
Chapter 44 : The Dome

Seven and Espen stood a few feet apart from each other in the middle arena, with the exam students constantly chattering.

"Seven's got this. She's a prodigy."

"Yeah, ever since she was little."

Tetsuya yelled, "Start!"

Espen tilted her head to the right, and said to Seven, "What are you thinking? It's.."

Seven responded, "Blank. I'm gonna keep myself distracted. If my thoughts become a part of my strategy, then I'm in trouble since I know you can read minds."

"Seven. How are you gonna keep your mind blank? It's humanly impossible."

"Blank. As in…I'm gonna think about something else the entire time to the best of my ability."

"Like what?"

"...You'll see when you try to read them."

"Okay. I guess I'll display my power first."

A black staff appeared in Espen's right hand, and she said to Seven, "Thinking painfully will make you lose. Just a warning."


Espen tapped the floor with her staff, and the entire scenery changed in a split second.

Seven asked, "Where..?"

Seven was outside, but she was standing outside of a tall dojo like tower. The sky was pitch black, and it was thundering and lightning.

"Where am I, Espen?"

Espen was on top of the tower, but Seven didn't know.

Espen answered Seven, "I have the ability to create domains based on all the dreams and nightmares you have lodged into your memory. And I have full power. You might wanna step inside."

"No thanks. Don't wanna."

"That's fine."

Seven heard running and pounding footsteps behind her. Seven turned around, and before she could react, a 14 foot tall man with dark blue skin and yellow eyes, long red hair, and sharp fingers came up and super kicked Seven in the chest.

Seven coughed hard, and she flew backwards, crashing into the dojo tower.

Seven rolled all over the floor, and then she sat up, looking at the blue figure coming towards her.

Seven spit blood to the right of her, wiped her mouth, smirked, and stood up.

She asked the blue figure, "Now..who the hell are you?"

The blue figures name was P-X. Renamed by Espen.

P-X replied, "P-X."

Espen said out loud, "Do you notice him, Seven?"

Seven answered, "No. Who the hell is he?"

"I have the ability to take control over the mythic beasts or mythic beings I've slain on earth, and can only use them in my domain. I could've used the beasts from your nightmares, but I don't feel like it."

"Cool, cool."

P-X said, "I was humiliated once. But never again."

Seven answered, "Dope. Anyways, you're gonna fucking die for kicking me through that wall."

"Let's go!"

Seven thought, 'As long as I don't think about strategies, I'm okay. I'm good at finding weakspots. If I had to take a good ass guess, these mythic beast people can read minds like Espen. If that wasn't the case, then Espen wouldn't have warned me. No strategies, just fighting. And this dojo tower, I remember it from a dream once. I was just walking around it. Nothing else. But when I reached the top, the tower exploded, and I woke up.'

P-X spit a ball of poison at Seven, Seven jumped over it, running straight for P-X.

Seven asked P-X, "So. What's your story?"

P-X said, "I used to conquer villages in my old realm centuries ago. Humans would make contracts with me, and give me offerings if I did what they said. If I beat you, I can go back to the real world and continue getting offerings from my strength."

"And now…here you are. Trapped in someone's else's power. Must suck to be you."

"Mock me all you want, but I will defeat you, human."

"Mmm. Nah. I don't think so. I've killed multiple mythic beings like you, and from what I'm feeling, you're weaker than them."

P-X got angrier, and stomped over to Seven, shooting poison out of his hands.

Seven jumped over it, made two purple power orbs glow in both hands, smashed them against P-X's head, and there was loud BOOM!

P-X blasted to the wall, and his head was crushed.

Seven asked Espen, "Oi. Espen. How did you manage to kill and trap a mythic into your domain? Just curious."

Espen answered, "I collect their souls after I kill them. Sucks that I can't do it to humans. They'll make nice play things."

"That sounded sinister as hell. Where are you?"

Bursting up from the ground, was two monkeys, but the monkeys were red with pitch black eyes, 3 tails, brown wings, and long sharp teeth. 

The monkeys names were Tenny and Penny. Brothers.

They both punched Seven up the chin together, and a large wind blasted off of the attack, sending Seven upward through the ceiling and into another room.

