
Chapter 55 : Class Is In Session

Everyone had their eyes on Duri, and Duri was staring everyone down as a drop of blood fell from his head and onto the floor.

Kei said to Duri, "You destroyed the door."

"I see."

"Are you going to pay for it?"


"Is Marshy going to pay for it?"

"In your dreams. This school has money, right?"

"Well, SOMEONE has to pay for the door. And might I ask why you have blood on your face?"

"I was fighting the Beast Titan. Any other questions?"

"Mmm. No. But I do have one thing to say."

"And that is?"

"Anytime someone in my class is late, then they have to do something to make that tardy up."


"You have to tell the classroom a story."

"A story?!"


Duri smiled, "I got one!"

"Very enthusiastic about this. Such bravery. As expected from the son of Host Marshy. Please, you may begin."

"Okay! So..once upon a time, there was a kid named Duri who walked into the classroom and murderized the teacher! The end."

The class was chuckling, and the teacher had his head down.

The teacher asked Duri, "Is…murderize even a word?"

"In my head, yes."

"That story…was…AMAZING!"

Kei stood up with a smile and his eyes glowing, and he started shaking Duri's hand, saying, "I am sensei Kei! Your teacher for the rest of the school year! You have earned my respect!"

"I just told you I was going to murder you in the story. How do I have your respect? I THREATENED you."

"Because! Whenever I tried to get someone to come up and tell a story in front of the class in the past, they wouldn't! But YOU did. Despite you having a bloodlust and resentful and mean attitude!"


"No problem. Now pick a seat anywhere you want."


Before Duri could move, Kazuma jumped out of his desk, and started running to Duri, wailing, "Duriiii! We were so worried! Bring it in!"

Kazuma was trying to hug Duri, but Duri placed his two fingers on Kazuma's forehead, holding him back.

Duri said, "I don't do hugs, brat."


Duri stuck his hand out in a fist, and said, "Fist bump."

Kazuma grinned wildly, and fist bumped Duri.

Just then, all the other students came up and started asking Duri millions of questions.

"Duri! How does it feel to be a Titan?!"

"Duri! How does it feel to kill someone?!"

"Duri! We heard you were the Angel Titan! What does that mean exactly?!"

"Duri! You're a hero!"

Duri said to them, "I'm not a hero. And I don't want to be a hero. I'm not the only one who played a role in saving everyone though."

Duri looked at Seven, Tek, Kazuma, Jiyu, Ren-Ren, Espen, Nine, and Shiryu. They were sitting down at their desks besides Kazuma.

Kei said to everyone, "Alright, alright. You had your fun. Time to get to your seats."

They made their way to their seats, still trying to ask Duri questions.

Duri stopped by Tek's desk, and stared at him.

Tek gave him a menacing glare back.

Duri nodded, and then walked to his desk, and Tek slowly nodded back.

Other students commented, "Two rivals nodding at each other? Two prodigies?"


Duri sat down at his desk, and he was sitting in between Seven and Tek.

Duri and Seven looked at each other, and no words were spoken.

Duri finally came out and uttered, "Um..can I help you?"

"You? Help me? I don't think so."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I'm uh..happy to see you're not dead."

"I'm not happy to see you're alive."

"HUH?! I CRIED FOR YOU! I mean um, no I didn't. I uh..mourned for a few seconds. And that was it."

"Relax, I'm joking. Oo shit.."


Duri grabbed Seven's metal hand, and lifted the sleeve up all the way, seeing her new metal arm.

Seven's face turned red as Duri was inspecting it. Duri said, "Is this a new arm? It's look fucking cool..does it hurt at all?"

"F-fool. What are you doing?"

"Looking at your arm obviously, dumbass."


"It's pretty sick to me."

Seven moved her arm away, and Duri looked at her, watching her put her sleeve down.

Seven said, "There you saw it. Did you…read my note? Did Marshy give you one?"

"No I haven't read them yet. I got one from Marshy too. Why? You're asking me out on a date or something?"

"Heh? N-no. Just don't read it while I'm around you please."


Duri reached in his pocket, and pulled out Seven's note.

Duri started to open it up, and Seven's face got even redder.

Duri was about to read it, but Seven tried to snatch it. Duri was dodging Seven, as Seven chased Duri all around the classroom to get it.

