasted like shit!"

"Yours did too!"

Some of the food landed on some of the other students who weren't paying attention, and they threw food across the cafeteria. Then it kept repeating.

People were throwing food at each other, running around the cafeteria, dodging flying food, and attacking with food. 

The cafeteria yelled, "FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!"

Everyone was battling with food, making an entire mess, throwing and shoving food in people's faces and running and flipping around everyone.

People were laughing, but Duri and Tek had serious faces, rushing at each other with piles of food in both their hands.

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