Seven hit the next ceiling, but she didn't go through it, her back just slammed against it, and she was bleeding from her head which dripped down to her chin.

Seven was standing up, while Tenny and Penny were running circles around her.

They laughed together in unison, "Espen promised us that if we beat you here and now, we'll get our lives back!"

Seven answered, "HAHA! Bunch of idiots around me. That shit is impossible."

"Lying to save your own skin! Haha!"

Tenny and Penny grew staffs from their hands, and they attacked Seven. Their speed was impeccable, Seven could barely dodged it. 

There was a lot of close calls, Seven was jumping backwards, running left and right, spinning in the air and on the floor, or using her small force field shield to deflect blows.

Seven laughed, "You two idiots are strong! What's your story?"

Tenny replied while still attacking, "We were in charge of making the monkey species stronger! Since we are the mythic versions of the earth monkeys, we would breed with them to help the monkey king build an army to kill all other animals on earth, so WE could be the last ones standing with no competition in the food chain!"

"So specific. Cool. But instead, you two lost to Espen."

"Tch! It wasn't just us she beat. Her and her brother defeated our entire species and even the monkey king! They're all trapped here too!"

"HAHA! IMAGINE! That could never be me."

"You talk strong, but you are bleeding and wounded already!"

"I know that. I'm not blind or numb, dude."

"You smirk at us, we'll show you what we used to be!"

"That's the spirit."

Seven jumped back, while kicking both Tenny and Penny in the faces together. 

They staggered backwards, but pressed on to attack again. They swung their staff around, and they smacked each other's staff against each other's staff. The sound was loud, and a loud howl came out, the pressure from the noise and wind shot Seven through two walls, making her smash against the floor again and into another room.

Seven was bleeding all over, she sat up with a grin, and her fists had a purple aura surrounding them. Tenny and Penny continued to run after her.

Up on the roof of the dojo tower, Espen was approached from behind by a taller monkey with male legs, five tails, a golden crown wearing gold jewelry, and bright white eyes and had kind of a human face.

Espen said, "How many times do I have to go through this? No matter what, I'll always beat you here. This is my domain, and you're in it…monkey king."

"I'm surprised you still call me the monkey king."

"Well I don't know your name. If you beat that girl down there, and if you DON'T kill her, I'll let you and your army run free."

"How can I trust what you say is true?"

"You can't."

"....Hmm. I guess."

The monkey king jumped down, and he was falling pretty far, and he landed behind Seven, watching her fight Tenny and Penny.

The monkey king thought, 'She has nice footwork and evasion techniques. She is a girl of Tai Chi training. She doesn't know that we mastered that.'

Seven was dodging Tenny and Penny's punches and kicks and staff swings still.

Seven grabbed both of the monkey's staffs at the same time, allowed her purple aura and energy to surround them, ran a  circle around them, and started pounding them from all directions with the staff.

Tenny and Penny were yelling, as they were getting beaten from all angles.

Seven made some more purple energy surround her arms and her entire body, and then she smacked both Tenny and Penny through a wall, knocking them out cold.

The monkey king said, "Impossible!"

Seven responded, "Oh, it's possible."

The monkey king went to attack Seven, making 3 glowing staffs appear, swinging at her rapidly, faster than Tenny and Penny.

Seven was dodging them with a straight face, and she dropped the staffs she was holding.

The monkey king said, "I will beat you and get outta here with my underlings! And when we do, we'll be the last remaining animals on earth!"

"You're like, spitting all over the place. Let me show you why you're not getting out of here."

Seven hit the monkey king in the stomach with a purple power orb, punched him up the chin, broke his arm, grabbed all of his tails, spun around a few times, pulled him back at quick speed, and rammed her hand through the monkey king's chest, then ripped it out, knocking him out.

Seven said, "I figure these things can't die here, right Espen?"

Espen answered, "That is correct."

Seven smirked, then looked up, seeing Espen up high on the roof through the ceiling holes.

Seven said, "Gotcha."

Espen thought, 'How can she see me just through those holes? They're small..unless..'

Seven leaped upward, punching and kicking each ceiling as she ascended, smashing debris all over the place.