Duri didn't read it out loud, but read it in his head as all the students watched.

Seven said to Duri, "I said don't read it around me!"

Duri replied, "Did you have the slightest thought I'd listen to you?!"

"Close the note up!"

"Heh? Why are you embarrassed?"



"I've never had this happen before!"

"Well there's a first for everything!"

Duri and Seven were flipping over desks, and as Duri was reading the last sentence of the note, he stopped, and his face was red.

Duri was twitching, and the note was hanging from his hand. Seven snatched the note, and her face was red.

"Duri..I'm gonna kill you."

Duri responded, "You..wanted to have my KIDS?!"


Duri and Seven turned to look at the entire class, and everyone was peering at them.

Nine and Kazuma were saying together, "Oooooo. What's this?"

Seven said, "Shit. I forgot we were in class."

The class erupted, "OOOOOOOOO!!!!!"




Seven said to everyone, "Calmmmmm the FUCK down. We do not date."

Duri agreed with his arms folded, "Yeah exactly. Even though in the note she said.."

Seven covered Duri's mouth, saying to him, "Not another word from you."

Nine dashed up to Duri holding her phone, and she put the phone to Duri's face.

Duri asked, "Who the hell is this?"

"That's Seven. When she was in her Spirit of Wrath form. Badass like me, right?"

Duri grabbed the phone, and looked at it closer. He was admiring Seven's Spirit Of Wrath appearance for when she was going against Prophet Adam.

Duri asked, "What's the Spirit of Wrath?"

Seven replied, "Dunno. But I've had it since I was a child and some idiots wanted it from me. Decided to awaken when I was fighting it seems. Me in my form has been posted everywhere on all social media's. It's annoying."

"You're fucking telling me. On my way here, I saw nothing but me and Marshy all over Bloggerz."

Sensei Kei said, "Alright, alright. For real this time. We need to focus on SCHOOL now. Everyone take your seats."

Everyone started to sit down, and they paid attention to Kei.

Kei cleared his throat, and said, "Once again, I congratulate all the students that took the exams and passed. I know it was a tough and risky journey, but you all made it. Also, you're going to be stuck with me all year long, it'll be fun! Another thing, I feel like I should reveal to you what I can do."

Kei looked over at the brown pieces of the door, and they started to glow in a blue color.

The pieces started moving by itself, and the door was being put back together. Then after, the door peacefully floated it's way over to the threshold and entrance of the classroom, and the door latched onto the hinges.

Some students in the class said, "Ooo! That was pretty nice."

Duri and Tek said together, "Lame."

They looked at each other, and Duri said to him, "Oi..you chain using bastard..don't copy me."

Tek responded, "Nonsense. It's only natural that the weakling would follow after my footsteps. Fool."

"Ehhh? You wanna say that again?"

"We can have round two of our fight if you'd like."

"Bring it on!"

Nine sighed, "Ugh. Here they go again."

A random student said to Nine, "You're always in people's business.."

Nine said to that student, "SHUT UP! I'LL CURBSTOMP YOU!"

Ren-Ren commented on Duri and Tek, "Those two peasants act like brothers. Only if they were on my level of greatness, they would behave."

Jiyu said, "It's so g-good having everyone ba-back together again..that makes me happy."

Kazuma agreed with Jiyu, glowing his eyes at her, "I know right! It's awesome!"

"Kazuma, y-you're a little too happy today.."

"Duhh! You know me, Jiyu!"

"Haha, y-yeah I do."

Espen said to Duri, "Duri are you hurt anywhere? Any swelling or pain anywhere? Are you having any dizziness or depression? Are hungry or thirsty? Any anxiety? Do you have a stuffy nose? How's your bowel movements?"

Duri replied, "Nah, I'm good."

Shiryu said, "(*Yawn..*) My sister is always…overprotective…and brutally honest…oh yeah…I told you already back at…the train. When is lunch time..?"

Espen answered Shiryu, "I'm not overprotective. I'm making sure no one is wounded physically or mentally."

Kei said to Espen, "How generous of you, Espen."

Espen responds to Kei, "You are 36 years old and you don't have a wife. I suggest you go after the headmasters sister. I'm nosey, I heard her talking about you in a good way."

