
Prim-Arc by vixvix (RWBY x Warhammer)

Latest update:April 21, 2021

Summary:Sanguinius dies but The Emperor salvages his dead son's soul, or at least as much of it as possible and send it to Remnant. 10.000 years later Jaune Arc is born and he grows up wishing to become a hero. Pity that The Emperor's soul-salvaging plans didn't quite work out. See how the young knight deals with mutations, personal issues, love, duties and old memories of a dead Primarch.


Word count:289k


Chapter 0

Location: Over Terra, the Vengeful Spirit

Time: 014.M31

The Emperor of mankind faced his son Horus. Another of The Emperor's sons, Sanguinius, laid dead at the floor, dead at the hands of his brother. The Emperor was burdened by many sorrows. Not only had he lost his two dearest sons but one had been taken by the hand of the other.

That was not all of it.

The Emperor understood what was in store for the soul of his fallen son. The predators of the warp would set upon it like starving wolves. To spite Him? To mock Him? The Emperor knew not why but He knew that He would not permit it.

With His psychic power He sent what he could of His son's soul away through the warp, away to a world untouched by the warp where he would be safe. And the Emperor was happy.

Even as He was put upon the Golden Throne He took solace in the fact that that the creatures of the warp could not hurt His dear son any more. For on a planet far away, in a long time to come, untouched by the ruinous powers, a child was born into the family of Arc.

…. But there was a catch. There always was.

Jaune Arc was born into the family of Arc. He was raised by his loving parents, Augustus and Livia Arc, as well as his four older sisters. As life went on the family was expanded by another three girls.

The Arc family traced its history back for many generations. Many great deeds had been done by the members of their bloodline. The most notable deeds were carried out by a hero during the greatest and most terrible of times.

The Great War had torn the people of Remnant apart, as allies, as friends, as families and as bodies. In spite of the horrors of war a man of the Arc line stood up, sword in hand and shield raised, ready to defend what he held dear. The tales of his deeds were passed on by his children and their children as well as their children. The stories continued until they reached the ears of the hero's great-great-grandson.

Like those born before him little Jaune was inspired by the tales. He saw his grandfather show him the sword and shield his ancestor had wielded.

A desire took root in the boy. He did not want to make a name for himself, he did not want the fame and glory. He wanted to be a hero.

His parents tried to persuade him otherwise. They told him that while many wanted to be heroes not all became heroes. Besides, there was no need for him to take up the mantle. The nations were at peace and the creatures of Grimm were held back by the huntsmen. Despite this, the boys aspirations persisted. He saw the huntsmen as this age's heroes and there had been huntsmen in the family before.

The parents now enlisted the help of the boy's sisters. The told him in no uncertain terms that he did not have the makings of a hero.

"Huntsmen are strong and tough." they said. "You are not strong and tough." they said. "You are an adorable, foolish goof." they told him.

As he was crying in defeat and shame they made him swear that he would cease all talk of becoming a huntsman in their home. And so he did.

And so Jaune's family let the matter be. They were certain that they had put an end to the foolishness. After all, they had raised him to always keep his word like all Arcs did.

But they had erred on one crucial detail.

Whilst Jaune did keep his word, he had not sworn to stop dreaming of becoming a huntsman, only that he would not talk about it.

For Jaune the dream was a light of hope. And the light kept on burning as he grew older.

The light of his dream did flicker, quite often in fact.

The words of his sisters had sown seeds of doubt in his mind. They were not the problems he faced. He was nothing special, he was ordinary. A rude person would even have called him less.

He was not small, nor was he big. He was not weak and fragile but one could not call him tough. He was not the stupidest but hardly the smartest either. In school he was bullied so he was saved by his sisters.

He would thank his sisters but he also resented the fact that he needed saving. He wanted to be to stand up for himself but his sisters would not let him. Was he not an Arc? Did he not come from a line of heroes, people who stood up against bullies? Why was he always stuck behind his sisters, even his younger ones?

They believed him to be unable to look out for himself. He wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to prove that his dream was not a fiction.

But he was stuck in life as he did not improve. While the big boys went to combat school he was stuck at home. His parents would never let him anywhere near such an institution.

Training on his own was never an option. Always someone wanted him to do something. Always was there a shore that needed to be done. The small hours was the only time he had for himself. During those hours he planned how to realize his dream.

When the day came when the stronger boys and girls finished combat school Jaune had a plan.

Maybe calling it a plan was a bit much but he at least it was an idea.

The light of his dream had nearly gone out and he decided to take a gamble. Jaune convinced one of his old "friends" to show him his transcripts. With the memory of the transcripts still fresh in his mind Jaune forged his own.

The idea was probably going to fail and land him a hefty fine.

The idea's hope for success were so bad that a snowball in hell would fall to its knees and thank the gods for their mercy and consider itself fortunate in comparison.

The forgeries were sent. Now all he could do was wait.

Jaune waited and waited. He would spend time with the other kids to hear if they had gotten their answers already. On his way home he would check the mailbox before anyone else. Jaune was about to give up hope when one day a letter came to him in the mail. It took all his willpower not to let his excitement show as he hid the letter under his shirt and went up to his room.

He had been accepted to Beacon Academy. Jaune thanked whatever god that had granted him this as he went to work. With his meager savings he booked transport to Vale. He dug out an old set of armor he had managed to scour from peddlers and packed them. All while keeping a straight face in front of his family.

His parents did not expect this. They believed they had put an end to their son's foolish ideas of becoming a huntsman.

They did not expect him to take down the family heirlooms from the wall in the dead of night when everyone was asleep.

They did not expect him to walk away alone through the woods in the dead of night.

When they realized their folly it was already too late. Their son and brother was on his way to Beacon.

The patriarch of the family made ready to race after his wayward son but his daughters stopped him.

"Jaune might have been accepted but only to the entrance exams. Once he fails them he will be coming back, none worse for wear."

The patriarch relented and decided to wait. His boy would be back soon enough.

…. Oh sweet dust, how wrong he had been.

In the future he would look back at that moment and call himself a fool for thinking it would be so easy. But then again, he hadn't had a way of know what would happen.


I think I’m gonna keep posting once every two days.

Monsterb620creators' thoughts
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