Seven said, "Yeah, I have good eyesight if you're wondering why I could see you. If you're staying up there, that must mean that's an important aspect, right?"

Espen gritted her teeth, and she raised her staff up, and slammed it down.

Water was starting to fill up the entire tower, but it was extremely hot water. It was rising quickly, almost hitting Seven's leg.

Seven grinned with blood rushing down her teeth and head.

Seven said, "Get ready!"

The water was real close, but Espen gently touched Seven in the forehead with her staff, and everything changed again.

Seven was standing in the middle of a regular dojo, and the sun was bright on the outside, with the sunlight simmering the inside of the room.

Seven was kneeling, and she said, "What..?"

Seven heard footsteps, and she stood up immediately. She was ready for anything, and someone walked through the door.

It was a little girl, with tattoos all over her. It was Seven. But it was the kid version of Seven, looking just like her. Kid Seven had one arm too, with her good arm filled with tattoos.

Seven said, "...Me..?"

Kid Seven answered, "Why did we fight? Why didn't we run?"

"Stop it. It isn't real."

"If you're real, we're real. Seven."

"I have…nightmares of what happened…how we lost our arm…every night. Oi, Espen! You think this is funny?!"

Outside the dojo, Espen was standing on a tall mountain, replying, "No. This is serious. But don't worry, I'll keep your secret. All the exam students cannot see what is going on in here. Neither can the Hosts…maybe."

'Seven's thoughts..they're all over the place.'

Seven took one step forward, and Kid Seven threw a fast kick towards her face.

Seven dodged it, and she leaned backwards, saying, "What the-?!"

Kid Seven slid to the left and right fast, and she had two purple orbs in her good hand.

Kid Seven hit Seven in the stomach with it, hit her up the chin, across the face, in the stomach again, made purple energy gather around her leg, and kicked Seven in the stomach, and Seven blasted through the wall.

As soon as Seven blasted out of the wall, she was rolling down a large hill. The sky was crystal clear with a peaceful blue color, and there were mountains in the distance with birds chirping.

The hill was gigantic, and there were trees everywhere. Seven was trying to dodge the trees as she rolled down, and she was getting bruised and battered on the way down.

Seven finally was able to stab herself by grabbing onto a rock halfway in the ground. Seven got herself up, and she said, "This hill is big, I gotta get up hi-!"

The ground began to rumble and break apart, and coming down the hill, was a large 40 foot tall muscular panda with long red teeth and smoking black eyes. On top of the panda was Espen.

Espen said to the panda, Remember…beat Seven..and you'll be free. Mythic beast."

The panda responded, "Yokai."

Seven uttered to herself, "Oh shit."

She started to run, and the panda was smashing and breaking the hill apart with its large fists and legs.

Down at the bottom of the hill, was lava, and it was swimming up fast to Seven's position, setting all the trees on fire.

Seven said, "Seriously?!"

Seven was jumping over falling trees, moving out the way of hill debris, and dodging the slams of the panda's fist.

The panda yelled, "Stop running! I have to beat you for my freedom!"

Running beside Seven, was Kid Seven.

Kid Seven was throwing purple power orbs at Seven, and Seven was dodging them or using her invisible force field shield to deflect them.

Kid Seven jumped from tree to tree, and Seven did the same as the ground was splitting apart and breaking upward. It was chaotic and it looked like a monstrous earthquake and tornado was taking place at the same place.

Kid Seven was still jumping from each branch to throw the orbs, and Seven was dodging them as she flipped from tree to tree.

"I…can't fight you! I just…can't."

Kid Seven replied, "But we fought the ones who took our arm?!"

"...Shut up!"

Seven and Kid Seven leaped at each other with purple orbs, and they collided.

Kid Seven tried to hit Seven in the face with it, but Seven dodged it by leaning her body down, and hit Kid Seven in the stomach.

Seven screamed with blood in her eyes and on her face, "Shut up!!!"

Seven blasted Kid Seven into the sky, and it hit the panda in the stomach, wounding the panda and making it screech.

Seven caught herself, and she kept jumping from tree to tree.

Seven saw the panda hurt, and then saw how Espen reacted.