"Espen! That's outta line…the headmasters sister really said something about me?"

"Yes. You are a coward when it comes to talking to females. You need to approach them with subtlety and truth. I can read your mind. You want her."

"Oh, thank you, I think- WAIT! I'm getting off subject! Okay, okay. You all read the handbooks of the school on your first day in homeroom. You know all of the rules and so forth. So today, before we go any further, I want you all to write all of your likes and dislikes on a piece of paper, and share them with the class. In this class, we want to get to know and trust each other, that's the key to a good school year. Understand?"

The class lazily said, "Yo..kai."

A few seconds passed, and all the students were writing on sheets of paper. The sound of the pencils tapping against the paper was sturdy, the brightness of the sun from the windows shone on their papers.

Duri turned to the right, and looked at Tek's paper.

Tek looked at him, and Duri said to Tek, "Stop looking at my paper."

"Fool. You're the one looking at my paper. It's understandable since I am of a higher caliber."

Just then, Seven was looking at Duri's paper while he was distracted.

Duri looked at Seven quickly, and Seven looked the other way.

Seven asked Duri, "What are you looking at?"

"Obviously you. Pay attention to your own paper."

"You pay attention to yours."

Duri, Seven, and Tek hid their papers from each other, still scribbling on them.

After another 2 minutes, Kei said, "Pencils down!"

Everyone put their pencils down, and looked at Kei. Kei started pointing at different students, "Hmmm, whoooooo's gonna go first? Mmmmmmm. I think I'll go with…Tek! Stand up and tell the class your likes and dislikes."

Tek sat there, while Duri at him and laughing, "Haha!"

Kei said to Duri, "Hm? Duri would you mind standing up with Tek as he explains his likes and dislikes. Then you can go next?"

"Huh?! Fuck that! No way."

"That's fine, that's fine. I'll just let your mother Host Marshy know.."


Duri stood up at the same time Tek did, and he had his eyes closed and arms folded.

'Yeah, my real mother. MARSHY. Hehe..funny I found out she was real mom that way.'

Tek said to the class, "I like reading. I like my strength. And I like taking revenge. I dislike Duri, my uncle, and people who annoy and bother me."

Tek sat down, and the class clapped along with Sensei Kei.

Kei said, "That was a really heartfelt presentation you just gave us. Duri, you're next."

Duri rolled his eyes, and said, "I like to beat the living shit out of people. I like pizza and fruit. I like training. I like blood and violence and fighting. I dislike the War Titan, his name is Gear. What a dumb name. I don't like Zabel, I don't like frogs, I don't really like people in general. Yeah that's it."

Duri sat down and the entire classroom clapped.

Kei said, "What a marvelous expression of feelings and honesty. Next up, Seven."

Seven sighed while rolling her eyes, standing all the way up.

She said, "I like skateboarding. I like macaroni and cheese. I like myself. I like my friends. I like what I've become. I dislike school, school is ass. I dislike Harvest. I dislike Zabel and anyone that does anything evil, and I dislike people lying or bullshitting me."

Seven sat down, and the class clapped again.

Next up, was Ren-Ren.

Ren-Ren said, "I like myself and no one else. I like my plans to become a villain and have all the money in the world and do evil things. I dislike all humans and all heroes. For I am perfect and better than them. The end."

The class didn't clap, besides Sensei Kei.

Sensei Kei said, "Truly stunning! I like the way you expressed your true self!"

Next up was Nine.

Nine said with a grin, "I like beating people up and curbstomping people. I like racing against cars with my speed, I like drinking alcoholic beverages when I'm not supposed to, I like to gamble and bet, and I like running around and around tornadoes because it's FUN. I dislike people slower than me, and I dislike people who are stronger than me."

Shiryu was next, so he stood up, yawned, and read off of his paper, "...I like…food. And I like…naps. I wanna take a nap right now…I um..I dislike people who's powers I can't…copy. That's it…see ya."

Shiryu sat down in his chair, and put his head down, snoring.

Next up was Espen.

Espen said, "I like safety and health. I like my brother. I like whenever everyone is okay and unharmed. I dislike sickness and diseases."

Next was Jiyu.

