
Judgement Day

My eyes opened and I sat up with a start, remembering the battle that had been going on. When I looked around, though, I found nothing but the remains of our fight with Katye lying unconscious next to me. I checked her pulse which was strong, but most of her mana had been depleted. I looked myself over and found that my injuries had been healed, but I had barely any mana left within me which was strange since Katye did not have any healing spells to my knowledge.

If I had woken up here then there was a chance that I could still stop Cadogan, but I also could not leave Katye here alone. I picked her up carefully and carried her with me as I headed for the far end of the oxygen farm. It was not a short walk, and the destruction was all around me. I found the hallway and, as I made my way down it, Katye started to awaken.

"Becca? What... what happened? I thought that you had been..." Katye asked, letting her voice die off.

"I assumed it was you, but I'm not sure. I just woke up a few moments ago and found myself healed... since I woke up at all, I hoped that there was still a chance to stop Cadogan," I replied.

"I... I don't remember. The last thing that I do remember, was seeing you collapse after you destroyed most of the spirits and wraiths."

"And that's also where my memories end, but it's not the first time that I've had lapses in my memory after a big fight... So, do you know which door it is? I'd rather not test my luck against the Gen-9 compound," I asked.

"Second door from the end on the left side," she answered tiredly, then leaned her head on my shoulder.

I nodded my head and kept walking. I did not have the strength to run, but when I got to the door, I kicked it open instead of placing Katye down. Inside was a mostly empty white room, but there were still a few things. There was a strange metal device hanging down from the ceiling and under it was Luna lying motionless in a chair with her body restrained and a small workstation to the side of her. My heart dropped seeing her like that and the images of Derrick and Adria sitting in their home in Eden playing on the screen.

"We're too late," Katye said softly.

She tapped my arm, so I set her down on her feet. She walked over to Luna shakily and leaned heavily on the armrest. Despite knowing that there was little point to it, Katye started to undo the straps that were holding Luna down while I watched on silently, my anger slowly bubbling.

"I'm so sorry, Luna... I never should have involved you in this. I was selfish because I wanted to embrace my abilities and I could not do that and lead our people. We'll let Cadogan go and finish the trial. Once you ascend, you'll be able to rejoin them, all of them. Please let Echo and Raven know that we're sorry for failing them," Katye said softly as she pulled everything off.

"Like hell he will get to ascend. Clarke killed him before and I'm doing it this time!" I growl, my eyes locking onto a hole in the floor in the corner of the room.

"Clarke only managed to not doom humanity because of Raven and Octavia! You can't pull the same stunt and succeed."

"I'm done playing his game, Katye! He wanted to push the Final War and end this, so I'm ending it," I said firmly as I walked over and grabbed the handgun off the workstation.

The sadness in Katye's eyes was unmissable as she nodded her head. She bit her thumb then grabbed my arm and drew a dozen symbols across my forearm with her blood. "The code so you can enter the testing space. I'll stay with Luna and make sure that she is safe."

I nodded my head and headed for the hole in the ground while checking the gun's clip. Magic was not the only way to kill people and it was poetic for me to kill Cadogan this way. If I could not escape the ending of the show, then he could not escape his death.

I hopped into the tunnel and had to hunch over since it was only about four feet tall and barely wide enough for a person to slide through. Dmitriy was unaccounted for, so making my way through this could be dangerous, but I did not care. My anger would be enough fuel to fight him off if he tried anything, but I reached the other end without sensing any mana, and it was easy to understand why when I poked my head into the Anomaly Stone room.

Dmitriy was propped up against a wall with a gun in his hand as he breathed weakly. His skin was deathly pale except for a small graze on his cheek which had turned jet black and oozed green puss. He was awake and looked at me with empty eyes, but he did not have the strength to squeeze the trigger, let alone pick up the gun and aim it at me.

"Somehow, I knew you would survive," Dmitriy croaked hoarsely.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry it had to be this way," I said, pointing my gun at him.

"For what it's worth, I asked the Shepard to wait and talk with you after Amser's vision. You would not have risked all of humanity for your selfish desires, just perhaps make it wait a while longer," he said with a weak smile.

I pulled the trigger and shot him in the head. Unlike Artem, Dmitriy would often make conversation with me while we walked between the Anomaly Stone and Sanctum. I would not use the term 'friends' to describe us, but I knew his character well enough to know that he was not a terrible person, just dedicated to his beliefs as twisted as they may have been.

Using the code from Katye, I touched the symbols one by one and felt a powerful source of mana wrap around me. The next thing I knew, I had been teleported to a wooden overlook with a backdrop of blue, purple, and pink across a night sky. Cadogan and the Judge, who took the appearance of his daughter, were talking, but they both noticed my arrival and stopped. I did not even give him the chance to say anything, and I shot him right between the eyes.

"You better be Tori or able to call him," I growled, pointing the gun at the Judge.

"Perhaps I should have placed you as Clarke instead," a familiar voice chuckled from behind me as the Judge, and the surroundings, dissolved into motes of light and the world turned into a room of endless white just like when I had first woken up in this universe.

I turned around to find Tori standing behind me. With all of the pent-up anger that I had built up over the twelve years being here, I swung my fist and punched him in the face. Unfortunately, it would have been softer to punch a steel wall, but there was a bit of satisfaction when I saw a few drops of blood drip from his nose.

"Yeah, I guess I deserved that," Tori chuckled, wiping the blood away.

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

A/N: The next book in the series is titled Star Trek: Voyager and the Descendants of Q and I will be keeping the same schedule for releases. I'll try to release a couple on the first day, but I need to rebuild my stock. 'The Last Stand' chapters wiped me out because I'm not good at writing such big fight scenes.

A/N: If you would like to support me, join my Pat reon - Azazii6181?fan_landing=true.

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