Seven asked, "Oi…why are you always up high in each domain we got to? Perhaps…maybe you can't touch the ground? And that staff…you're holding it pretty right."

Espen replied, "Hoh?"

The panda got a hold of Seven, and was punching her and smashing her around with his big arms and fists, breaking the ground with her, and bashing her all over the place.

Seven was bloody and dirty all over, she was even foaming at the mouth.

Seven seven thrown across the ground, and she instantly sat up on one knee, looking up at the panda, seeing the lava approach her from behind.

Seven began to remember what they learned in the homeroom, how people can use their power energy to move objects with will. 

Seven ran to a large tree, and punched it, smashing it to pieces.

Seven grabbed some of the pieces, started moving them without touching them, but her hands and arms were pointed out to them. They were glowing in purple energy, and they shot to the panda, and towards Espen.

Espen knocked the pieces away with her staff, but the panda was wounded.

Seven still had her hands out, but she put her other arm out, and put up an invisible force field to block the lava.

The panda yelled as he threw a large punch at Seven.

Seven said to herself, "I don't wanna do this…I can't use…my other powers…I'll kill someone…I'll…I'll.."

The fist was getting closer, and Seven's eyes went bright purple. Seven created a 50 foot tall and 50 foot wide purple orb from her head, and she put it to her fist, jumping up high.

She pulled her fist back, and she punched the fist of the panda.

The ground cracked and blew up some more from the force, and the panda's arm was ripped to shreds, including the top half of his body. Purple slashes were cutting the panda up, completely destroying it. Purple slashes were ripping the domain apart, destroying everything.

Espen said, "What is that?"

Purple spikes were coming from the ground, and they smacked the staff from Espens hand.

The staff was falling to the ground, and Espen jumped after it.

Before Espen could reach the staff, Seven tackled Espen in the mid air, punching and kicking her.

Espen thinks, 'Dammit. She found out I'm not supposed to touch the ground. And the staff is the source of my domain. If it gets destroyed, the domain will go away, and I can't use it again until the next day. And if I touch the ground, it would also get rid of the domain, since the ground of the domain is meant for my opponents only, not me. I have to get the staff! But how…without touching the ground?!'

Seven and Espen landed on top of a mountain top, and began to fist fight.

Seven punched Espen in the face twice, and Espen kicked Seven in the chest and up the chin. They both staggered back, ran towards each other, and jumped over each other, blocking each other's attack as they ran by.

Seven and Espen kicked at the same time, and the force from their kicks, made the entire mountain shake.

Seven and Espen had each other in a chokehold, watching each other's blood rush down their faces.

Espen said, "You didn't think about strategies..any plans to figure out what this domain's weakness is. How did you do it?"

"I was thinking about how when I was kid…playing with toys..the one who sat on the throne ruled over. And if the throne is destroyed, the kingdom dies. It was a wild guess…but it seems like I was right. So..you sitting up high..was for a reason. And it seems that staff controls the domain and controls the components of it. This…is fucking checkmate."

"...You're smarter than I thought."

Espen headbutted Seven, and slammed her to the ground. Seven spun back to her feet, kicking Espen in the head and neck.

Seven grabbed Espen by the hair, and jumped off the mountain.

They fell down quickly, Seven turned in mid air, and slung Espen to the ground, making a loud crash sound.

Seconds later, it was quiet. Until..Seven and Espen appeared back in the middle of the exam arena, and all the exam students yelled:

"They're back!"

"Where did they go?!"

"They both are beaten up badly!"

Duri, watching from the medical room, said, "Whaaat…the hell…?"

Shiryu, sitting beside Duri, replied, "Espen…used her domain power on Seven, and it looks like…Seven broke the barrier…that's impressive. (*Yawns.*)"

Back in the arena, Seven and Espen were walking towards each other slowly to fight again.

They kept taking small steps, but then they eventually fell to the ground by themselves, worn out and tired, looking up at the ceiling beside each other.

Seven said, "Yeah. I'm done for the day."

Espen answered, "Yes. Me too. Just now…you're thinking about Duri. Why?"

"Shut up."

"I apologize for bringing your past into the fight."

"Don't ever do that again. But…we're cool."