She stood and uttered, "I-I like making new friends. A-And I like my parents..and s-school. I dislike mushrooms, and I d-dislike broccoli.."

Next up was Kazuma.

Kazuma excitedly stood up, exclaiming, "I like making new friends! I like fighting too! And I like using my powers! Oo! Oo! And I like soda and ramen! And…I don't like people call me weak! That's it!"

Kei grinned at Kazuma, "Wow. Such enthusiasm. Great presentation, Kazuma. Alright next up.."

After the entire class started talking about their likes and dislikes, Kei was walking through the aisles of the desks, and he said, "Now then! We got introductions out of the way, and now, we will immediately start reviewing some history and math that you learned last year. We will begin a slideshow and you all will take notes while it is playing. And then after, you wipe compare notes with your peers around you. Understand? Good. Let's get to it!"

Minutes later, the lights were off, and the projector cut on, and a screen showed on the wall. A man was talking about history, math, science, language, and social studies. 

The entire class was taking notes, their writing utensils scrambled on their papers.

After the video was over, they all started to compare notes. Duri, Nine, Kazuma, and Seven were comparing notes, but Tek was ignoring everyone who tried to compare notes with him.

Duri said, "So uh..did you get the 4th part where that man talked about the last 5 prime ministers and what they achieved? I fell asleep."

Seven responded, "Nope. Not shit. I fell asleep too. That man's voice was just too boring. What about you, Kazuma?"

Kazuma grinned, "Haha! I didn't get it either!"

Ren-Ren sat on someone's desk, and said, "I was the chosen one who had gathered those notes."

The boy's desk he was sitting on, another boy was sitting in the chair, and he told Ren-Ren, "Oi! Get off!"

"Did you just..SPEAK to me?"

"Dude, dude chill.."


"You're a crazy man."

Nine, Jiyu, Espen, and Shiryu were comparing notes too.

Nine said, "Did any of you punching bags get when he talked about condensation and all that?"

Jiyu answered, "Yes, I g-got that. What about you g-guys?"

Shiryu answered in a sleepy tone, "Yeah…yeah. It's when water starts to eat..the rats in the sewers..and they go to war with the peach cobblers..right?"

Nine and Jiyu said together, "Huh?! That doesn't even make sense!"

"Sure..sure it does."

Espen interrupts, "What my brother is saying is absolutely false. I apologize for his incompetent behavior. I shall punish him."

Jiyu replied, "N-no it's fine..haha. I thought it was kind of funny.."

After all that was done, the entire class was outside on the track field, dressed in white T-shirts, blue shorts, high white socks, and white sneakers.

Everyone was stretching, but Tek stood off to the side reading his small book.

Kei walked around with his whistle, inspecting everyone's stretching postures.

"Good, good. ALRIGHT! You guys will now JOG around this track four times. Remember JOG! DO NOT SPRINT! PLEASE DON'T! Now line up. This is good exercise, and a good warm up. This is only the beginning of a long school year, the outside activities will become more intense. The Headmaster and Hosts decided that  a good workout is great for you students, and since we all have powers, we need to train our physical body too."

Duri and the other classmates started to line up on the large track. Duri and Tek were standing in the front, then Ren-Ren walked up there with them, then Nine walked up there, then Seven, then Shiryu.

Duri said to Tek, "You're going down, chain boy."

Tek answered, "You'll lose this battle, birthmark boy."

"Tch. We'll see."

Ren-Ren interrupted, "I'm sorry. I will be the one who will take this crown. Since I will soon be the king of villains."

Nine said to them, "Um, hello? My gift is literally speed. This race was meant for me, you punching bags."

Duri said to Nine, "You wanna bet real money, sweetheart?"

"Shit okay. How much?"

"6,000 yen."

"That's light. Deal!"

Nine and Duri shook hands, concealing the deal.

[6,000 yen is about $50]


Seven kneeled down, ready to run, saying, "Tsk. Chumps. I'm ready to leave you in the dust."

Kazuma exclaimed, "Yes! A Race! I'm so down!"

Kei replied, "NOT a race. Ah what the hell am I saying. You guys won't listen. Just run on my mark…ONE, TWO, THREE, GO!"

Everyone had grins on their faces, and they dashed forward as quick as a heartbeat.

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