Host Tetsuya was standing over them both, saying, "I saw what happened in your domains, Espen. Good work for the both of you."

Espen asked, "How?"

"My eyes can see any and all domains."

In the stands, Kazuma said, "That…was so…interesting I guess?"

Ren-Ren: "They disappeared and then came back bloody, Kazuma! Booooring! My fight with Duri was better!"

Nine: "I think my fight was the best, Ren-Ren. Anyways, glad you're okay, Seven!"

Jiyu : "Th-this is kind of fun..everyone is so un-unique…"

After a few minutes, other exam students were fighting each other brutally, letting their powers and fighting skills be put to the test. There were a ton of winners, and a ton of losers, some were mad and sad, and some were crying and getting emotional.

After those fights finished in an hour, it was time to see who would face each other in the last round. Which will be the two students who got the highest  scores.

In the middle of the arena, Hosts Tetsuya, Hanako, Chaos, and Kedarah stood there, looking at all the Hosts and Hosts students.

Tetsuya said, "We have tallied up all the grades from all of you, and now we have come down to the final fight. You all did excellent, you've done a marvelous job. You are all strong and unique in your own ways, which is a great thing. Now…without further ado, we will present the two students who got the highest scores. And when we call your name, please come down ready. First student…is Duri!"

All the students were shocked, looking at Duri, whispering:

"HE got a higher grade than most of us?"

"Well..he did kinda good.."



Kazuma grinned, "Yes! Great job Duri!"

Duri stood up, and he wasn't surprised that he was chosen.

Duri said, "No big deal."

Duri was walking to the middle of the arena, as everyone watched him. Seven was grinning, thinking, 'Haha. Imagine.'

Host Tetsuya said, "Now for his opponent, who got the same score as him…is…Tek!"

Tek said, "Of course."

He began to walk to the arena, while everyone talked about him. Most of them knew he was going to get chosen, and almost everyone praised him.

But a lot of people were pissed because they weren't chosen. Especially Ren-Ren.

Ren-Ren exclaimed, "What?! I wasn't chosen?! Did you guys see my MOVES?! I WENT INSANE!"

Kazuma said to Ren-Ren, "It's okay, Ren-Ren! You still did great!"

"...I..I guess."

Seven was leaning back in her seat, biting her nails.

Nine looked at her, saying, "You don't feel any type of way about this?"

"Ha! Why should I? All I wanted was to fight. And that's pretty much it. Are you?"

"Heh. I don't really care. I just wanted to bash a face in."

Jiyu said to Nine, "A-and it really hurt.."

"Aww it's gonna get better."

The Hosts went back to their seats, and Duri and Tek were standing across from each other, and the crowd of exam students were cheering them on. Mostly cheering on Tek.

Duri and Tek walked around each other. Duri thought, 'This bastard won't be easy..but I have to win. Especially against my rival..'

Tek thought, 'I am going to have to go all out against Duri. He is a worthy opponent..only will I call him my rival if he beats me..'

Suddenly, a black dome covered Duri and Tek, and everyone didn't know what it was. Not even the Hosts.

Duri and Tek tried to bash it, but they couldn't. They couldn't even hear the outside of it.

Duri said, "Seems like this is getting serious."

Tek replied, "The Hosts don't want them to watch me beating the shit out of you."

Duri gritted his teeth, and went to attack Tek. Tek went to Duri too, and they began to brutally fight in silence, hearing nothing but smacking, punching, and blood splattering.

The Hosts were trying to break the black dome, but they couldn't. 

Host Kedarah asked, "What is this thing?"

Tetsuya answered, "This has magnificent power if we can't even break it. Did anyone in this arena do this?!"

Everyone replied, "No."

Host Chaos said, "We have to get those boys out of there!"

Hanako said, "...Someone's here."

Outside the arena….was Ferrow, Prophet Adam, and over one hundred other Prophets of Reborn..

Prophet Adam said to Ferrow, "Why apply the black dome over those boys?"

Ferrow answered, "We will save Duri and Tek for last. I want to kill them myself. We need to keep them in there so we can kill everyone else. Because they…will be in the way."

"Yesss. Perfect plan. Shall we attack?"

"Of course…"

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